

可乐 英语学习社 2022-07-26




“The show bucks the trend of reality shows that put teenage unknowns in the spotlight.”


 "抵制;反抗"(to resist or oppose sth)。文中buck the trend  就表示“反潮流”。还记得英文版木兰诗(点击跳转)中的“雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离”中雄兔和雌兔怎么翻译的吗?buck也可以表示“雄兔等雄性动物”,doe表示“雌兔、雌鹿”。

in the spotlight

介词短语,“处于公众注意的中心”。文中put...in the spotlight就表示“让...成为焦点/瞩目”。


「sisters riding the winds and breaking the waves」,简单直接地把姐姐们的威武霸气展现了出来。


「sisters who make waves」。make waves 表示“兴风作浪;引起轰动”,「兴风作浪的姐姐」,维基百科简直是看到了姐姐们的本质内涵。

英文媒体radii在报道时也借用了维基百科的这一说法,还在标题中把这些姐姐称作“leftover women”。这个词想必大家从字面上就可以猜出来是“剩女”的意思(a widely-used derogatory贬低的、不敬的 slang term俚语 that describes single women aged 27 or older),在文中就表示她们是娱乐圈过气的女明星。


For example, when asked to give a personal introduction, actress Ning Jing angrily replied, “Do I still need to introduce myself? All my efforts in the past few decades went in vain then.”

Meanwhile Taiwanese singer Yi Nengjing — who at 52 is the oldest contestant on the show — refused to change her posture on the stage and asked the director to adapt to her style instead.

Another notable contestant is Zhang Yuqi, an actress and singer who left a strong impression in the first episode thanks to a confident, honest and natural performance.

而财经媒体ChinaFilmInsider在节目播出后关注的是节目的制作方芒果TV的股价和市值问题,Mango TV's stock price rose to a historical high。

文中把节目名翻译为「sisters who brave winds and waves」。brave除了常作形容词表示“勇敢的”,还可以作动词表示“勇敢面对;冒(风险);经受(困难)”,brave winds and waves就可以表示“乘风破浪”。

而英文媒体teller report在报道时着重分析了这个节目成为爆款的原因。

文中把节目翻译成「sisters who rides the winds and waves」,跟《南华早报》类似,但是好像没有破浪内味儿了


A while ago, 44-year-old Liu Mintao's "drunken" immersive performance detonated the Internet. The "three-point cool, three-point sneer, four-point casual" performance gained nearly 40 million times of broadcast data, and people newly discovered "her" , Is a more real, interesting and comfortable image, which also makes the public start to look forward to, looking forward to the stage performance of middle-aged female stars.


“沉浸式的、身临其境的”,由名词immersion "沉浸、浸泡"演变而来。


“引爆; 爆炸”。除了指引爆炸弹以外还可以引申为引爆网络。


Middle-aged female entertainers, especially actresses, are too lacking in the stage to show the "charm of middle-aged girls", and the entertainment industry has left them with too few opportunities. Last year, Hai Qing shouted in public at a film festival in hopes that the market would give middle-aged actresses a few more ways to live. Song Dandan, Jiang Wenli, Tao Hong and others also made similar statements.


