国务院新闻办公室4月6日发布《人类减贫的中国实践》白皮书。China's State Council Information Office on Tuesday issued a white paper titled "Poverty Alleviation: China's Experience and Contribution."白皮书除前言、结束语外,共包括五个部分,分别为中国共产党的庄严承诺、新时代脱贫攻坚取得全面胜利、实施精准扶贫方略、为人类减贫探索新的路径、携手共建没有贫困共同发展的人类命运共同体。Besides the preface and conclusion, the white paper consists of five parts: "The Solemn Commitment of the CPC," "Final Victory in the Fight against Extreme Poverty," "The Strategy of Targeted Poverty Alleviation," "Exploring a New Path of Poverty Alleviation" and "A Global Community of Shared Future Free from Poverty."报告(汉英对照)如下:Poverty Alleviation: China's Experience and ContributionThe State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China贫困是人类社会的顽疾,是全世界面临的共同挑战。贫困及其伴生的饥饿、疾病、社会冲突等一系列难题,严重阻碍人类对美好生活的追求。消除贫困是人类梦寐以求的理想,人类发展史就是与贫困不懈斗争的历史。Poverty is a chronic affliction of human society and a common challenge faced by the whole world. Poverty and its associated problems, including hunger, diseases, and social conflicts, are serious impediments to people's pursuit of a better life, so the eradication of poverty has always been a wish to be fulfilled. The history of humankind is the history of relentless struggle against poverty.中国是拥有14亿人口、世界上最大的发展中国家,基础差、底子薄,发展不平衡,长期饱受贫困问题困扰。中国的贫困规模之大、贫困分布之广、贫困程度之深世所罕见,贫困治理难度超乎想象。China is the world's largest developing country, with a population of 1.4 billion. In addition to its weak foundations and uneven development, the nation had long been plagued by poverty at a scale and a level of severity that has rarely been seen anywhere else in the world. As a result, the challenge of poverty alleviation in China almost defies imagination.今年是中国共产党成立100周年。100年来,中国共产党团结带领人民,以坚定不移、顽强不屈的信念和意志与贫困作斗争。中共十八大以来,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央领导下,中国组织实施了人类历史上规模空前、力度最大、惠及人口最多的脱贫攻坚战。2021年2月25日,习近平总书记在全国脱贫攻坚总结表彰大会上庄严宣告,脱贫攻坚战取得了全面胜利,中国完成了消除绝对贫困的艰巨任务。This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Over the past century, the Party has united and led the Chinese people in the battle against poverty with unwavering faith and will. Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the Party Central Committee, with General Secretary Xi Jinping at the core, has fought a decisive battle against poverty that is unprecedented in scale and intensity, and has benefited the largest number of people in human history. At a grand gathering held on February 25, 2021, to mark China's achievements in poverty alleviation and to honor its model fighters against poverty, General Secretary Xi solemnly declared: Victory in the battle against poverty is complete, and China completed the arduous task of eliminating extreme poverty.占世界人口近五分之一的中国全面消除绝对贫困,提前10年实现《联合国2030年可持续发展议程》减贫目标,不仅是中华民族发展史上具有里程碑意义的大事件,也是人类减贫史乃至人类发展史上的大事件,为全球减贫事业发展和人类发展进步作出了重大贡献。China is home to nearly one fifth of the world's population. Its complete eradication of extreme poverty – the first target of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – 10 years ahead of schedule, is a milestone in the history of the Chinese nation and the history of humankind, making an important contribution to the cause of global poverty alleviation.贫穷不是命中注定,贫困并非不可战胜。中国减贫的实践表明,与贫困作斗争,最重要的是勇气、远见、责任和担当。只要有坚定意志和决心并付诸实际行动,就能够向着摆脱贫困、实现共同富裕的美好前景不断迈进。Poverty is not predestined, nor is it unconquerable. China's experience in poverty alleviation indicates that courage, vision, sense of responsibility, and the eagerness to take on challenges are the most essential. With strong will and determination, as well as practical action, one can make steady progress towards overcoming poverty and realizing common prosperity.为记录中国消除绝对贫困的伟大历程,介绍人类减贫的中国探索和实践,分享中国扶贫脱贫的经验做法,特发布本白皮书。This white paper is being issued to record the course of the Chinese people's great fight in eliminating extreme poverty, introduce China's approach, and share its experience and actions in poverty alleviation.一、中国共产党的庄严承诺
I. The Solemn Commitment of the CPC中华民族是历史悠久、勤劳智慧的民族,创造了辉煌灿烂的中华文明。中华民族又是饱经苦难的民族,广大劳动人民长期处于贫困状态。几千年来,中国人民始终为摆脱贫困艰难求索。近代以后,在封建腐朽统治和西方列强侵略下,中国沦为半殖民地半封建社会,亿万民众处于贫困甚至赤贫状态。中国人民始终不屈不挠、奋力抗争,始终梦想实现国家富强、民族复兴,始终梦想过上幸福美好的生活。The Chinese nation has a long history, diligent and intelligent people and splendid civilization. Over the history of thousands of years, eliminating poverty has been the persistent goal of the Chinese people, who suffered hardships and difficulties frequently. From the middle of the 19th century, foreign aggression and the decadence of the imperial dynasty reduced China to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society, and hundreds of millions of its people were plunged into poverty or even extreme poverty. But the Chinese people have fought with fortitude to realize their dream – achieving economic prosperity, national rejuvenation, and a happy and better life.
1. The CPC Led the People to Win Victory in the Revolution, Build the People's Republic of China (PRC), Opening a New Journey Towards Prosperity
1921年7月,中国共产党诞生。中国产生了共产党,这是开天辟地的大事变。从诞生之日起,中国共产党就把为中国人民谋幸福、为中华民族谋复兴作为初心使命,团结带领人民为创造自己的美好生活进行了长期艰辛奋斗。以毛泽东同志为核心的第一代中央领导集体,把农民翻身解放作为革命的基本问题,领导人民进行土地革命、实行“耕者有其田”,推翻了帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的反动统治,取得新民主主义革命胜利,建立了新中国,结束了中国人民长期以来遭受压迫与剥削的历史,结束了国家战乱频仍、四分五裂的局面,实现了民族独立和人民解放,为中国摆脱贫穷落后、实现繁荣富强扫清了障碍、创造了根本政治条件。The founding of the CPC in July 1921 was an epochal event in China's history. The CPC has taken the happiness of the people and rejuvenation of the nation as its aspiration since its founding, and united and led the people to fight for a better life over the decades. The Party's first generation of central collective leadership under Mao Zedong regarded the liberation of peasants as the fundamental issue of the revolution, led the people to launch the Agrarian Revolution to realize the goal of "the land to the tiller", overthrew the rule of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism, and won victory in the New Democratic Revolution and established the PRC, bringing an end to sustained oppression, exploitation of the people, frequent wars, and partitioning of the country, and realizing the goals of national independence and people's liberation. This helped to remove the obstacles to China's progress, and created the political conditions it needed to eradicate poverty, regain national strength, and realize prosperity for everyone.1949年10月1日,中华人民共和国成立,中国人民从此站立起来、当家做主,真正成为新国家新社会的主人。面对一穷二白、百业凋敝的困难局面,中国共产党团结带领人民自力更生、艰苦奋斗,发奋图强、重整山河。在全国开展轰轰烈烈的土地改革,延续2000多年的封建土地制度被废除,消除了造成农民贫困的主要制度因素。对农业、手工业和资本主义工商业进行社会主义改造,建立起社会主义基本制度,为从根本上解决贫困问题提供了最基本制度保证。
The founding of the PRC on October 1, 1949, allowed the Chinese people to stand upright and become the true masters of the country. To change the backward situation starting from scratch, the CPC united and led the people to rely on themselves and strived to build their homeland with strong determination and concerted effort. Land reform was rolled out across the country, abolishing the feudal land system that had endured for over 2,000 years. This removed the major institutional obstacle to eliminating poverty. Socialist transformation was carried out in agriculture, individual craft industries, and capitalist industry and commerce. The establishment of the socialist system provided a basic institutional guarantee for addressing the root causes of poverty.
开展大规模社会主义建设,建立独立的、比较完整的工业体系和国民经济体系,大力发展集体经济,大兴农田水利。大办农村教育和合作医疗,探索建立以集体经济为基础、以“五保”制度和特困群体救济为主体的农村初级社会保障体系。社会主义建设在曲折中向前推进,人民物质生活和文化水平逐步提高,占世界近四分之一人口的中国人民特别是农民的基本生活需求得到初步满足。Socialist development was carried out on all fronts, creating an independent and rather complete industrial system and economic system. Efforts were made to develop the collective economy, improve farmland irrigation and water conservation, and develop rural education and cooperative medical services. A preliminary social security system took shape, with the collective economy at the base, and the "five guarantees"[ The National Agricultural Development Program (1956-1967) specified that agricultural cooperatives should give proper care to commune members who could not work and had no family to support them, by providing them with proper food, clothing, fuel, and education (for children and teenagers), and by paying their burial expenses. ] and relief for people in extreme poverty as the core. The Chinese people – including the farmers – who made up nearly one quarter of the world's population, saw their basic living needs met. Their living standards and educational level improved. Socialist building during this period pressed ahead amidst successes and setbacks.
2. Reform and Opening Up Accelerated Development and Poverty Alleviation in China
Held in December 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee ushered in a new chapter of reform and opening up and socialist modernization in China. Reform and opening up has been another great revolution in the history of the Chinese people and Chinese nation, injecting momentum and innovation. The rapid socioeconomic development that ensued gave a vigorous boost to poverty alleviation, and resulted in a sharp decline in the impoverished population.
In the initial period of reform and opening up, confronted by the grim challenge of a large rural impoverished population base and a high incidence of poverty, the second generation of the central collective leadership headed by Deng Xiaoping issued a declaration that "Poverty is not socialism; socialism means eliminating poverty". It set the goal of ensuring the people a moderately prosperous life by the end of the 20th century, formulated a three-step strategic plan[ The 13th CPC National Congress proposed that a three-step strategic plan for China's economic development would be laid out after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee: doubling the 1980 GNP by the end of the 1980s and ensuring that the people would have adequate food and clothing as the first step; doubling the 1990 GNP by the end of the 20th century and ensuring the people a moderately prosperous life as the second step; and increasing the per capita GNP level to that of moderately developed countries, ensuring the people a relatively affluent life, and realizing basic modernization by the middle of the 21st century as the third step. ], and articulated the vision of "Two Development Strategies"[ In 1988, Deng Xiaoping proposed that "The coastal areas, which comprise a vast region with a population of 200 million, should accelerate their opening to the outside world, and we should help them develop rapidly first; afterwards they can promote the development of the interior. The development of the coastal areas is of overriding importance, and the interior provinces should subordinate themselves to it. When the coastal areas have developed to a certain extent, they will be required to give more help to the interior. Then, the development of the interior provinces will be of overriding importance, and the coastal areas will in turn have to subordinate themselves to it." (Source: "The Central Leadership Must Have Authority", Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, Vol III.) ]. A swathe of major reforms involving agriculture and rural areas were launched, providing for a massive, planned, well-organized poverty alleviation effort at the national level.
The two-tier management system adopted in the rural areas, integrating cooperative management with household contract management, clarified the most basic production relations and inspired the farmers' enthusiasm, bringing an end to a period of protracted stagnation in agricultural output. Reform of the distribution system for agricultural products was enacted. A major effort was made to develop township enterprises in order to increase overall incomes in rural areas. Special poverty alleviation agencies were set up, poverty standards were set, key impoverished areas and counties were identified, and a special plan for agricultural development in the three western regions[ The three western regions were Hexi Region and Dingxi Region in Gansu Province and the mountainous region in southern Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the most impoverished contiguous areas in the country at the beginning of reform and opening up. In December 1982, China launched poverty alleviation initiatives in these regions to boost their agricultural development. This involved 47 counties, cities and districts (which expanded to 57 in 1992). It was a groundbreaking project in China's poverty alleviation efforts. It set a precedent in regional poverty alleviation, accumulating rich experience in moving from relief-based poverty alleviation to development-driven poverty alleviation, pooling resources for the development of impoverished areas, for poverty alleviation through relocation, and for combining development-driven poverty alleviation with developing the eco-economy. These successful measures have had a profound influence on massive, planned, well-organized poverty alleviation efforts across the country starting from 1986. ] was launched. These measures liberated the rural productive forces, released vitality, boosted economic development, increased farmers' incomes, and updated their mindsets. Development-driven poverty alleviation opened a new chapter in China.上世纪90年代初,在农村贫困问题大大缓解的同时,贫困问题由普遍性分布呈现分层、分块、分化等新特征,区域间发展不均衡问题凸显。以江泽民同志为核心的第三代中央领导集体,制定新的“三步走”发展战略,提出全面建设小康社会目标,继续推进大规模扶贫开发国家行动。1994年,中国国务院印发《国家八七扶贫攻坚计划(1994-2000年)》,这是新中国历史上第一个有明确目标、明确对象、明确措施和明确期限的全国扶贫开发工作纲领。
By the early 1990s, there had been visible progress in poverty alleviation in rural areas. In the meantime, poverty had evolved from a widespread problem into one afflicting particular regions, groups and populations, highlighting the problem of uneven regional development. The Party's third generation of central collective leadership with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core formulated a three-step development strategic plan[ The 15th CPC National Congress held in 1997 drew up a new three-step strategic plan. The first step involved doubling the 2000 GNP, giving the people greater prosperity, and putting in place a relatively complete socialist market economy system, all by the end of 2010. The second step involved working hard for another decade to further develop the economy by the centenary of the CPC, and to improve all relevant systems. The third step involved realizing basic modernization and developing China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, and culturally advanced by the time we celebrate the centenary of the PRC in the middle of the 21st century. ], put forward the goal of achieving moderate prosperity in all respects, and continued to press ahead with massive national campaigns on poverty alleviation. In 1994, the State Council launched the Priority Poverty Alleviation Program (1994-2000), China's first ever national poverty alleviation program with definite goals, targets, measures and deadlines.
It committed to ensuring that the basic needs of 80 million impoverished rural residents would be met in the seven years from 1994 to 2000. In 1996, the central authorities held the National Conference on Development-driven Poverty Alleviation, further clarifying the steadfast commitment to the goal of being able to provide adequate food and clothing for the impoverished people by the end of the 20th century and confirming the shift from relief-based poverty alleviation to development-driven poverty alleviation. In 1999, the central authorities held the National Conference on Development-driven Poverty Alleviation, making plans to ensure success of the Priority Poverty Alleviation Program. Another conference on poverty alleviation was convened in 2001, and the State Council issued the Outline of Development-driven Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas (2001-2010). On the basis of initial progress of China's poverty alleviation, the campaign continued with further measures. By the end of 2000, the impoverished population in rural areas had been reduced to 32.09 million and the incidence of poverty down to 3.5%, based on the poverty alleviation standard at the time.
In the 21st century, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary embraced the Scientific Outlook on Development. Its goals were to advance the development of a harmonious society, build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and facilitate the development of a new socialist countryside. It enacted a new series of poverty alleviation policies and measures. This resulted in major adjustments to the focus and targets of poverty alleviation work, listing the central and western regions as the priority region, and choosing as individual targets 150,000 impoverished villages besides the 592 key counties, where the full participation of villagers in poverty alleviation efforts was encouraged. A whole range of efforts were directed to business development, the training and transfer of rural labor, poverty alleviation through relocation, and relocation for the development of the eco-economy. State strategy of regional development was implemented, such as developing west China, revitalizing old industrial bases in the northeast, and stimulating the rise of the central region. These achieved coordinated development between regions and between rural and urban areas. The Agricultural Tax was abolished and a series of rural social security systems such as the new cooperative medical care system were established, greatly easing the burden on farmers.
The National Conference on Development-driven Poverty Alleviation in 2011 made plans for a new phase in the battle against poverty to ensure that moderate prosperity in all respects would be achieved by 2020. After the meeting, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council issued the Outline of Development-driven Poverty Alleviation in Rural Areas (2011-2020). China's poverty alleviation effort had evolved from its primary mission – meeting the basic needs of the poor – to a new stage of consolidating this achievement, accelerating poverty alleviation, improving the eco-environment, increasing development capacity, and bridging the development gap. By the end of 2010, according to the poverty standard, the impoverished rural population had been reduced to 26.88 million, and the incidence of poverty had fallen to 2.8%. In 2011, the standard was raised to RMB2,300, and accordingly the poor population was 122 million.
3. China in a New Era and a New Battle Against Poverty
China marched into a new era after the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012. The country reached a critical stage in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieving the First Centenary Goal. Rapid economic and social development, a marked increase in comprehensive national strength, a better social security system, and progress in modernizing China's system and capacity for governance provided solid manpower, material, and financial foundations and strong institutional support for its poverty alleviation efforts. But the country still faced a daunting challenge since it had to solve the most difficult problems in raising the poorest population out of poverty in the coming period. China's battle against extreme poverty had entered the toughest stage. It was hard to complete the task with conventional approaches and ideas. To achieve the goal of poverty alleviation, the nation had to pull together with greater determination, sharper thinking, more targeted measures, and extraordinary efforts.
The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core takes the desire of the people for a better life as its goal. It has committed to realizing the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation and securing a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Poverty alleviation, a key task and index of the realization of the First Centenary Goal, has been included in the Five-sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-pronged Comprehensive Strategy. The CPC set the goals that by 2020 it would help all the rural population out of poverty as defined by the existing standard, raise all impoverished counties out of poverty, and eliminate poverty over entire regions – mobilizing the whole Party, the whole country, and all sectors of society to engage in this battle. President Xi Jinping, always concerned about impoverished regions and families in straitened circumstances, has always put poverty alleviation at the top of his work agenda and devoted much of his energy to it. He has presented a series of important ideas and proposals, and made some major policy decisions.
The 18th CPC National Congress in 2012 set the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Soon after that, Xi enunciated, "To achieve initial prosperity in the countryside, it is essential to raise rural living standards and particularly those of impoverished villagers." Launching the campaign against poverty in the new era, he also emphasized, "No single poor area or single poor person should be left behind in achieving this goal." In 2013, on his inspection tour to Shibadong Village, Huayuan County, Hunan Province, Xi proposed for the first time the concept of "giving differentiated guidance for targeted poverty alleviation in line with local conditions by seeking truth from facts". In 2014, while attending the deliberation session of the Guizhou delegation at the Second Plenary Session of the 12th National People's Congress, Xi stated, "Inspection tours must be conducted to identify the truly poor. Poverty alleviation must reach those who truly need it, and poverty must be fully eliminated." In 2015, at the National Conference on Development-driven Poverty Alleviation, he sounded the bugle call to battle, "We should be determined, dedicate ourselves, and work hard towards the goal." In 2017, in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, Xi emphasized the need to mobilize the energies of the whole Party, the whole country, and the whole of society to win the battle against extreme poverty and eradicate it, "Ensuring that poor people and poor areas will enter the moderately prosperous society together with the rest of the country is a solemn promise made by our Party… We must win the battle against poverty." In 2020, faced with the sudden attack of Covid-19, Xi mapped out new plans for mobilization at a seminar on poverty alleviation, emphasizing that lifting poor people in the rural areas out of poverty "must be achieved as scheduled". "It is non-negotiable. This is a tough battle with no route of retreat. We must double our efforts till the last minute. We must not pause, slacken off or be negligent." He asked the whole Party to perform well in this "difficult test", to apply more determination and more vigor, and to be confident of bringing the battle to a successful end.
President Xi Jinping has assumed leadership, made plans, and directed the battle in person. He has attended the National Conference on Development-driven Poverty Alleviation, and presided over seven seminars on poverty elimination. He has made over 50 fact-finding trips. In every one of the last five years, he has reviewed the evaluation reports of the poverty alleviation work. In every one of the last seven years, he has attended important events or issued directives on the National Poverty Alleviation Day. In every one of the last seven years, he has expounded on the fight against extreme poverty in his New Year address. In every one of the last eight years, he has discussed plans for the battle against poverty with delegates during the Two Sessions and written letters to encourage grassroots officials and communities to engage in the great fight. He has visited every one of the 14 contiguous poor areas across the country and over 20 poor villages, and sat in the homes of impoverished households to hear of their difficulties, suggestions, and needs, building up their confidence and determination, and their belief that they can work their way out of poverty. On February 25, 2021, at the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and Commendation Conference, he declared that China had secured a comprehensive victory in the fight against poverty, and completed the arduous task of eradicating extreme poverty – an outstanding and historic achievement.回顾中国共产党领导人民消除绝对贫困的艰辛历程,极不平凡,极不容易。100年来,中国共产党始终坚守初心使命,担当起对人民的责任,践行对人民的承诺,为实现民族独立、人民解放和国家富强、人民富裕接续奋斗,付出巨大牺牲,赢得了人民的拥护和信赖。100年来,在中国共产党的领导下,中国人民自强不息、艰苦奋斗,依靠自己的双手,付出难以想象的辛劳和汗水,摆脱了绝对贫困,走上了全面小康、共同富裕的康庄大道。100年来,在中国共产党的领导下,中国迎来了从站起来、富起来到强起来的伟大飞跃,人民的生存权发展权充分保障,社会公平正义有力彰显,为更好实现人的全面发展奠定了坚实基础。
The strenuous process whereby the CPC has led the Chinese people in the battle against poverty has been extraordinary and difficult. Over the past 100 years, the Party has committed itself to the original aspiration of seeking happiness for the people, taken on its responsibility for the people, honored its promise to the people, and made huge sacrifices in fighting to win national independence and people's liberation, to make China prosperous and strong, and to bring common prosperity to all. In the process it has won the support and trust of the people. Over the past 100 years the Chinese people, under the leadership of the CPC, have never faltered in pursuit of progress, have put in unimaginable efforts, and have relied on themselves to eradicate extreme poverty, and march towards shared all-round prosperity. Over the past 100 years, under the leadership of the CPC, China has stood tall, become prosperous, and grown in overall national strength. The protection of the rights to subsistence and development, and the promotion of equality and justice have laid solid foundations for well-rounded human development.二、新时代脱贫攻坚取得全面胜利
II. Final Victory in the Fight Against Extreme Poverty中共十八大以来,经过8年持续奋斗,到2020年底,中国如期完成新时代脱贫攻坚目标任务,现行标准下9899万农村贫困人口全部脱贫(图1),832个贫困县全部摘帽(图2),12.8万个贫困村全部出列,区域性整体贫困得到解决,完成消除绝对贫困的艰巨任务。
China's fight against poverty entered a critical stage after the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012. At the end of 2020, through eight years of hard work, China achieved the goal of eliminating extreme poverty – a key goal for the new era of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The 98.99 million people in rural areas who were living below the current poverty threshold all shook off poverty (Figure 1); all the 128,000 impoverished villages and 832 designated poor counties got rid of poverty (Figure 2). China has eliminated poverty over entire regions and eradicated extreme poverty.
The battle against poverty has been another great revolution in rural China, leading to historic and comprehensive changes. The campaign saw an end to the backwardness of poverty-stricken areas, boosted overall rural development, resolved the greatest threat to success in achieving moderate prosperity in all respects, and laid a solid foundation for building a modern socialist China and realizing the Second Centenary Goal. China has secured a complete victory in the battle against extreme poverty, eliminating overall and extreme poverty for the first time in its history of thousands of years, and realizing a century-long aspiration of the Chinese people.
1. Significant Improvement in the Living Standards of the Poor
经过脱贫攻坚战,贫困人口的收入和福利水平大幅提高,“两不愁三保障”全面实现,教育、医疗、住房、饮水等条件明显改善,既满足了基本生存需要,也为后续发展奠定了基础。脱贫攻坚的阳光照耀到每一个角落,贫困群众的生活发生了巨大变化。Through poverty alleviation, there has been a substantial improvement in the incomes and welfare of the poor. The Two Assurances and Three Guarantees[ This refers to assurances of adequate food and clothing, and guarantees of access to compulsory education, basic medical services and safe housing for impoverished rural residents. ] have been realized; education, healthcare, housing and drinking water supplies are much improved. These provisions have covered all basic needs and laid the foundations for future development. The fight against poverty has led to dramatic changes in the lives of the impoverished.
The incomes of the impoverished are increasing (Figure 3). The per capita disposable income of the rural poor increased from RMB6,079 in 2013 to RMB12,588 in 2020, up by 11.6% per annum on average. The growth rate was 2.3 percentage points higher than the national rural average. Their salary income and operative income kept increasing over the years in proportion to their transfer income, showing a stronger ability to shake off poverty through their own efforts. Ethnic minority areas have made notable progress in fighting poverty. From 2016 to 2020, in the five autonomous regions (Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia and Xinjiang) and three provinces with a large multi-ethnic population (Guizhou, Yunnan and Qinghai), the number of the poor dropped by 15.6 million. Extreme poverty was eliminated in all 28 of the minority ethnic groups with a small population. Some ethnic groups, still at the later stage of primitive society when the PRC was founded in 1949, leapfrogged to socialism and then again made great strides towards moderate prosperity in all respects.
The Two Assurances and Three Guarantees have been realized. According to the national survey of poverty alleviation [The national survey of poverty alleviation is a full review of China's progress in fighting poverty and has a fundamental importance for targeted poverty alleviation. From 2020 to 2021, the survey was conducted in 22 provinces and equivalent administrative units in central and western China, focusing on the veracity of poverty alleviation results, particularly the overall progress in designated poor counties. The survey includes registration of poverty-stricken populations, progress in the Two Assurances and Three Guarantees, participation of the impoverished in poverty alleviation programs, and basic public services in poor counties and villages. ], poor households now have adequate food and clothing all year round and a proper supply of nutritious food. They have clothing for all four seasons and comforters that protect them from cold weather. Access to good quality education for the impoverished has improved remarkably; there are no dropouts in the countryside due to financial difficulties; nine-year compulsory education is now available to all children from rural poor households, and the completion rate in 2020 was 94.8%. The three-tier healthcare system at village, township and county levels has been improved. All poverty-stricken populations now have access to basic medical insurance, critical illness insurance, and medical assistance, to ensure medical treatment to the impoverished with major illnesses, contracted healthcare to the impoverished with chronic diseases, and guaranteed medical services for the impoverished with critical illnesses. Basic medical insurance coverage of the poor is now over 99.9%. All the impoverished have been guaranteed medical services and medical insurance. Through these measures, China has resolved the problem of difficult and expensive access to medical treatment for poverty-stricken residents. The program of renovation of dilapidated rural homes has ensured safe housing for all the impoverished (Box 1). The program of safe drinking water for rural residents has secured supplies to 28.89 million poor in terms of both quantity and quality, and benefited 382 million rural population; tap water coverage increased from 70% in 2015 to 83% in 2020.
2. Poverty-stricken Areas Rid of Backwardness
长期以来,贫困地区基础设施薄弱,公共服务匮乏,经济社会发展滞后。脱贫攻坚战不仅使农村贫困人口全部脱贫,而且使贫困地区经济社会发展大踏步赶上来,整体面貌发生历史性巨变。Poor areas have long suffered from weak infrastructure, inadequate public services, and social and economic underdevelopment. In the final stages of fighting poverty, China succeeded in raising all the rural poor out of extreme poverty and the impoverished areas achieved a big stride in economic and social development, taking on a brand new look.
Infrastructure has been improved. Lack of access to transport, electricity, drinking water and communications hinders the development of poverty-stricken areas. Infrastructure construction is a basic element in the battle against poverty; through an intensified effort and further investment, new infrastructure in poor areas boosted their social and economic development. The construction, management, maintenance and operation of roads in rural areas have all seen significant improvement (Box 2). Transport networks now connect all villages with other local villages and with the outside world, and provide them with safe and easy access to bus services.
By the end of 2020, impoverished areas had gained 1.1 million km of reconstructed highways and 35,000 km of new railways; all the villages, townships and towns in poverty-stricken areas with the right conditions were accessible by paved road and provided with bus and mail routes, which facilitated more economic development. Water infrastructure in impoverished areas has been improved in many ways. Since 2016, the effective irrigated area has increased by more than 5.35 million ha and water supply capacity has increased by 18.1 billion cu m. Better water infrastructure is also a provider of strong support for the development of poverty-stricken areas. Electricity access in poor areas has been improved through power grid construction projects such as power supply to areas without electricity, upgrading of rural power grids, and construction of trunk power grids and power transmission channels. Now, more remote areas are connected to power grids, and almost all rural areas enjoy a steady power supply (Box 3). Communications infrastructure has been extended in poverty-stricken areas. Now, over 98% of poor villages have access to optical fiber communications (OFC) and 4G technology; distance education is available at more schools in impoverished areas; telemedicine and e-commerce cover all designated poor counties. All of this represents an unprecedented pace of development of IT application in poverty-stricken areas. This comprehensive range of infrastructure improvements has resolved many historical problems trapping poor areas in poverty, facilitated the flows of personnel, logistics, knowledge and information between poor areas and the outside world, and provided solid support for social and economic development in impoverished areas.基本公共服务水平明显提升。在解决好贫困人口吃饭、穿衣、居住等温饱问题基础上,大力提升贫困地区教育、医疗、文化、社会保障等基本公共服务水平,实现贫困人口学有所教、病有所医、老有所养、弱有所扶,为贫困地区发展夯实基础、积蓄后劲。Basic public services have been improved. In addition to providing adequate food, clothing and safe housing for the impoverished, China has intensified efforts to improve basic public services covering education, healthcare, culture and social security. The goal is to guarantee impoverished people access to education, medical services, elderly care and social assistance, so as to support development in poverty-stricken areas.
Since 2013, China has renovated 108,000 schools to strengthen the provision of compulsory education in poor areas, and ensured that all school-age rural children receive kindergarten and elementary education within their own villages. Public cultural services in poor areas have also been improved. By the end of 2020, 99.48% of villages in 22 provinces and equivalent administrative units in central and western China had seen their own cultural centers completed. The campaign of bringing culture to the countryside has enriched the cultural life of the rural poor. There has been a notable improvement in healthcare provision in poor areas. This program has remedied the shortfall in medical workers and institutions at village and township level. 98% of the designated poor counties now have at least one grade-two hospital. The county-level hospitals in impoverished areas can treat 90% of the diseases that general county-level hospitals can. The impoverished can now have common ailments and chronic diseases treated at nearby medical institutions in a timely manner, and more major illnesses can be effectively treated at county-level hospitals. Comprehensive social security systems are now in place in poor areas. The standards of eligibility for rural subsistence allowances in designated poor counties are all higher than the national poverty threshold. Some 19.36 million impoverished people have been covered by rural subsistence allowances or extreme poverty relief funds, and 60.98 million by basic pension schemes for rural and non-working urban residents, achieving nearly 100% coverage.
The economy has achieved sustained and rapid growth. The battle against poverty has released the potential of poor areas, and injected vigor into their economic development. Poverty-stricken areas have seen notable improvements in their economic structure. Businesses that leverage local strengths have been growing and thriving, including such new forms as e-commerce, photovoltaic technology, and tourism. The economy in poor areas has diversified, and effective market supply has increased. These developments provide solid foundations for economic growth. The GDP of impoverished areas has maintained rapid growth. Since 2015, the average annual increment in per capita revenue from the national general public budget has been seven percentage points higher than the national average. A steady increase in incomes has created higher demand for life quality and cultural activities. This has stimulated a surge in consumption in rural areas, and provided support for the domestic economy.
Cultural heritage has been protected. China has strengthened the protection and promotion of traditional culture, folk culture and ethnic culture in poor areas to maintain a wealth of cultural diversity. It has implemented the Plan on the Revitalization of Traditional Chinese Craftsmanship to protect and develop fine craftsmanship in old revolutionary base areas, areas with large ethnic minority populations, border areas, and poverty-stricken areas. It has supported poor areas to develop cultural resources with local characteristics, including ethnic culture, revolutionary sites, folk culture, and intangible cultural heritage. Local governments in poor areas have developed tourism there by conserving and promoting these cultural resources and training support staff. China has paid attention to keeping a record of the experiences of ordinary people in poverty alleviation, such as archives of poor villages, films, TV programs and literary works themed on poverty alleviation. Through the protection and promotion of cultural heritage in poor areas, the impoverished have gained additional income while retaining their cultural roots.
The eco-environment has improved. China has integrated development-driven poverty alleviation with soil and water conservation and eco-environmental conservation. By developing the eco-economy, improving the rural living environment, and relocating the impoverished from inhospitable areas to places with better economic prospects, there have been remarkable improvements in the eco-environment of poverty-stricken areas. Lucid waters and lush mountains have become their invaluable assets. Through the fight against poverty, China has increased the incomes of the impoverished, improved the eco-environment of poor areas, and made the vast rural areas more livable spaces for their inhabitants.
Severely impoverished areas are the top priority in China's battle against poverty. The "three areas and three prefectures"[ The "three areas" refer to the Tibet Autonomous Region, the Hotan, Aksu, Kashgar prefectures and the Kizilsu Kirgiz Autonomous Prefecture in southern Xinjiang, and prefectures and counties with large Tibetan populations in the provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai. The "three prefectures" refer to the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, the Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province, and the Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in Gansu Province. ] in extreme poverty have seen notable improvements in infrastructure, public services, and civil communal behavior, as well as rapid development in industries and businesses that leverage local strengths. All of these efforts have brought an end to regional and overall poverty (Box 4).
3. Those Who Have Been Lifted Out of Poverty Adopt a New Mindset
脱贫攻坚既是一场深刻的物质革命,也是一场深刻的思想革命;既取得了物质上的累累硕果,也取得了精神上的累累硕果。贫困群众的精神世界在脱贫攻坚中得到充实和升华,信心更坚、脑子更活、心气更足,发生了从内而外的深刻改变。The battle against poverty is a profound revolution and complete victory on both material and theoretical level. Through this battle, the mindset of the poor has been enriched and sublimed – they have greater confidence, more active minds, and higher aspirations; they have experienced a thorough transformation from the inside to the outside.
The impoverished have a deep desire to rid themselves of the shackles of poverty and achieve prosperity. The poverty relief efforts have not only widened channels for the impoverished to improve their material welfare but rekindled their desire to seek a better life as well. Impoverished people have been inspired to seek prosperity through hard work, self-reliance, frugality and entrepreneurship, and strive for excellence. They are highly motivated and have more confidence about getting rid of poverty. As the Chinese people always say, "Good days come after hard work". They are ready to compete in the race to prosperity.主人翁意识显著提升。脱贫攻坚为贫困群众参与集体事务搭建了新的平台。扶贫项目实施、资金使用等村级重大事项决策,实行“四议两公开”⑩,建立健全村务监督机制,推广村民议事会、扶贫理事会等制度,让村民做到“大家的事大家议、大家办”,拓展了贫困群众参与脱贫攻坚的议事管事空间,提高了参与集体事务的积极性自觉性,激发了建设家乡的热情,乡村发展的凝聚力大大增强。
The impoverished have a stronger sense of self-reliance. The poverty alleviation work has set up a new platform for the impoverished to participate in collective affairs. When making major decisions on the implementation of poverty relief projects and the use of funds at the village level, villagers have carried out a "4+2" system[ "4+2" system refers to the democratic policy-making process on village affairs under the leadership of village Party organizations. "4" means four steps: Proposals should be put forward by the Party branch, jointly discussed by the village committee and the Party branch, and deliberated by Party members, and resolutions should be adopted by villagers' representatives; "2" means transparency on two levels – resolutions and implementation results should be made known to the public. ]. The oversight mechanisms for village affairs and villagers' councils and poverty relief councils have been improved to ensure that public affairs are discussed and handled by everyone. Under these arrangements, the impoverished have participated more in the decision making and implementation process in the battle against poverty. They have been more motivated to participate actively in collective affairs, more enthusiastic to build up their hometown, and more cohesive to develop the countryside.
The impoverished have been constantly upgrading their mindsets. The battle against poverty has opened the door to the outside world for poverty-stricken areas. Improvements in transport infrastructure have established links between poor areas and the outside world; development of public cultural undertakings has enriched the cultural life of impoverished people; with better access to the internet, the poor have greater knowledge, broader horizons, and a deeper understanding of openness, innovation, technology, rules and markets. They are capable of generating more ideas and opening wider channels for poverty alleviation.文明新风广泛弘扬。深化贫困地区文明村镇和文明家庭、“五好”家庭创建,持续推进新时代文明实践中心建设,发挥村规民约作用,推广道德评议会、红白理事会等做法,开展移风易俗行动,开展弘扬好家风、“星级文明户”评选、寻找“最美家庭”等活动,社会主义核心价值观广泛传播,贫困地区文明程度显著提升。俭朴节约、绿色环保、讲究卫生等科学、健康、文明的生活方式成为贫困群众的新追求,婚事新办、丧事简办、孝亲敬老、邻里和睦、扶危济困、扶弱助残等社会风尚广泛弘扬,既有乡土气息又有现代时尚的新时代乡村文明新风正在形成。
Cultural and ethical work has been advancing in impoverished regions. Civility villages and towns are being built in poverty-stricken areas, and civil families cultivated under the "Five Family Virtues" program (encouraging respect for the law, diligent study, family planning, domestic harmony, and industrious and thrifty management of the household). Social etiquette, village rules, agreements among villagers, and councils on moral issues, weddings and funerals have been promoted, to update outmoded and undesirable habits and customs. Activities, such as competition for best households and families, have been organized to carry forward cherished family traditions, spread core socialist values, and enhance social etiquette and civility. Scientific, healthy and civilized new ways of life which are simple, green, eco-friendly, and hygienic have been embraced by the villagers. Good social practices, including modest weddings and funerals, filial piety, harmonious neighborhoods, and helping the needy, the weak and the disabled, have been promoted. In the new era, new cultural practices with a local and modern essence are developing in rural areas.
4. Protecting the Rights of Special Groups to Basic Needs and Development
中国高度重视妇女、儿童、老人和残疾人等群体中特殊困难人员的生存和发展,采取特殊政策,加大帮扶力度,特殊困难群体的福利水平持续提高,生存权利充分保障,发展机会明显增多。China prioritizes the basic rights of subsistence and development of the disadvantaged groups among women, children, the elderly, and the disabled. The nation has enacted favorable policies and provided more assistance to raise the welfare level of these groups.贫困妇女生存发展状况显著改善。坚持男女平等基本国策,将妇女作为重点扶贫对象,实现脱贫的近1亿贫困人口中妇女约占一半。实施《中国妇女发展纲要(2011-2020年)》,把缓解妇女贫困程度、减少贫困妇女数量放在优先位置,扶贫政策、资金、措施优先向贫困妇女倾斜,帮助贫困妇女解决最困难最忧虑最急迫的问题。累计对1021万名贫困妇女和妇女骨干进行各类技能培训,500多万名贫困妇女通过手工、种植养殖、家政、电商等增收脱贫。累计发放妇女小额担保贷款和扶贫小额信贷4500多亿元,870万名妇女通过小额担保贷款和扶贫小额信贷实现创业增收。19.2万名贫困患病妇女获得救助,妇女宫颈癌、乳腺癌免费检查项目在贫困地区实现全覆盖。通过“母亲水窖”“母亲健康快车”“母亲邮包”等公益项目,投入公益资金41.7亿元,惠及贫困妇女5000余万人次。
Living conditions of impoverished women have been improving. China adheres to the fundamental national policy of gender equality, and sees women as a key target in poverty alleviation. Among nearly 100 million who have shaken off poverty, women account for half. By implementing the Outline of Women's Development in China (2011-2020), China has given priority to helping women alleviate poverty and reducing the number of women in poverty, given preferential treatment to women when making poverty alleviation policies, allocated funds and taken measures, and helped them solve the most difficult, most worrying and most pressing problems. A total of 10.21 million impoverished women have received skills training, over 5 million of whom have increased their incomes through activities such as handicrafts, crop and animal husbandry, housekeeping and e-business. Small-sum guaranteed loans and micro credit amounting to more than RMB450 billion have been provided to impoverished women, which have helped 8.7 million women to start businesses and increase their incomes. China has assisted 192,000 women who suffer from poverty and diseases and launched a program of free cervical and breast cancer checkups to cover all women in poverty-stricken areas. RMB4.17 billion has been invested in titled campaigns to provide 50 million impoverished mothers in impoverished areas with infrastructure and health benefits, as well as daily necessities.困境儿童关爱水平明显提高。实施《中国儿童发展纲要(2011-2020年)》《国家贫困地区儿童发展规划(2014-2020年)》,对儿童教育和健康实施全过程保障和干预。开展儿童营养知识宣传和健康教育,实施贫困地区儿童营养改善项目,提高贫困地区儿童健康水平,为集中连片特困地区6-24月龄婴幼儿每天免费提供1包辅食营养补充品,截至2020年底,累计1120万儿童受益。实施出生缺陷干预救助项目,为先天性结构畸形、部分遗传代谢病和地中海贫血贫困患病儿童提供医疗费用补助,累计救助患儿4.1万名,拨付救助金4.7亿元。组织各类志愿者与孤儿、农村留守儿童、困境儿童结对,开展关爱帮扶,覆盖儿童和家长2519.2万人次。建立儿童之家28万余所、儿童快乐家园1200余个,为留守、困境儿童提供文体娱乐、心理疏导、生活照顾、家教指导等关爱服务。大幅提高孤儿保障水平,机构集中养育孤儿和社会散居孤儿平均保障标准分别达到每人每月1611.3元和1184.3元。实施孤儿医疗康复明天计划项目,累计投入17亿元、惠及22.3万名病残孤儿。实施福彩梦圆孤儿助学工程,累计投入5.4亿元、惠及在校就读孤儿5.4万人次。建立事实无人抚养儿童保障制度,25.3万名事实无人抚养儿童参照当地孤儿保障标准纳入保障范围。
Extending greater care to deprived children. China has implemented the Outline on the Development of Chinese Children (2011-2020) and the National Development Plan for Children in Poor Areas (2014-2020) to provide security for children's education and health and deliver interventions when required. Efforts have been made to popularize knowledge on children's nutrition and health. Following the implementation of nutritional improvement projects for children in impoverished areas, children in these regions now enjoy better health. The government gives a free daily pack of nutritional dietary supplements to every baby and toddler aged 6-24 months in contiguous destitute areas. By the end of 2020, a total of 11.2 million children in those areas had benefitted from this project. Birth defect prevention & relief programs have been launched to help cover medical expenses for children who suffer from poverty and serious diseases such as congenital malformations, some inherited metabolic disorders, and thalassemia. A total of RMB470 million has been allocated for the care of 41,000 sick children. China has organized volunteers to pair up with orphans, deprived children, and children of migrant workers left at home in the countryside, providing care and help to 25.19 million children and parents. More than 280,000 children's homes and over 1,200 children's happy homes have been built to give entertainment, psychological counseling, life care and tutoring to deprived children and children of migrant workers left at home in the countryside. China continues to improve the protection of orphans' rights and interests, with monthly allowance for orphans in welfare institutions and families that provide temporary care totaling RMB1,611 and RMB1,184 per person respectively. China has invested RMB1.7 billion in the Tomorrow Plan for Rehabilitation of Handicapped Orphans to offer operations and rehabilitation to 223,000 orphans with disabilities. RMB540 million from the public welfare has been used to carry out a program to support school education for 54,000 orphans. A support system for de facto orphans has been established in China to cover 253,000 such children.贫困老年人生活和服务保障显著改善。持续提高农村养老金待遇和贫困老年人口医疗保障水平,农村老年人口贫困问题进一步解决。经济困难的高龄、失能等老年人补贴制度全面建立,惠及3689万老年人。实施老年健康西部行项目,在西部贫困地区开展老年健康宣传教育,组织医务人员、志愿者开展义诊和健康指导服务,促进西部老年人健康素养和健康水平提高。建立农村留守老年人关爱服务制度,推动贫困老年人医疗保障从救治为主向健康服务为主转变。加强失能贫困老年人关爱照护,全面开展核查,确认62.7万失能贫困老年人,落实家庭医生签约服务59万人,失能贫困老年人健康状况明显改善。
Continuing to provide services and improve the lives of impoverished senior citizens. China has raised the amount of basic pension in rural areas and subsidies for basic medical insurance for poor seniors to further reduce poverty among the elderly in rural areas. The subsidy system for the poor population of advanced age and incapacitated seniors has been put in place, benefiting 36.89 million people. The government has initiated a program for the elderly in the western regions to promote health awareness among seniors in poverty-stricken areas, and organized medical workers and volunteers to provide free medical services and offer advice on health matters. China has developed a system to support and care for elderly people left behind by their families in the countryside after their grown-up children have moved to the cities in search of employment. It has shifted the focus of medical security for the impoverished elderly from medical treatment to health services. More care has been provided for incapacitated seniors living below the poverty line. On the basis of an overall inspection, China has verified 627,000 impoverished seniors who lost the ability to take care of themselves and extended contracted family doctor services to 590,000 of them, significantly improving their health.贫困残疾人保障水平全面提升。700多万贫困残疾人如期脱贫,创造了人类减贫史上残疾人特殊困难群体消除贫困的奇迹。困难残疾人生活补贴和重度残疾人护理补贴制度惠及2400多万残疾人。1066.7万残疾人纳入最低生活保障。贫困残疾人全部纳入基本医疗保险、大病保险,54.7万贫困残疾人得到医疗救助。178.5万户贫困残疾人家庭住房安全问题得到解决。贫困残疾人的特殊需求得到更好保障,8万余名家庭经济困难的残疾儿童接受普惠性学前教育。65.3万户贫困重度残疾人家庭完成无障碍改造,贫困重度残疾人照护服务创新实践取得显著成效。
Strengthening the protection of impoverished people with disabilities in an all-round way. More than 7 million poor people with disabilities have been lifted out of poverty as scheduled. This is a historic achievement in poverty alleviation among groups with special difficulties. The systems for providing living allowances for poor people with disabilities and nursing subsidies for severely disabled persons cover more than 24 million. China includes 10.67 million people with disabilities in the system of subsistence allowances. Poor people with disabilities are now all covered by basic medical insurance and serious illness insurance. Among them, 547,000 people have received medical assistance. China has made efforts to ensure 1.79 million poor households with one or more disabled members live in secure housing. The special needs of impoverished people with disabilities are being met. More than 80,000 disadvantaged children with disabilities have received generally beneficiary pre-school education. The houses of 653,000 impoverished households with severely disabled members have been upgraded for better accessibility. New progress has been made in nursing care for poor and severely disabled people.
5. Significantly Improving Grassroots Social Governance in Poverty-stricken Areas
脱贫攻坚是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化在贫困治理领域的成功实践。打赢脱贫攻坚战,促进了国家贫困治理体系的完善,贫困地区基层治理体系进一步健全、治理能力显著提升。The fight against poverty is a successful exercise in the modernization of China's system and capacity for governance. Our success in this battle has improved our poverty governance, and significantly improved China's systems and capacity for grassroots social governance in impoverished areas.
农村基层党组织更加坚强。农村基层党组织是中国共产党在农村全部工作和战斗力的基础,是贯彻落实扶贫工作决策部署的战斗堡垒。坚持抓党建促脱贫攻坚、抓扶贫先强班子,整顿软弱涣散基层党组织,精准选派贫困村党组织第一书记、驻村工作队,把农村致富能手、退役军人、外出务工经商返乡人员、农民合作社负责人、大学生村官等群体中具有奉献精神、吃苦耐劳、勇于创新的优秀党员选配到村党组织书记岗位上,基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用不断增强,凝聚力战斗力号召力明显提高,党群干群关系更加密切,贫困地区群众对党和政府的信赖、信任、信心进一步增强,党在农村的执政基础更加牢固。Stronger grassroots Party organizations in rural areas. Grassroots Party organizations are the cornerstone of the CPC's rural work, playing a key role in ensuring that decisions and plans on poverty alleviation are implemented. China has strengthened the leading group to win this battle against poverty. Weak and slack grassroots Party organizations have been rectified and consolidated, and first Party secretaries and resident working teams are carefully selected and dispatched to poverty-stricken villages. We select a range of people as village leaders to hold the post of secretary of village Party organizations – hard-working, dedicated, and innovative Party members from those who have lifted themselves out of poverty in rural areas, veterans, returning migrant workers and business people, heads of farmer cooperatives, and college graduates. Village Party branches perform a decisive role in this battle, and continue to enhance their cohesion and skills. With closer relations between the villagers and village officials, and between the Party and the people, people in poverty-stricken areas have greater trust and confidence in the Party and the government, laying solid foundations for the Party's governance in rural areas.
Grassroots governance is becoming more effective. Grassroots democracy has advanced in poverty-stricken areas as a result of the battle against poverty, inspiring vitality in local communities. Villagers and residents committees are more actively involved, while the poor are able to do more in improving their own management, education, services and supervision. Village affairs have become more transparent, so that villagers can discuss and direct their own affairs and engage in democratic decision-making on issues of importance. The public are becoming increasingly active and are breaking new ground in grassroots governance. At the beginning of poverty alleviation, many poor villages had little collective income. By the end of 2020, the average collective income in impoverished villages across the country had exceeded RMB120,000. With a steady collective income, many village organizations have become more capable of keeping operations running and serving the people.
Increasing the number of rural service personnel who have a good knowledge of agriculture, love our rural areas, and care about rural people. Since 2013, more than 3 million first Party secretaries and resident working team members have been selected and dispatched to carry out targeted poverty alleviation. Officials working at the grassroots and poverty relief officials always concern themselves first and foremost with the interests of the poor. They dedicate themselves to practical actions and solving tough problems for the poor, and thereby win public approval. Going through hardships in the battle against poverty, persistent, optimistic, hard-working grassroots officials and poverty relief officials have become more confident in motivating people to shake off poverty and more capable of doing it. A large number of professionals and entrepreneurs in fields such as education, science and technology, healthcare and culture have gone to poverty-stricken regions to aid construction and make investments. Many college graduates have resisted the temptation of much better pay and benefits in cities to go back and help their hometowns in rural areas. Becoming more prosperous and attractive, rural areas are better able to attract and retain talented professionals who love the countryside, encouraging them to take roots and assist with agricultural and rural modernization.
Notable progress made in strengthening China's capacity for social governance. China's poverty relief efforts have brought advanced concepts of development, modern technology, and scientific management models to impoverished areas, significantly improving social governance. In the process, China has explored new ways in grassroots social governance, and put in place an open and information-based grassroots system to provide a gridded management model and better services for everyone. All these have strengthened public participation and rule of law in social governance, and made it smarter and more specialized, improving the ability of the grassroots to prevent and resolve conflicts, and helping maintain harmony, stability and order in impoverished areas.
Our complete victory over extreme poverty is an outstanding achievement in the history of both China and humanity. It has reinforced the Chinese nation's self-belief and its sense of pride, cohesiveness and affinity. It has strengthened the people's confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and given them trust in their ability to build a better life. This great victory shows that the CPC has held fast to its original aspiration and mission, and demonstrates its ability to lead politically, to guide through theory, to organize the people, and to inspire society. It shows the strength of socialism with Chinese characteristics in pooling resources to solve major problems. It highlights China's spirit, China's values, China's strength, and the willpower of the Chinese people to strive to realize dreams with bold resolve which dares to make sun and moon shine in new skies. It exemplifies the fearless and indomitable character of the Chinese nation, determined to struggle and resolutely overcome all difficulties and challenges along the way. A will to unite as one, do our best, set targets, adopt a pragmatic approach, be pioneers, innovate, tackle tough issues head-on, and live up to our people's trust, has formed in the great endeavors of poverty alleviation. It has fostered a Chinese ethos and a readiness to respond to the call of our times, and will continue to inspire our people to create a better future.
III. The Strategy of Targeted Poverty Alleviation对于贫困人口规模庞大的国家,找准贫困人口、实施扶真贫是普遍性难题。脱贫攻坚贵在精准、重在精准,成败之举在于精准。中国在脱贫攻坚实践中,积极借鉴国际经验,紧密结合中国实际,创造性地提出并实施精准扶贫方略,做到扶持对象、项目安排、资金使用、措施到户、因村派人、脱贫成效“六个精准”,实施发展生产、易地搬迁、生态补偿、发展教育、社会保障兜底“五个一批”,解决好扶持谁、谁来扶、怎么扶、如何退、如何稳“五个问题”,增强了脱贫攻坚的目标针对性,提升了脱贫攻坚的整体效能。Identifying those truly in need is a universal problem in countries with a large population in poverty. Accurate identification of the poor and targeted measures is central to any effort to eradicate poverty. In its poverty elimination effort, China has actively learned from international experience, fully considered its actual conditions, and launched a series of guidelines and measures to increase efficiency, summarized as accomplishing "Targeted Efforts in Six Areas"[ This refers to efforts to identify the poor accurately, arrange targeted programs, utilize capital efficiently, take household-based measures, dispatch first Party secretaries based on village conditions, and achieve the set goals.], taking "Five Measures for Poverty Eradication"[ The measures include: boosting the economy to provide more job opportunities, relocating poor people from inhospitable areas, compensating for economic losses associated with reducing ecological damage, improving education in impoverished areas, and providing subsistence allowances for those unable to shake off poverty through their own efforts alone. ], and addressing "Five Questions in Poverty Alleviation"[ This refers to these questions: who should help, who should be helped, how to help, how to evaluate whether someone has emerged from poverty, and how to ensure those people stay free from poverty. ].
1. Identifying People in Need to Know Whom to Help
扶贫必先识贫。中国贫困人口规模大、结构复杂,实现精准扶贫首先要精准识贫。科学制定贫困识别的标准和程序,组织基层干部进村入户,摸清贫困人口分布、致贫原因、帮扶需求等情况。贫困户识别以农户收入为基本依据,综合考虑住房、教育、健康等情况,通过农户申请、民主评议、公示公告、逐级审核的方式,进行整户识别;贫困村识别综合考虑行政村贫困发生率、村民人均纯收入和村集体经济收入等情况,按照村委会申请、乡政府审核公示、县级审定公告等程序确定。对识别出的贫困村和贫困人口建档立卡,建立起全国统一的扶贫信息系统。组织开展“回头看”,实行动态管理,及时剔除识别不准人口、补录新识别人口,提高识别准确率。建档立卡在中国扶贫史上第一次实现贫困信息精准到村到户到人,精确瞄准了脱贫攻坚的对象,第一次逐户分析致贫原因和脱贫需求,第一次构建起国家扶贫信息平台,为实施精准扶贫精准脱贫提供了有力的数据支撑。To help the poor, we must know who they are. China had a large poor population, which was complex in composition. China has developed a set of standards and procedures to accurately identify the poor, and grassroots officials have spent time in villages analyzing the distribution of the poor population, the causes of their poverty, and their needs. Poor households are identified primarily based on their incomes, with consideration given to other factors such as housing, education and health. Household applications for poverty registration are discussed and reviewed, disclosed for public supervision, and then evaluated by each level of administration. For administrative villages applying to be registered, consideration is given to the incidence of poverty, the per capita net income of the villagers, and income from businesses run by village collectives. Applications are filed by the village committee, reviewed and disclosed by the township government, and examined by the county government before the results are made public. The individuals and villages confirmed as poor are then registered and a file is created in the national poverty alleviation information system. Dynamic management of the poor population has been strengthened to remove those who have been wrongly identified and to add those newly identified, with an emphasis on accuracy. Through this registration system, for the first time in the history of poverty alleviation, China has identified every poor individual in every village, every poor household has the causes of their poverty and their needs registered with the government. The national information platform on poverty alleviation provides powerful IT support for targeted measures to realize the set goals.
2. Strengthening Leadership and Team-building to Know How to Offer Help
脱贫攻坚涉及面广、要素繁多、极其复杂,需要强有力的组织领导和贯彻执行。充分发挥党的政治优势、组织优势,建立中央统筹、省负总责、市县抓落实的脱贫攻坚管理体制和片为重点、工作到村、扶贫到户的工作机制,构建起横向到边、纵向到底的工作体系。各级党委充分发挥总揽全局、协调各方的作用,执行脱贫攻坚一把手负责制,中西部22个省份党政主要负责同志向中央签署责任书、立下军令状,省市县乡村五级书记一起抓。脱贫攻坚期内,贫困县党委政府正职保持稳定。有脱贫任务的地区,倒排工期、落实责任,抓紧施工、强力推进。脱贫攻坚任务重的地区,把脱贫攻坚作为头等大事和第一民生工程,以脱贫攻坚统揽经济社会发展全局。实行最严格的考核评估和监督检查,组织脱贫攻坚专项巡视,开展扶贫领域腐败和作风问题专项治理(专栏5),加强脱贫攻坚督导和监察(专栏6),确保扶贫工作务实、脱贫过程扎实、脱贫结果真实,使脱贫攻坚成果经得起实践和历史检验。Poverty eradication work covers a wide range of areas and is extremely complex, thus requiring rigorous organization, leadership, and implementation. Relying on the CPC's political and organizational strength, China has established a poverty eradication management network with the central government acting as coordinator, provincial governments taking overall responsibility, and city and county governments overseeing implementation. The network covers all poor areas and officials are sent to villages to help every needy household. Party committees at all levels have assumed an overall coordinating role and assigned top officials to take charge of poverty eradication affairs. The leading officials of 22 provinces and equivalent administrative units in central and western China signed written pledges to the Party Central Committee, and Party secretaries at the five administrative levels of province, city, county, township and village have worked towards the same goal. During the poverty eradication campaign, Party committee secretaries and county governors have been required to remain unchanged in their posts. Areas tasked with poverty elimination worked out timetables with a clear division of responsibilities and pressed forward with implementation. In places where the work was particularly difficult, the fight against poverty became the top priority of social and economic development. Through the strictest possible evaluation and supervision, as well as specialized inspection tours, China has addressed any corruption and misconduct in poverty alleviation with rigor (Box 5), and strengthened the evaluation and supervision of results to ensure solid and authentic outcomes (Box 6) that can survive the test of time and practice.
China has improved the incentives for encouraging officials to fulfill responsibilities and undertake initiatives, and the relevant mechanisms to protect their position. By giving more attention to and caring for officials and establishing the right approach to their selection and appointment, the government has given them the incentive to fulfill their duties and do their best in the final fight against poverty. China has strengthened its team of grassroots officials working in poverty alleviation, and formed resident working teams to assign officials to villages where they could be most useful. Officials on the resident working teams must be politically reliable and professional, and have a can-do approach to their work. Officials on these teams have dedicated themselves to their mission and fulfilled their duties, committing themselves to helping those in need on the front line of fighting poverty, and giving their all to help the poor find ways to emerge from poverty and seek development. The first group of first secretaries and resident working teams were dispatched to poor villages in 2013. By 2015, all poor villages had resident working teams, and every poor household a contact official in charge of poverty elimination. As of the end of 2020, 255,000 resident teams and more than 3 million officials had been dispatched as first secretaries and resident officials to poor villages, fighting on the front line of poverty alleviation alongside nearly 2 million township officials and millions of village officials.
3. Applying Targeted Measures for Different Groups to Know How to Help
贫困的类型和原因千差万别,开对“药方子”才能拔掉“穷根子”。中国在减贫实践中,针对不同情况分类施策、对症下药,因人因地施策,因贫困原因施策,因贫困类型施策,通过实施“五个一批”实现精准扶贫。There are many different types of poverty and the causes vary from case to case. We cannot address the root cause without the right remedies. In practice, China has adopted categorized and targeted measures to reduce poverty, based on the situation of individual households, local conditions, and the causes for and types of poverty. These targeted measures include: boosting the economy to provide more job opportunities, relocating poor people from inhospitable areas, compensating for economic losses associated with reducing ecological damage, improving education in impoverished areas, and providing subsistence allowances for those unable to shake off poverty through their own efforts alone.
First, boosting the economy to provide more job opportunities. Poverty alleviation through economic development is the most direct and effective method, the fundamental way to give poor areas the capacity for independent development and help the poor find employment locally. With this in mind, China has supported and guided poor areas in developing economic activities geared to their available resources, and encouraged poverty alleviation through new forms of business and new industries such as e-commerce, photovoltaic (PV) power generation and tourism, and through the consumption of products and services from poor areas (Box 7). Relying on collaboration on poverty alleviation between the eastern and western regions, China has facilitated the transfer of food processing, clothes manufacturing, and other labor-intensive industries from the east to the west. With the growth of such specialty industries, poor areas have gained economic momentum. More than 300,000 industrial bases have been built, leading to the creation of new industries with distinctive features and greater capacity to facilitate poverty alleviation efforts. China has created 12,000 local agroproduct brands, 14,400 leading enterprises above the city level, and 719,000 rural cooperatives operated by farmers. A total of 72.6% of poor households have formed close ties with new types of agribusiness entities, and almost every poor household has been covered by policy support for boosting the economy. Almost all poor people with the ability and intention to work have joined the collective endeavor. Solid progress has been made in poverty alleviation through the development of science and technology. A total of 1,290 innovative platforms and business startups have been set up, and 77,000 people have been paired up with professionals to receive guidance on new technology in impoverished regions. With a team of 289,800 technicians and a fund of over RMB20 billion, China has launched 37,600 high-tech programs of all kinds and at all levels and introduced more than 50,000 advanced applied technologies and new, improved breeds. Poor households have received financial support such as small loans (Box 8). In poor villages, entrepreneurial individuals have been encouraged to start businesses and given support to help and lead others out of poverty.
易地搬迁脱贫一批。对生活在自然环境恶劣、生存条件极差、自然灾害频发地区,很难实现就地脱贫的贫困人口,实施易地扶贫搬迁(专栏9)。充分尊重群众意愿,坚持符合条件和群众自愿原则,加强思想引导,不搞强迫命令。全面摸排搬迁对象,精心制定搬迁规划,合理确定搬迁规模,有计划有步骤稳妥实施。960多万生活在“一方水土养不好一方人”地区的贫困人口通过易地搬迁实现脱贫。对搬迁后的旧宅基地实行复垦复绿,改善迁出区生态环境。加强安置点配套设施和产业园区、扶贫车间等建设,积极为搬迁人口创造就业机会,保障他们有稳定的收入,同当地群众享受同等的基本公共服务,确保搬得出、稳得住、逐步能致富。Second, relocating poor people from inhospitable areas. Some people lived in uninhabitable areas suffering from harsh natural conditions and subject to frequent natural disasters. It would be very hard for them to shake off poverty if they remained where they were, so the government relocated them to other areas (Box 9). The government respected these people's wishes, and only relocated those who were eligible and agreed to move. The reasons for relocation were explained to them but no coercion was used. The conditions and needs of target relocation groups were given full consideration, the scale of relocation was determined through research, and feasible plans were worked out and implemented in steps. As a result, more than 9.6 million people from inhospitable areas have shaken off poverty through relocation. Their former homes have been turned into farmland or planted with trees, to improve the eco-environment in these areas. In the resettlement sites, support facilities, industrial parks, and workshops have been built to create jobs for the relocated population, to ensure that they have stable incomes and equitable access to basic public services. Measures have been taken to ensure smooth relocation and resettlement, and make sure that those involved have the means to better themselves.
Third, shaking off poverty through compensations for economic losses associated with reducing ecological damage and getting eco-jobs. Clear waters and green mountains are invaluable assets. Laying equal emphasis on poverty alleviation and eco-conservation, China has strengthened ecological restoration and environmental protection in poor areas, increased government transfer payments to key eco-areas, and expanded the scope of those eligible for preferential policies. Poor people with the ability to work have thus been employed in eco-work, for example as forest rangers. Since 2013, a total of 4.97 million ha of farmland in poor areas has been returned to forest and grassland. A total of 1.1 million poor people have become forest rangers, and 23,000 poverty alleviation afforestation cooperatives/teams have been formed. By participating in projects for afforestation, turning reclaimed farmlands into forests or grasslands, restoring and protecting forests, grasslands and wetlands, and growing woody oil plants and working in forest tourism, the poor population have increased their incomes and made a major contribution to improving the eco-environment in poor areas, with mutually beneficial results.
发展教育脱贫一批。坚持再穷不能穷教育、再穷不能穷孩子,加强教育扶贫,不让孩子输在起跑线上,努力让每个孩子都有人生出彩的机会,阻断贫困代际传递(专栏10)。持续提升贫困地区学校、学位、师资、资助等保障能力,20多万名义务教育阶段的贫困家庭辍学学生全部返校就读,全面实现适龄少年儿童义务教育有保障。实施定向招生、学生就业、职教脱贫等倾斜政策,帮助800多万贫困家庭初高中毕业生接受职业教育培训、514万名贫困家庭学生接受高等教育,重点高校定向招收农村和贫困地区学生70多万人,拓宽贫困学生纵向流动渠道。开展民族地区农村教师和青壮年农牧民国家通用语言文字培训,累计培训350万余人次,提升民族地区贫困人口就业能力。“学前学会普通话”行动先后在四川省凉山彝族自治州和乐山市马边彝族自治县、峨边彝族自治县、金口河区开展试点,覆盖43万学龄前儿童,帮助他们学会普通话。Fourth, improving education in impoverished areas. Through education, poverty can be prevented from passing down from generation to generation (Box 10). The government has continued to increase support for schools in poor areas to improve their conditions, standard of teaching, faculties and financial resources. The state ensures compulsory education for all school-age children. All the 200,000 dropouts from compulsory education coming from poor families have returned to school. Favorable policies have been leveraged to enroll more poor students from designated areas, expand employment for graduates, and help students shake off poverty through vocational education. More than 8 million middle and high school graduates from poor families have received vocational training, 5.14 million poor students have received higher education, and key institutions of higher learning have admitted some 700,000 students from designated rural and poor areas. All this has opened up more channels for poor students to emerge from poverty and move upwards in society. The government has offered training on standard spoken and written Chinese language to 3.5 million rural teachers and young farmers and herdsmen in ethnic minority areas, in an effort to make poor people from these areas more competitive in the job market. A pilot campaign has been launched to teach standard Chinese to preschool children in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, and Mabian Yi Autonomous County, Ebian Yi Autonomous County and Jinkouhe District in Leshan City, Sichuan Province, involving 430,000 children.社会保障兜底一批。聚焦特殊贫困群体,落实兜底保障政策。实施特困人员供养服务设施改造提升工程,集中供养能力显著增强。农村低保制度与扶贫政策有效衔接,全国农村低保标准从2012年每人每年2068元提高到2020年5962元,提高188.3%。扶贫部门与民政部门定期开展数据比对、摸排核实,实现贫困人口“应保尽保”。
Fifth, providing subsistence allowances for those unable to shake off poverty through their own efforts alone. China focuses on the needs of the most vulnerable groups and provides them with subsistence allowances. Services and facilities to support people living in extreme poverty have been upgraded, with a greater capacity to provide care in service centers. The rural subsistence allowances framework has been effectively dovetailed with poverty alleviation policies, and the per capita yearly subsistence allowances in rural areas had grown from RMB2,068 in 2012 to RMB5,962 in 2020, an increase of 188.3%. The departments in charge of poverty alleviation and civil affairs compare data and verify information on a regular basis, to ensure full coverage of support for eligible groups.中国还结合实际、因地制宜,采取其他多渠道多元化扶贫措施。大力推进就业扶贫,通过免费开展职业技能培训、东西部扶贫协作劳务输出、扶贫车间和扶贫龙头企业吸纳、返乡创业带动、扶贫公益性岗位安置等形式,支持有劳动能力的贫困人口在本地或外出务工、创业,贫困劳动力务工规模从2015年的1227万人增加到2020年的3243万人。开展健康扶贫工程,把健康扶贫作为脱贫攻坚重要举措,防止因病致贫返贫(专栏11)。
China has also implemented many other forms of support for poverty alleviation that are consistent with local conditions. The government has redoubled its efforts to boost employment for the poor, through means such as offering free training on vocational skills, strengthening collaboration in the labor market between the eastern and western regions, supporting leading enterprises and workshops in poverty alleviation to create more jobs, encouraging entrepreneurial individuals to start businesses in their hometowns or villages, and creating public welfare jobs for the rest of the unemployed. Poor people who have the ability to work are encouraged to find employment locally or elsewhere, or start their own businesses. In 2015, 12.27 million poor laborers found employment; the figure had risen to 32.43 million in 2020. China has made efforts to improve healthcare service to the poor, considering it an important part of poverty alleviation in order to prevent the poor from sinking back into poverty due to illness (Box 11).
China has launched a project to connect poor areas to the internet, introducing the "internet+" model for poverty alleviation in poor areas, especially in the extremely impoverished "three areas and three prefectures". The earnings from poverty alleviation funds and assets have been used to support the poor. The assets generated from facility agriculture – agriculture making extensive use of polytents and other similar equipment – PV power stations, and rural tourism using central government funds for poverty alleviation and other agriculture-related funds have been converted into shares and allocated proportionately to poor villages in order to give a boost to businesses, increase villagers' incomes and more importantly help solve the problem of generating revenue for the villages' collective economy. Since Covid-19 struck in 2020, China has adopted a series of support measures, such as measures to stabilize employment and encourage consumption of products from poor areas, effectively minimizing the impact of the virus.
4. Adopting Strict Criteria to Know When and How to Deregister Those Who Have Emerged from Poverty
建立贫困退出机制,明确贫困县、贫困村、贫困人口退出的标准和程序,既防止数字脱贫、虚假脱贫等“被脱贫”,也防止达到标准不愿退出等“该退不退”。制定脱贫摘帽规划和年度减贫计划,确保规范合理有序退出。严格执行退出标准,严格规范工作流程,贫困人口退出实行民主评议,贫困村、贫困县退出进行审核审查,退出结果公示公告,让群众参与评价,做到程序公开、数据准确、档案完整、结果公正。强化监督检查,每年委托第三方对摘帽县和脱贫人口进行专项评估,重点抽选条件较差、基础薄弱的偏远地区,重点评估脱贫人口退出准确率、摘帽县贫困发生率、群众帮扶满意度,确保退出结果真实。2020年至2021年初,开展国家脱贫攻坚普查,全面准确摸清贫困人口脱贫实现情况。贫困人口、贫困村、贫困县退出后,在一定时期内原有扶持政策保持不变,摘帽不摘责任,摘帽不摘帮扶,摘帽不摘政策,摘帽不摘监管,留出缓冲期,确保稳定脱贫。A poverty exit mechanism has been established, with clear provisions on the standards and procedures for deregistering from the list poor counties, villages, and individuals. This prevents misconduct such as manipulation and falsification of data, and also prevents those who have emerged from poverty from keeping the label in order to continue accessing preferential treatment. The government has worked out a poverty deregistration plan and an annual poverty alleviation plan to ensure procedure-based, rational and orderly exit from the registers. The criteria and procedures have been strictly enforced, for example, by conducting public review in the case of individuals and government examination in the case of villages and counties. The results of poverty exit have been disclosed for public evaluation and review, based on transparent procedures, accurate data and complete files, to ensure fairness. Supervision and inspection have been strengthened, including annual evaluations by third parties of the deregistered population and counties, with a focus on remote areas with weaker economic foundations. Three parameters – the accuracy of decisions, the poverty incidence of recurrence among deregistered counties, and public rating of assistance measures – are emphasized in evaluation, to ensure accurate results. From 2020 to early 2021, China conducted a general survey of poverty elimination, collecting accurate data on progress in helping the poor out of poverty. A "grace period" is allowed for previously impoverished population, villages and counties, during which time poverty alleviation policies and government supervision are continued until their status is secure.
5. Conducting Follow-up Monitoring to Help People Stay Out of Poverty
稳定脱贫不返贫才是真脱贫。对脱贫县,从脱贫之日起设立5年过渡期,过渡期内保持主要帮扶政策总体稳定,对现有帮扶政策逐项分类优化调整,逐步由集中资源支持脱贫攻坚向全面推进乡村振兴平稳过渡。健全防止返贫动态监测和帮扶机制,对脱贫不稳定户、边缘易致贫户,以及因病因灾因意外事故等刚性支出较大或收入大幅缩减导致基本生活出现严重困难户,开展定期检查、动态管理,做到早发现、早干预、早帮扶,防止返贫和产生新的贫困。People and locations will only be considered to have shaken off poverty when they have stayed out of it and have not fallen back in after a certain period. Counties have been given a five-year period of grace from the day they emerged from poverty. During this period they will continue to enjoy the main support policies, which will be adjusted and optimized by category. Over time the resources leveraged for intensive poverty elimination will be redirected towards an extensive drive for rural revitalization. China will improve its dynamic monitoring of any trends indicating a return to poverty, and improve associated support measures. It will regularly check on key groups, such as those who have just emerged from poverty but whose position is far from secure, those on the verge of poverty who can fall back in again easily, and those experiencing difficulties in meeting their basic needs due to expenditure induced by illness, disaster or accident, or due to a sharp drop in income, and exercise dynamic management to spot these trends early and intervene through support measures, so that these people do not fall back into poverty.
China will continue to support formerly impoverished areas in developing their specialty industries and help those who have emerged from poverty have stable employment. Follow-up support will be given to the resettled population whose employment will be promoted through multiple means. The government will improve social management to help them integrate into society, so that they will stay out of poverty, remain employed and have a promising future. Systems and practices that have proven effective, such as resident first secretaries and working teams, eastern-western collaboration, paired-up assistance, and social assistance, will be continued and improved. Efforts will be intensified to help those who have emerged from poverty build up self-belief and have access to education, so that they can create a better life through their own hard work. More evaluation will be carried out over the status of formerly impoverished people and areas, and Party committees and governments at all levels will continue to take responsibility to ensure that people do not sink back into poverty in large numbers.
The strategy of targeted poverty alleviation is China's strongest weapon in its final battle to secure victory against poverty, and a major innovation in the theory and practice of poverty alleviation. It highlights the CPC's sound approach whereby all actions are based on actual conditions and conform to the needs of development; it is a manifestation of its courage to face up to new challenges and find solutions through trial and error; of its tireless exploration of the characteristics of governance by the CPC, the development of socialism, and the evolution of human society; and of its pursuit of all-round development of the people and common prosperity for all. In addition to securing a sweeping victory in the final battle against poverty, the strategy has also given a powerful boost to modernizing China's national governance system and capacity, and to enriching and developing the CPC's guiding philosophies and governance strategies in the new era.