

美国AIPU 美国国际摄影师联盟AIPU 2020-09-04



沈克明,著名旅澳艺术家,生于上海,毕业于上海轻工业专科学校装潢美术系。曾先后任上海美术设计公司平面设计员,华东师范大学美术系教师。现为澳洲维多利亚州美术家协会会员、美国肖像画家协会会员、纽约《世界艺术研究院-油画雕塑院》院士、研究员。1988年赴澳大利亚,先后在墨尔本大学“出版印刷工作室”任平面设计员,商业广告公司设计员、画师,1995年墨尔本开设个人“实用美术工作室”, 2004年在“Jiotto美术工作室”教授油画肖像和静物,2006年莫尔文美术家协会聘美术教师至今。

Shen Keming, a famous artist who takes tours in Australia, born in Shanghai, and graduated from the Department of Decorative Arts of Shanghai Institute of Technology. He once worked as a graphic designer for the Shanghai Art Design Company and a professor of the art department at East China Normal University. He is now a member of the Victoria Artists Association of Australia, a member of the American Portrait Painters Association, an academician and a researcher of the New York "World Academy of Art-Oil Painting Sculpture College." In 1988, Shen went to Australia and worked as a graphic designer for "Publishing and Printing Studio" at the University of Melbourne, and a designer and painter at an advertising company. In 1995, he opened his own "Practical Art Studio" in Melbourne, in 2004, he taught Oil Paintings of portraiting and still objects in "Jiotto Art Studio," he serves as the art teacher of the Malvern Artists Association until today since 2006.





2008年蒙纳士美术馆“现场即兴作画大奖赛”(masterpiece in A Day open Competition) 第二名和“最爱观众喜爱”奖



2013-St. Kevin's College Annual Art Exhibition, 1st Place in Oil Painting and the "Most Loved By the Audiences" Award

2008- "Australian Artists" magazine painting competition, 1st Place

2008-St. Kevin's College Annual Art Exhibition, "Most Loved By the Audiences" Award

2008-Monash Museum of Art "Live Impromptu Painting Competition Award" (masterpiece in A Day open Competition) and 2nd Place for the "Most Loved By the Audiences" Award

2006-Young Achilles Annual Portrait Exhibition, 3rd Place


Keming's sketches do not have a solemn theme, nor they have a grand narrative. He uses real-life scenes and nature to blend, symbiosis, and create...


He is not locked on anyone of the technics, but, he uses brushes loosely and smoothly with bright colors, the image has a sense of freedom and ease, not sinking in "overly refined" to avoid destroying the liveliness of the picture.


His sketches have flexible compositions, some are as simple with only a plain gray background and one subject, some are colorful and attractive with a clear distinction between the main and the secondary subjects, making the whole picture very harmonious.


He applies the attitude of realistic creation and uses fine drawings to express visual authenticity. But the image's composition and visual traits are emphasizing modern sight feelings in the current living environment.


Language cannot really show the real charms of art, real arts are unspeakable. Let artist Keming's works to explain everything, and wish him and his works to be shinny!

沈克明的作品Shen Keming's Works

戏水 Playing in the water

Sweet Sleep

Specks of Gold


City Square,Melbourne

Sunday Fair

蓝光 Blue Light

光影 Light Shadows

雨中情 Love in the Rain

Little Cafe

Colors of a  Summer Festival


欢迎收藏作品/ Welcome to Collect Works

整理/ Organize:Lisa

编译/Edit & Translate:Cindy & Mary

制作/ Produce:AIPU

AIPU工作微信 /Work WeChat:AIPU-2015   

推荐阅读张艳:多重曝光拍摄  “加法”影像美入心扉 张成斌的摄影艺术 《纽约五月的芳菲》——美籍华裔艺术家刘树春的绘画与摄影作品 空城曼哈顿,依然美丽(上)——摄影师朱迪带你网游纽约 曹志雄的版画艺术 

