


Angry Tesla Owner Protests Atop Car at Shanghai Auto Show


A disgruntled Tesla Inc. owner climbed atop one of the electric vehicle pioneer’s cars on the opening day of the Shanghai Auto Show, before being dragged away by security.


Wearing a white T-shirt with Chinese writing that translated as “Brake Lost Control,” the woman climbed onto a red Model 3 in Tesla’s modest booth on Monday, according to videos and photos circulating on social media.

据社交媒体上流传的视频和照片显示,周一,这名女子身穿一件白色T恤,上面写着刹车失灵的中文字样,爬上了特斯拉小展台的一辆红色Model 3。

Security guards surrounded the woman, and used open umbrellas to try conceal her message. However, she batted them away, repeatedly yelling “Tesla brake lost control,” before being dragged from the car and escorted away.


Tesla said the woman, a car-owner from Henan, “is widely known for having repeatedly protested against Tesla’s brake issue.” She was live-streaming earlier from near Tesla’s booth before staging her protest. After failing to persuade her to come down from the car, the company decided to start security measures, a Shanghai-based representative said.


Tesla “places great emphasis” on consumer rights, and has raised several solutions in previous negotiations with the woman, but she insisted on returning the car while refusing to have an independent check-up, the representative said.


The woman claims the brakes of her Model 3 failed and four of her family members were almost killed in an accident, Shine News reported last month. However, Tesla said vehicle data showed the car was traveling at almost 120 kilometers per hour (75 miles per hour) and the car’s braking and emergency-warning systems had functioned properly.

据上海日报上个月报道,这名女子声称她的Model 3刹车失灵,她的四名家庭成员几乎在事故中丧生。不过,特斯拉表示,车辆数据显示,该车当时以近120公里/小时(75英里/小时)的速度行驶,而且该车的制动和紧急预警系统是正常运行。

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