

美国AIPU 美国国际摄影师联盟AIPU 2020-08-26



 方国政,出生于上海,毕业于上海应技大学艺术与设计学院(原上海轻工业专科学校美术专业),七十年代部队军旅画家,八十年代群众文化工作,从事专业摄影。作品多次入选全国、全军美展、电视台曾拍摄人物专题片《挑杂货担的人——青年画家方国政》,1989年荣获首届上海文化艺术节优秀成果大奖, 90年代初去法国等国作访问学者。


    Fang Guozheng, a famous painter, a member of the China Artists Association, an academician and a researcher of the New York "World Academy of Art-Modern Oil Painting College".

    Fang Guozheng was born in Shanghai and graduated from the Art and Design Department of the Shanghai Institute of Technology(Originally Department of Fine Arts, Shanghai Light Industry School), he was a military artist in the 70s, in the 80s, he worked in public culture and professional photography. His works were selected for the national and military exhibitions,the TV Station made the character biography film "The Man Who Carries a Load---Young Painter Fang Guozheng ", in 1989, he won the Outstanding Art Achievement Award in the First Shanghai Art Festival, in the early 90s, he went to France and other countries as a visiting scholar.

    Published work collections include "Oil Paint Opusculum", "Walk and Photograph", "Generous Opusculum", etc..


Fang's Opusculum


  Fang Guozheng mainly uses imagerial landscape paintings to express his consideration for Chinese culture via art language. Different artists will use different ways of paintings to show this spirit, and his answers are in the form of art, letting people take a mental trip while enjoying painting works.

 小品~本为形式单纯的小制作,然,方之小品却非如此,在他的画笔色彩之外更多出了几分生活的亲近感,显得生机盎然,以一种敏感的生活体验获得了他人所缺乏的真实性写生作品,这种视觉经验形成的一幅幅小巧精湛的画面而闪烁着智慧之光。他时有作品参加全国美展,然而在他的艺术生涯中,走了条非常个性化的道路,他擅长摄影并很有建树,他是比利时签约画家,绘画风格有象征性的随意性,来自现实,勾画的作品却隐现着构成主义的精髓,内心深处却似乎透着超现实主义的灵性,运用变形、分割、重组等艺术手法自由发挥,随心所欲,以简捷的艺术形式,我想这一切或许就是艺术现象的迷奇所在..... 因为这里有一种表达,很平凡,但是很精彩。

    Opusculum ~ Originally are simple productions, but, Fang's opusculum is different, there are more intimate feelings of life despite the colors. By using carefully felt experiences that others lacked, creating realistic paintings from life, these fine works that are formed by such visuality shine with the glow of wisdom. He often has works chosen to participate in national art exhibitions, but he chose a unique path in his art career. He is adept in photography and has good ideas, he is a signed painter of Belgium with a typical casual style. They are from reality, but the works disclose the essence of Constructivism. On the other hand, deep inside, they reveal the liveliness of Surrealism, applying deformation, division, regrouping, and other artistic methods freely, following the heart, and using simple art form. I think these are the mystery of artistic phenomena..... Because there is an expression, which is very ordinary, but fascinating.

黄铁山 Huang Tieshan

原中国美术家协会水彩画艺委会主任 Former director of the WaterColor Committee of China Artist Association


Fang Guozheng's Oil Paints:

洋山港(布本油画 80x110cm)Yangshan Port (Oil Paints on Canvas)

露天车间(布本油画40x55cm)Outdoor Workshop (Oil Paints on Canvas)

上坡(布面油画40x55cm)Uphill (Oil Paints on Canvas)

草花(布本油画50x60cm)Flowers (Oil Paints on Canvas)

红泥村(布本油画60x85)Red Mud Village (Oil Paints on Canvas)

静静的老街(布本油画 60x50cm)The Quiet Old Street (Oil Paints on Canvas)

老街深处(布本油画60x50cm)Deep Inside the Old Street (Oil Paints on Canvas)

阿姆斯特丹(布本油画 80x80cm)Amsterdam (Oil Paints on Canvas)

布鲁日(布本油画 60x80cm)Bruges (Oil Paints on Canvas)

老树老宅(布本油画 60x80cm)Old Tree Old House (Oil Paints on Canvas)

山村艳阳天(布本油画60x80cm)A Sunny Day in the Mountain Village (Oil Paints on Canvas)

威尼斯(布本油画 50x60cm)Venice (Oil Paints on Canvas)

阳光老屋(布本油画 70x100cm)The Sunlit Old House (Oil Paints on Canvas)

渔港印象(布本油画100x130cm)The Memory of the Fishing Port (Oil Paints on Canvas)

鱼憩(布本油画60x80cm)Rest (Oil Paints on Canvas)



编译:Cindy & Mary


推荐阅读曹志雄的版画艺术 晒佛大法会——杨云的藏地画谈系列故事 《纽约五月的芳菲》——美籍华裔艺术家刘树春的绘画与摄影作品 空城曼哈顿,依然美丽(上)——摄影师朱迪带你网游纽约 一位诗人的“山、水、人物”摄影情怀——白云艺术摄影作品赏析 

