

刚刚,7月31日22:31,@平安北京朝阳 官方发布通报:针对网络举报的“吴某凡多次诱骗年轻女性发生性关系”等有关情况,经警方调查,吴某凡(男,30岁,加拿大籍)因涉嫌强奸罪,目前已被朝阳公安分局依法刑事拘留,案件侦办工作正在进一步开展。

One of China's Biggest Stars Faces a #MeToo Storm

The New York Times

Several major luxury brands have severed ties with Kris Wu, a Chinese Canadian singer with a huge following, after an 18-year-old accused him of targeting and pressuring her and other young women for sex.


The accusations, which Mr. Wu denied in multiple statements, have triggered widespread public outrage and thrown his career into tumult. At least 11 companies including Louis Vuitton, Bulgari, Porsche and L’Oréal suspended or terminated contracts with Mr. Wu this week, after his accuser spoke out during an interview with an online Chinese news outlet on Sunday.

吴亦凡多次发表声明对指控予以否认,但这些指控引发了广泛公愤,并使他的职业生涯陷入动荡。本周,包括路易威登(Louis Vuitton)、宝格丽(Bulgari)、保时捷(Porsche)和欧莱雅(L’Oréal)在内的至少11家公司暂停或终止了与吴亦凡的合同。此前,他的指控者在周日接受一家中国网络新闻媒体的采访时站出来讲出此事。

Mr. Wu, 30, rose to fame as a member of the K-pop band EXO before embarking on a solo career as a model, actor and singer, drawing more than 50 million fans online as well as lucrative endorsement deals. Known in China as Wu Yifan, he is one of the country’s most popular celebrities to face #MeToo accusations.


Mr. Wu’s accuser is Du Meizhu, a university student in Beijing who said she first met him when she was 17. She said she had been invited to Mr. Wu’s home by his agent with the suggestion that he could help her acting career, according to her social media posts and the interview with Netease, an online portal. Once there, she was pressured to drink cocktails until she lost consciousness, she said, and later found herself in his bed.


Ms. Du said she believed that this was a tactic he used to draw other young women. She accused Mr. Wu of regarding women as though they were all concubines in a harem. “You look at a lot of pictures of girls at drinking parties and select them like merchandise,” she wrote in one social media post, addressing him directly.


Mr. Wu has denied the accusations, through his lawyer, Zhai Jiayu, and public statements. On Monday, Mr. Wu said that he had only met Ms. Du once in December of last year.


“I declare that there has never been any ‘selecting a concubine’!” he wrote on the social media platform Weibo, referring to Ms. Du’s harem comment. He denied having ever seduced, drugged or raped anyone. “If there was such behavior, please don’t worry, I will go to jail by myself!”


His lawyer has vowed to file a lawsuit against Ms. Du and report her to the police for defamation. Ms. Du has also said that she reported her accusations to the police.


Ms. Du and Mr. Wu did not respond to emailed requests to comment.


Ms. Du’s account has been met with an outpouring of support, a sign of the growing strength of the country’s small Me Too movement. One of her posts on Weibo has been liked by more than 10 million users. Hashtags such as #girlshelpgirls and others calling for Mr. Wu to quit show business have been viewed by millions.

都美竹的说法得到了如潮的支持,这表明中国小众的“#我也是”运动的力量在不断增强。她在微博上的一篇帖子获得了超过1000万用户的点赞。“#girlshelpgirls (#女孩帮助女孩)”和其他呼吁吴亦凡退出演艺圈的话题标签已获得数以百万计的浏览。

