
CATTI备考笔记 | 2个句子,6个表达—2021政府工作报告翻译要点学习笔记(5)

M 君 北京策马翻译 2022-10-02

【26】大幅度扩大失业保险保障范围。【27】对因疫情遇困群众及时给予救助,新纳入低保、特困供养近 600 万人,实施临时救助超过 800 万人次

We expanded the coverage of unemployment insurance schemes, and extended timely assistance to those who were hit particularly hard by Covid-19. Close to six million additional people received subsistence allowances or extreme poverty aid, and more than eight million temporary assistance grants were disbursed.



「1」失业保险保障范围:the coverage of unemployment insurance schemes

「2」低保:subsistence allowances

「3」 特困供养:extreme poverty aid





We fought against severe floods, typhoons, and other natural disasters and spared no effort to provide rescue and relief to disaster victims and make appropriate arrangements for them, thus protecting people’s lives and property and ensuring their basic living needs.



全力:spare no effort


「1」注意“等”的翻译方法,可译为“……and other……”,避免译为“and so on”。



3. We made decisive progress in the three critical battles against poverty, pollution and potential risk, achieving major targets and tasks as planned.


We increased funding for poverty alleviation by a considerable sum.


Counties and villages facing difficulty in poverty eradication were placed under special supervision to see they fully implemented all assistance and support policies.



「1」三大攻坚战:the three critical battles against poverty, pollution and potential risk

「2」财政扶贫资金:funding for poverty alleviation

「3」工作难度大的贫困县和贫困村:Counties and villages facing difficulty in poverty eradication


We assisted on a priority basis poor workers in securing jobs and poor rural migrant workers who had returned home in finding new jobs, thus keeping rural residents’ incomes from nonagricultural work stable.




「2」 务工收入:incomes from nonagricultural work


“on a priority basis”在译文中可理解为插入语。“优先”在政府报告中属于高频表达,可翻译为“prioritize”“give priority to”等。


We worked harder to reduce poverty through the development of local industries and promote consumer spending on products from poor areas.




We strengthened monitoring for groups who are liable to return to, or fall into, poverty, and provided them with assistance.

【35】年初剩余的 551 万农村贫困人口全部脱贫、52 个贫困县全部摘帽

All remaining poor rural residents, totaling 5.51 million in early 2020, were lifted from poverty, as were all of China’s remaining 52 poor counties.


「1」返贫致贫:return to or fall into poverty

「2」农村贫困人口:poor rural residents


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