
英文版《小猪佩奇》系列第二季02Emily Elephant 大象艾米丽

关注☞ 小学英语学习帮 2023-02-11





Emily Elephant





Emily Elephant大象埃米莉Peppa and herfriends are佩帕和她的朋友们going to playgroup today.今天要去游戏组。The children each have their孩子们各有各的own hook to hang their coats on.自己挂衣服的钩子。Today, we have a new pupil,今天,我们有了一个新学生,Emily Elephant.埃米莉大象。Hello, Emily!“你好,艾米丽!”Hello.你好。Emily is a bit shy.艾米丽有点害羞。Who would like to show Emily谁想给艾米丽看where to hang her coat?她的外套挂在哪里?Me! Me! Me! Me!我!我!我!我!We just need one.我们只需要一个。Peppa, can you show Emily“佩帕,你能给艾米丽看看吗?”where to hang hercoat?她的外套挂在哪里?Yes, Madame Gazelle.“是的,瞪羚夫人。”We each have our own coat hooks.我们每个人都有自己的衣钩。This one is foryou, Emily.“这是给你的,艾米丽。”Emily is hanging her coat艾米丽在挂外套on her very own coat hook.在她自己的衣钩上。Now, Emily,“现在,艾米丽,”what would you like to do today?你今天想做什么?Painting,“绘画,”clay or building-blocks?粘土还是积木?Um. I don't know.嗯。我不知道。Maybe building-blocks.也许是积木。And everyone else; painting,以及其他人;绘画clay or building-blocks?粘土还是积木?Building-Blocks!!!积木!!!My goodness!天哪!Building-blocks积木are populartoday!今天很流行!Everyone wants to sit每个人都想坐next to Emily Elephant.埃米莉大象旁边。Emily, you put one block“艾米丽,你挡了一个街区”on top of another.在另一个上面。Like this.这样地。It's better好多了if you put them side-by-side.如果你把它们并排放在一起。No, this way, Emily.“不,这边走,艾米丽。”This is the right way, Emily.“这是正确的方法,艾米丽。”No, Emily! Like this.“不,艾米丽!就像这样。”You're all being very helpful.你们都很乐于助人。But Emily, how would you“但是艾米丽,你会怎么做?”play with the blocks?玩积木?Um. I'm not very sure.嗯。我不太确定。I might do it like this.我可以这样做。Wow!真的!Emily Elephant is good埃米莉大象很好at building-blocks.在积木上。It is playtime.现在是游戏时间。Horray!霍瑞!Emily, would you like to play“艾米丽,你想玩吗?”outside with the others?和其他人在外面?Yes, please.“是的,请。”Can someone show Emily有人能给艾米丽看一下吗where we play?我们在哪里玩?Yes, Madame Gazelle.“是的,瞪羚夫人。”At playtime,在游戏时间,Peppa and herfriends play佩帕和她的朋友们玩in the school garden.在学校的花园里。Can't catch me!抓不到我!What a lot of noise!太吵了!Let's see who is the loudest!让我们看看谁最大声!Ok. I. Il go first.好 啊。我先去。Squeak! Squeak!吱吱声!吱吱声!That was quite loud.那声音很大。Now, it is Zoe Zebra's turn.“现在轮到佐伊·斑马了。”Brrrrrrrrr!brrrrrrrr!Now Suzy Sheep.现在是苏西羊。Baaaaa!巴阿!Now Danny Dog.现在丹尼狗。Woof! Woof!呜!呜!That was very loud.那声音很大。My turn! Meow!轮到我了!喵!My turn! Whinnee!轮到我了!呜呜!My turn! SNOOORT!!!!!轮到我了!史努特!!!!!Peppa is the loudest.佩帕是最大声的。Emily, you try!“艾米丽,你试试看!”I'm not too sure.我不太确定。Please, Emily!“求你了,艾米丽!”Ok. I'll try.好 啊。我试试看。AOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHGH!哎呀!My goodness!天哪!That was loud.太吵了。Wow!真 的!Do it again!再来一次!AOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHGH!哎呀!Emily is not shy anymore.艾米丽不再害羞了。Emily, would you like to play“艾米丽,你想玩吗?”my favourite game?我最喜欢的游戏?What is yourfavourite game?你最喜欢的游戏是什么?Jumping in muddy puddles!在泥泞的水坑里跳!That's my favourite game, too!“那也是我最喜欢的游戏!”Peppa loves jumping up佩帕喜欢跳起来and down in muddy puddles.在泥泞的水坑里。Emily loves jumping up艾米丽喜欢跳起来and down in muddy puddles.在泥泞的水坑里。This looks like fun.这看起来很有趣。Yippee!伊佩!Madame Gazelle loves jumping up瞪羚夫人喜欢跳起来and down in muddy puddles.在泥泞的水坑里。Everyone loves jumping up每个人都喜欢跳起来and down in muddy puddles.在泥泞的水坑里。Emily, have you enjoyed“艾米丽,你喜欢吗?”your first day at our playgroup?你在我们游戏组的第一天?Yes, Madame Gazelle!“是的,瞪羚夫人!”And I see you've made我知道你已经lots of new friends.很多新朋友。Yes!对!Emily elephant is my friend!埃米莉大象是我的朋友!And Emily is my friend.艾米丽是我的朋友。And mine!还有我的!And mine! And mine!还有我的!还有我的!Emily, who do you like best?“艾米丽,你最喜欢谁?”Um.嗯。I like, Suzy and Danny and Zoe“我喜欢,苏西,丹尼和佐伊”and Rebecca and Pedro and Peppa!还有丽贝卡,佩德罗和佩帕!

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