全球确诊 111620 累计治愈 62353 累计死亡 3885
海外确诊 30712 累计治愈 3614 累计死亡 762
中国确诊 80908 累计治愈 58739 累计死亡 3123
全美确诊 695 累计治愈 10 累计死亡 26
华州确诊 162 累计治愈 1 累计死亡 22
团队送的爱心礼品之一,署名:With Love & Support From Your Seattle Area Community Support Team 来自本地社区的爱和支持
*群里都在转发:所有在美国六十岁以上的人和有慢性疾病的人注意了!CDC 最新的建议:这两群人,不要旅行,不要聚会,不要去教会,买东西找没人的时候!
一线医生发的(主要是强调重视新冠病毒,注意卫生,有症状戴口罩以保护自己,保护家人,及时联系医生): I will say: my coworkers and myself are in a unique position being at the epicenter of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Today I was in the ICU which is the hot spot where, despite excellent- and I mean excellent- care, people are dying- a toll is running. One of the doctors who has had many of these patients is a friend of mine, and let me tell you- care is not lacking when a patient is in his hands. Nurses and doctors alike are fighting for these lives. But a toll is running, in our hospital, before our eyes. The majority of these patients, as we all know, have come from a nursing home where my coworkers and I discharge our patients to regularly- all the freakin time. And this is all, btw, in my dearly beloved home town: Kirkland, WA.
I’m not posting this to spread irrational fear but rather to spread a healthy respect- meaning, please respect the severity of COVID-19. And please know that it’s not all about you, and I don’t mean that meanly. What I mean is that just because you won’t die if you get it doesn’t mean your loved one won’t, or your neighbor, or the lady next to you at the grocery store. Cover your coughs in your elbow, not your hands. Guard any air from your coughs like lives depended on it. Try to be on heightened awareness. If not for you, for your friend’s mom. You get the picture.
I also want to say: if you are in a high risk position- like you live with a hospital caregiver especially in Kirkland, for example- and you are on an immunosuppressant medication- please call your doctor and explain your situation and ask them to consider risk vs benefit, due to this very unusual circumstance. Please follow their direction either way and do not adjust anything without their direction. But it is something I wanted to mention.