

中国外文局 中国外文局 2022-06-29

7月6日,中共中央总书记、国家主席习近平在北京以视频连线方式出席中国共产党与世界政党领导人峰会,并发表题为《加强政党合作 共谋人民幸福》的主旨讲话。


1. 面对共同挑战,任何人任何国家都无法独善其身,人类只有和衷共济、和合共生这一条出路。In the face of the common challenges confronting us all, no person or country can act alone. The only way out is to work together in harmony and as one. 

2. 从“本国优先”的角度看,世界是狭小拥挤的,时时都是“激烈竞争”;从命运与共的角度看,世界是宽广博大的,处处都有合作机遇。Viewed from the perspective of “my country first”, the world is a cramped and crowded place, rife with competition; viewed from the perspective of a global community of shared future, the world is a vast and broad place, replete with opportunities for cooperation. 

3. 在人类追求幸福的道路上,一个国家、一个民族都不能少;世界上所有国家、所有民族都应该享有平等的发展机会和权利。On the quest to bring wellbeing to all of humanity, no country or nation should be left behind. All countries and nations are equally entitled to the right and the opportunity to pursue development.

4. 任何以阻挠他国发展,损害他国人民生活为要挟的政治操弄,都是不得人心的,也终将是徒劳的。Any political manipulation designed to sabotage the development of other countries and undermine the livelihood of other peoples will receive little support and prove to be futile. 

5. 通向幸福的道路不尽相同,各国人民有权选择自己的发展道路和制度模式——这本身就是人民幸福的应有之义。There are different pathways to wellbeing, and the peoples of all countries are entitled to choose their own path and institutional model – this, in its essence, is what wellbeing entails. 

6. 一个国家民不民主,要由这个国家的人民来评判,而不能由少数人说了算。The judgment on whether a country is democratic or not should be made by its own people, not by a handful of others.

7. 办好中国的事,让14亿多中国人民过上更美好的生活,促进人类和平与发展的崇高事业——这是中国共产党矢志不渝的奋斗目标。It is the CPC’s unswerving goal to run China’s house well, ensure a happy life for over 1.4 billion Chinese people, and promote peace and development for all humanity.

8. 现代化道路并没有固定模式,适合自己的才是最好的,不能削足适履。There does not exist one fixed path to modernization, while the one that suits you well will serve you well. Cutting one’s foot to fit a shoe will bring no benefit. 

9. 多边主义践行得好一点,人类面临的共同问题,就会解决得好一点。The more that multilateralism is practiced, the better that humanity’s common problems will be resolved.

10. 我们要共同反对以多边主义之名,行单边主义之实的各种行为,共同反对霸权主义和强权政治。We should oppose the practice of unilateralism disguised as multilateralism, and say no to hegemony and power politics.

11. 中国共产党愿继续和各国政党和政治组织一道,站在历史正确的一边,站在人类进步的一边。The CPC is ready to continue working with political parties and organizations anywhere in the world, and to stand on the right side of history with the progressive side of humanity.

12. 我们要担负起引领方向的责任,把握和塑造人类共同未来。We need to shoulder the responsibility for steering the course, by grasping and shaping humanity’s shared future.

13. 我们要担负起凝聚共识的责任,坚守和弘扬全人类共同价值。We need to shoulder the responsibility for building consensus, by upholding and promoting humanity’s common values.

14. 我们要担负起促进发展的责任,让发展成果更多更公平地惠及各国人民。We need to shoulder the responsibility for promoting development, by bringing greater and fairer benefits to all people.

15. 我们要担负起加强合作的责任,携手应对全球性风险和挑战。We need to shoulder the responsibility for enhanced cooperation, by working together to address global risks and challenges.

16. 我们要担负起完善治理的责任,不断增强为人民谋幸福的能力。We need to shoulder the responsibility for better governance, by increasing the capacity to ensure people’s wellbeing.

17. 中国共产党将团结带领中国人民深入推进中国式现代化,为人类对现代化道路的探索作出新贡献。The CPC will unite and lead the Chinese people to press ahead with China’s modernization and contribute to humanity’s search for new ways to modernize. 

18. 中国共产党将团结带领中国人民全面深化改革和扩大开放,为世界各国共同发展繁荣作出新贡献。The CPC will unite and lead the Chinese people to advance reform and opening-up and contribute to shared development and prosperity for all countries. 

19. 中国共产党将履行大国大党责任,为增进人类福祉作出新贡献。The CPC will shoulder its responsibilities as a major political party in a major country and contribute to bringing people better lives.

20. 中国共产党将积极推动完善全球治理,为人类社会携手应对共同挑战作出新贡献。The CPC will actively improve global governance and contribute to humanity’s joint response to common challenges.

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