
小猪佩奇06期:Peppa Pig-Camping Holiday

2017-11-30 原著共读


小猪佩奇01期:Work and Play

小猪佩奇02期:Peppa pig--The Rainbow(配英文旁白)

小猪佩奇03期:Peppa pig--Pedro's Cough

小猪佩奇04期:Peppa pig--The Library

小猪佩奇05期:Peppa Pig-The Camper Van

为了让孩子有更多的途径接触原版英语视频材料,提高孩子的听力和语感,“原著共读”推出5分钟的英文睡前小故事--Peppa pig(小猪佩奇--风靡全球的粉红小猪妹,最受小朋友们喜欢的英文动画短片),睡前看一看,顺便学一两句英文,再美美的进入梦乡,What a wonderful day!

06期视频--带字幕版  (往下拉有英文旁白)

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1. There're lots of fun places we can visit.


2. There's tree world.


3. What's tree world?


4. Tree world is a big forest full of trees.


5. It sounds a bit boring.


6. Or there is Duckland.


7. What's Duckland?


8. It's a wide river full of ducks.


9. Duckland! Let's go to Duckland.



1. There's = There is 


There're = There are 


2. lots of  = a lot of 


3. full of... 


4. It sounds... 



A:There is a lot of homework to do!

B:God, it sounds awful.





Camping Holiday


Peppa'sfamily are on a holiday in their camp van.

Good morning, my little piggies.

Good morning, Daddy pig.

I love camping.

Since weare in the countryside, I thought

we can spend the day looking at nature.

Good idea! Mummy pig.

Let's watch a nature program.

One of the wonders of nature--Birds

How lovely.


Shoo,shoo, little birdy,

we can't hear our TV.

Oh! Daddy Pig, there is no point being on

a camping holiday and just watching TV.

We can do that at home.

Hum...Good thinking, Mummy Pig.

There're lots of fun places

we can visit. There's tree world.

What's tree world?

Tree world is a big forest full of trees.

It sounds a bit boring.

Or there is potato city?

What's potato city?

There's a tour with potato

fields ending with a potato tasting.

Sounds interesting.

Or there is Duckland.

What's Duckland?

It's a wide river full of ducks.

Duckland! Let's go to Duckland.

Peppa and George love ducks.

How do we get to Duckland?

Camp van can guide us.

Hello! Where are we going today?


Followthe road a head in a straight line.

We’re going to Duckland in a camp van.

Welcome to Duckland.

How many tickets please?

Two adults and two children.

Enjoy the ducks.

Where are the ducks?

Maybe they are on holiday.

Let's have our picnic lunch.

The ducks always turn up...

When we have picnics.

Peppa and George love picnics.

Look! It's the duck. Stop daddy.

We need bread for the ducks.

Hoho, all right.

Hello Mrs. Duck!

Here come more ducks.

All the brothers and sisters are here.

And here come more ducks.

It's aGrammy and a Grandpa ducks.

And here are all the aunties and uncles.

That'sthe last of our picnic gum.

Ducks,say thank you to daddy pig.

You are most welcome.

I love Duckland.

It is time to go home.

I wonder what's the shortest way home.

Drive straight ahead into the river.

Oh! Are you sure?

Yes,drive into the river.

But we can't drive in the river.

Yes, it's talking nonsense.

Please press the blue button.

The camper van is driving into the river.

Our camper van has turned into a boat.

I wasn't quite expecting that.

Welcome to the car of the future.

Look! It's granddad dog and Danny dog.

Ahoy, there! Daddy pig.


Sailingon a river in a camper van.

Drive up the next hill.

You have reached your destination.

We are home.

Thank your for your lovely

holiday Mrs. Camper van.

Your are most welcome.

It's nice going on a holiday but it's nicer to be backing our own little house.

Good night my little piggies.

Good night.



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