

2017-04-21 thinlong 瘦龙健康




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今天的主讲人是Dr . Stephen Phinney,斯塔福大学硕士研究生,麻省理工大学博士,哈佛博士后他是加利福尼亚、明尼苏达、佛蒙特等多所大学的教授,致力于饮食、运动及脂肪酸代谢,炎症等领域的研究长达35年。

他的代表作《TheNew Atkins for a New You》被纽约时报评为2010年度畅销书。今天视频的主题是基于他的另一部代表作,低碳生活的科学与艺术《The Art And Science of Low-Carbohydrate Living》。




  • 人体适应低碳饮食的周期,适应了低碳生酮饮食后爆碳存在哪些风险?

  • 为什么高碳水饮食容易让你饥饿,情绪不稳定,暴躁。

  • 以居住在北极地区的因纽特人为例,证实了近乎零碳水化合物饮食,也可以保持机体的健康状态。

  • 低碳生酮饮食应该如何吃,如何选择适合的脂肪作为机体的能量来源?

这个视频是以采访的形式进行的,所以在下文会以问(Q,Question) 和答(A,Answer)的形式进行。

问: 什么是低碳饮食,如何长期坚持低碳?

Q: What is low carb and how do you do it long term? That’s your area ofexpertise, right?

答: 是的,我一直对于机体如何适应低碳饮食(通常定义为少于50g/天)十分感兴趣,要适应这样的饮食习惯,通常需要经历几个阶段。





A: Yes, I’ve been very interested in how humans adapt to low-carbohydratediets and there are multiple phases of forms of adaptation. Of course there isa fact that you have to give up something that’s sweet or it’s delicious orfood that you eat and those are behavioral adaptations. And those do occur, butmy interest has been how the human body adapts and if I’ve made onecontribution over the last few decades of my research, it’s demonstrating thatthe full adaptation when one takes most of the carbs of the diet requires atleast two weeks and probably like four to six weeks. Then staying continuouslylow-carb without interruption for the body to fully undergo adaptation to whatI call nutritional ketosis. So the term we developed for that is what we callketo adaptation. If the people undergoes keto adaptation, the body fuel usefundamentally changes and the most obvious aspect of that is one has mucheasier access to body fat stores, basically to the large fuel tank that wecarry with us. Even a lean person can carry 10,000 calories of fat in body fatstores, but only 1000 to 2000 calories is glycogen. So by keto adapting, youactually get access to your much larger reserves of fuel. That’s mean, if oneis overweight, it makes it more feasible to lose the extra weight and get downto a lean body weight.



Q: How do people stay in this long term?

答: 执行低碳的过程远比不吃碳水化合物来得更复杂,为了保持机体能够长期使用脂肪作为能量来源,我们必须维持机体处于“酮症”状态。


也就是说,如果一个人想要维持低碳饮食,那么他就不能让自己“放纵”,一天也不行, 如果在低碳饮食中穿插一天的高碳饮食,那么机体就需要再花2到4周的时间重新回到“酮症”状态这就是爆碳水的代价哦

A: It’s a little more complex than just not eating carb. In order tomaintain this optimum access to body fat fuel, one needs to in essence to stayin a ketogenic state, and the benefits of nutritional ketosis are quite simplythe fact that the brain has a continuous supple of fuel. So you won’t have thefeelings of anxious or hunger due to the short of energy supply, which ishappening on a low carb on a high carb diet or even intermittent doses of carb.So one of the messages is that in order to do low carb long-term, you need tostay low-carb. You cannot have holidays, or take one day or a weekend off. Ifyou take one day off, it takes 2 to 4 weeks to readapt.


问: 如果在短期高碳饮食后,重新适应的周期会减短吗?

Q: What if you just take a short break and go back, is the adaptation quicker?

答: 目前尚无临床研究的证据证明这一点,但就我多年的临床经验来看,如果短期高碳饮食,人们通常需要一到两周的适应时间,才能使得血液中酮体的水平再次回到相对稳定的状态。


A: This excellent question hasn’t been adequately studied with objectiveresearch. But in my clinical practice, if they took a weekend off, when wemeasured ketone levels in the blood, it took at least a week or two weeks tobring come back to the new stable state. So our analogy is that being a ketoadaptive state is like living in a top of a steep sand dune; so it’s very hardto climb up, once you climb up and you are going to the top, you are stable andeasy to stay there. But you slide back down, it's hard to climb back again.


问: 关于长期维持低碳饮食,你有什么好的建议?什么事情最为重要呢?

Q: What are your best tips for people to make it easier to stay on this fora long time? What’s important to think about?

答: 有几点对于长期维持低碳饮食起着至关重要的作用。



A: There are couple key points to make this kind of diet sustainable to beon a long term. First of all, when one is first on a low carb diet and losingweight, a fair amount of energy that burned each day comes from body fatstores. But once a person gets use to a new healthy way, the key to adaptestate is that they cannot add more carbohydrate. They should eat protein inmoderation because high protein intakes reduce ketones, though not efficientlyas carbohydrates. So in order to have a weight stable ketogenic diet, it mustbe a high-fat diet. In my case, I eat 75% to 80% of my daily energy comes fromfat.


问: 我想很多人对于低碳饮食或者阿特金斯饮食的理解是低碳高蛋白饮食,但这个跟你的观点有点背道而驰了,对吗?

Q: I think this is an important point because a lot of people think theAtkins diet or low-carb diets as high protein low carbohydrate diets. But thatis not quite true in your opinion, right?





A: That’s true. When you look at the induction phase of Atkins which issomeone first starts the diet and who won’t intend to loss weight, they mighteat 1,400 calories per day. For a heavy man, his BMR might be 2,800 caloriesper day, so the other half is coming from body fat. So when you look at what’sthe person eats, if he eats 600 or 800 calories comes from protein, that lookslike a half protein diet. But that’s only what the mouth sees, what the body isseeing a moderate protein intake because the mouth isn’t seeing the half that’scoming from inside. But when you come to maintenance, it means you are notburning more body fat and that requires that all of the fat that you areburning has to come from outside.


问: 如果进行低碳水高蛋白饮食,会有什么影响吗?

Q: What happens to you for the new steady state when you do a low carb highprotein diet?

答: 我们可以做个简单的计算:如果我每天消耗2800大卡,其中有一半需要来自蛋白质供能(也就是1400大卡)。








A: If you do the math, you would have to eat a whole lot of protein. Let’ssay I need to burn 2,800 calories per day and I want to eat half of that isprotein, that would be 1,400 calories per day is protein. It’s expensive, andthat level of protein intake make people feel sick, cause gastrointestinalupset, weakness, and fatigue. And that levels of protein protect body frombeing ketosis which means now you lost your easiest access to body fat stores,and you’ve allowed protein to be a metabolic impediment to block your access tofat. So make it sustainable a low carbohydrate diet satiating (means you aresatisfied) and to provide the right mix of fuel so that you keep making ketoneswhich keeps feeding the brain. You need to keep protein moderate and keep carbslow, so the only source of energy is fat. So when we look at the Aboriginalcultures, what do hunters and herders eat because they don’t stay in anylocation long enough to grow a crop, or people who live in an environment likethe Inuit where there are no investable carbohydrate foods. They choose not togather carb containing foods, but to eat only meat and fat which contain largeamount of fat and moderate amount of protein. The Inuit killed the caribou whenthe caribou are fat, then the lean parts were reserved to feed the dogs, whilethe high-fat foods were for human. So the Inuit eat 75% to 85% of fat, 15%protein and less than 5% carbs.


问: 如果因纽特人只摄入脂肪和肉类,他们会发生维生素C的缺乏症状吗?

Q: If you only eat fat and meat in the situation of Inuit, you don’t getlack of Vitamin C?

答: 目前我们还没有很好的答案。但是我们知道,1928年在贝尔维尤医院的研究结果显示,如果是摄入新鲜的肉类和脂肪,人类是不会发生坏血病的。有一个假说是我们之所以需要更高的维生素C,是因为我们摄入过多的碳水化合物,而高碳水可以引发机体发生氧化应激反应。

A: We don’t have a good answer for that now. But we do know that eatingfresh meat and fat doesn’t cause scurvy and that was a result of an experimentdone at Bellevue hospital in 1928. That raises one hypothesis that higheramount of Vitamin C is required because we eat a lot of carbohydrates and nowwe know that the carbohydrates increase the body’s level of oxidative stress.


问: 在接受人们可以很好地耐受低碳高脂饮食后,我们应该摄入什么样的脂肪呢?

Q: The another key point factor of maintaining low-carb diet for a longterm is if one accepts the fact that one can live well on high-fat moderatediet. The question is what kind of fat we should take.

答: 我们还以因纽特人为例,他们摄入的脂肪大多数是驯鹿体内的饱和及单不饱和脂肪酸,而他们有时候会将从海豹体内得到的多不饱和脂肪酸作为燃料。

现在我们知道,一旦机体适应了“酮症”状态,我们摄入的饱和脂肪酸就不会再被储存起来,而是作为一线的能量来源。当然,我们也需要摄入适量的必需脂肪酸,如omega-6 和omega-3,我们是没有必要摄入过多的不饱和脂肪酸。

A: People in Inuit situation, they choose fats that were rich in saturatedfats and mono-saturated fats like caribou, while use seal fats for their lamp.We now know that one person is keto adapted, one of the changes is that thesaturated fats are no longer accumulated, saturated fats become the body’spreferred first line fuel. The other fat is that we human needs some essentialfats each day, like omega-6 or omega-3, which are really modest. If you eat 75%or 80% calories, you don't need that much as a percentage.

问: 那你平时都吃什么食物呢?

Q:  What do you eat mostly?

答: 我的脂肪来源主要是橄榄油、高油酸红花(富含单不饱和脂肪酸,并不含有omega-6等多不饱和脂肪酸)。我还会摄入肉、鱼、家禽,它们都含有脂肪部分。我也喜欢黄油、芝士等饱和脂肪酸。

A: In the facts, I choose olive oil, and high oleic safflower which is richin mono-saturated fats and doesn’t contain a lot of omega-6 and poly-saturated.I also eat a naturally occurring fats in the meat and fish and poultry. I alsoenjoy some butter, cheese that I don’t need to avoid since the saturated fatsare my body’s first line fuel.


问: 你知道在瑞典,我们称低碳饮食或者类阿特金斯饮食为LCHF(低碳高脂饮食)?因为只要我们正常摄入蛋白质,一旦减少了食物中的碳水化合物,我们就可以吃富含脂肪的食物,直到满足,对吗?

Q: Do you know in Sweden, we called low-carb diets or Askins-like diet asLCHF (meaning low-carb high-fat)? Since we always have a lot of protein, sowhat we need to do is keep the carbs low, and fill with fats until you aresatisfied, right?

答: 很正确!满足感是重中之重的,我从不计算我摄入的脂肪的量,我会吃到自己满足为止。近六年来,我的体重一直维持在比较稳定的水平。

A: That’s really accurate. The satisfaction is the key. I don’t count howmuch fat I eat; I just eat to be satisfied. For nearly six years, my bodyweight has been perfectly stable and I don’t change how much I eat.


问: 我听说你以前还有一些高血压的问题,对吗?

Q: You used to have some blood pressure mediation, right?

答: 是的。当我的饮食中还是部分碳水的时候(即使用Dash饮食法),我的血压一直在一个比较高的状态,需要采用药物治疗。但当我开始使用“低碳生酮”饮食后,我的血压就一直维持在正常低值。

A: That’s right. When I was on a carbohydrate containing diet, even a dashdiet, my blood pressure was in a range where it needed to be mediated. When Ijust stayed in a ketogenic diet, I have a low normal blood pressure.



So anyway, to wrap it up, the tips for maintaining a low-carb for a longtime is fill up with fat issues saturated and mono-saturated fats. Keep carbslow, keep yourself at a range where you stay in nutritional ketosis whichallows the body to have free flow of fat fuel to all organs of the body. Tosatisfy oneself with moderate protein and high fat and make sure you eat theright kind of fat which is stay away from the liquid vegetable oils that arerich in omega-6. Also, eat a variety of fats if you wish even just for thetaste. One can also have some low-carbohydrate vegetables. For fruits, we cantake some berries which amount should be lower than 50 grams of carb.




















为什么国外主流的减肥法,中国却那么多人反对?| 斗胆说真相












