
SNN:加州草莓调查-农药 转基因 膨大剂,你疑惑和担心的问题都在这里了!

2017-07-04 SNN CAAOC一SNNnews

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SNN学生记者 Tom Gao 报道  


美国公益组织“环境保护组织”(Environmental Working Group,简称EWG)是一家非盈利性机构,在过去10年里,每年EWG都会分析由USDA美国农业部进行的实验数据发布发布“12大肮脏果蔬”(受农药残余物污染最为严重的水果和蔬菜)及“15大干净果蔬”。 根据2017年调查结果,EWG发现48种常规农作物的样品中,70%都受到了农药残留物污染,即使在清洗后(有时甚至在削皮后)-农药仍然存在。位于EWG发布的“2017年12大肮脏果蔬”名录的第一位的水果就是草莓。到底自己最爱吃的草莓安不安全呢?为此SNN学生记者进行了多个采访-包括加州草莓协会、尔湾jeffrry路草莓农场、MarinersChurch农夫市场草莓农场主和尔湾最大的采摘草莓农场Tanaka Farm,希望了解这些诱人草莓的背后是否有着诸多不知道的秘密。


这里还有一个之前的SNN学生记者小调查文章:真相大白!尔湾直饮水实际上就是洗手水!? 这个是上次学生记者对于北木高中两届毕业生的调查和数据分析文: SNN:尔湾北木高中17与16届毕业生大学录取数据对比-NorthWoodHigh    最近SNN学生记者要尝试无人机学习使用啦,这个需要学习一下:SNN:尔湾警局发布无人机规定  重于0.55磅要注册+执照才可以飞~~   

In the past 10 years, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released the annual report of "Dirty Dozen List" (the 12 fruits and vegetables that have the highest pesticide residues) and "15 clean fruits and vegetables list" with the analyze by US Department of Agriculture. The first place of the "Dirty Dozen List" is strawberry. So are the strawberries we love safe or not? SNN student reporter did a few interviews around Irvine, trying to find the secrets people do not know behind the strawberries. (These interviews were done in March and April, but those interviews were not quite "successful". So this article last till now, gave reporter some more time to find mor informations.)


据加州草莓协会通讯总监 Carolyn O’Donnell 对SNN记者的介绍,大约80%的美国草莓都是在加州种植的,这主要是因为加州沿海的理想种植环境,草莓全年都可生长。

但是草莓却被EWG列于2017年“Dirty Dozen”清单的第一名,而就在去年加州草莓还被允许成为出口中国的唯一草莓种植地区, EWG的调查编辑Bill Walker和高级分析师Sonya Lunder在他们的文章中说:“美国人平均每年吃近八磅的新鲜草莓,一起吃进去的其实还有数十种杀虫剂,包括与癌症和生殖损害有关的化学物质,或在欧洲被禁用的化学物质”。这些新闻报道引起了社会的许多关心。

But the strawberries were the first place on EWG's "Dirty Dozen" List, and it was exporting to China starting last year, EWG's Investigations Editor Bill Walker and the Senior Analyst Sonya Lunder said in their article, "Americans eat nearly eight pounds of fresh strawberries a year - and with them, dozens of pesticides, including chemicals that have been linked to cancer and reproductive damage, or that are banned in Europe."


No GMO Techniques or Swelling Agent Used



March 36th, SNN student reporter sent an interview email to California Strawberry Commission, asking for what made strawberries in California to almost dominate the market in the US and was GMO Techniques, swelling agent, and pesticide used, if so, how much.

加州草莓协会通讯总监Carolyn O’Donnell 在3月29日给学生记者回复了邮件,并介绍说在加利福尼亚种植出的又大又好的草莓是私人和加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校合作的育种计划的结果,它利用了加州优秀的草莓生长条件。并努力使用传统的异花授粉育种技术 - 不使用转基因生物技术。她还说:“草莓在每个种植区域的季节开始时都很大。随着植物在整个季节不断生产草莓(例如,在沃森维尔地区,这是在4月至10月或11月之间),草莓将会随着季节的进展而变小。加州没有使用任何化学物质或其他处理方法来使草莓‘膨胀’。"

According to the Communications Director Carolyn O’Donnell from California Strawberry Commission, the strawberries grown in California are the result of breeding programs, both private and at the University of California, Davis, that takes advantage of the state’s growing conditions. These efforts used traditional cross-pollination breeding techniques – no GMO techniques were used.

Furthermore, she said that the strawberries are large at the very beginning of the season ineach growing area. As the plants continuously produce fruit through out the season (for example, in the Watsonville area, this is between April and Octoberor November), the berries get smaller as the season progresses. There are no chemicals or other treatments used to cause the berries to “swell”.

加大博士: 儿童一天吃181份草莓 没有影响

Dr Robert  A child could consume 181 strawberries in one day

在这第一次回复中,加州草莓协会通讯总监Carolyn O’Donnell并没有提及农药这一方面。于是SNN学生记者在4月2日与4月6日再次发送了两封采访邮件,主要询问农药使用情况以及对EWG公布的“Dirty Dozen”中草莓位列第一名的看法。

In the first reply she did not mention about the pesticide, so SNN student reporter sent 2 more emails on April 2nd and 6th, mainly asking for pesticide usage and their opinion for strawberry being first place in the "Dirty Dozen" list sent by EWG.


4月11日,Carolyn O’Donnell 给SNN学生记者回复了邮件,这次也没有正面回答关于草莓农药使用情况的问题,而是提供了一个草莓农药情况的分析网站给学生记者,网址是safefruitsandveggies.com,这个安全水果蔬菜网站属于一家非盈利机构AFF(The Alliance for Food and Farming ) ,网站上面提供了一个有意思的农药残留计算器:PESTICIDE RESIDUE CALCULATOR 就算这些草莓都是USDA记录中含有最高农药残留的草莓。网站工具计算显示一个成年男人每天可以食用635份,青少年363份,儿童181份草莓而不会受到任何影响,这个数据分析工具是由加州大学河滨分校负责个人化学物侵害项目研究主任的Robert Krieger博士制作,不过这个项目却正是AFF赞助的。


在给SNN学生记者的email中,Carolyn O’Donnell 还介绍道,加州是美国唯一一个追踪记录农药使用的州,而且有70多条法律限制农药使用。她还说:“就像人生病时去看医生一样,农民只在农作物需要的时候使用农药,而且并只使用限制量以内的农药。”

April 11th, Carolyn O'Donnell replied, from the website she provided, safefruitsandveggies.com, a man could consume 635 servings, a teen could consume 363 servings, a child could consume 181 servings of strawberrie without any effect even if the strawberries have the highest pesticide residue recorded for strawberries by USDA.(Who provided the scientific analysis used in developing this tool?The analysis was conducted by Dr. Robert Krieger, director of the Personal Chemical Exposure Program at University of California, Riverside. The Alliance for Food and Farming, a non-profit organization representing both conventional and organic farmers, provides unrestricted financial assistance to support human chemical exposure and risk communication studies conducted by Dr. Krieger through the Riverside program. 

Carolyn O’Donnell also said,"As California is the only state that tracks pesticide use, strawberry farmers much comply with more than 70 laws and regulations, which are often stricter than those enforced by US EPA.. Farmers determine pesticide use based on any issues found in their fields. Much like people may visit a health professional for medication when they are sick, the farmer only uses pesticides when needed, only in the amount allowed by regulations."

农场主:有机草莓不一定没有农药 也不一定最新鲜

Farmers: organic  do not mean no pesticides nor are they freshest


在采访MarinersChurch农夫市场上RS FarmMaria Avalos时,她介绍说在RSFarm种植的有机草莓没有使用任何农药,靠特殊动物来清除草莓地里的害虫。

 During the interviewto Maria Avalos from RS Farm, She said that the organic strawberries grown in RS Farm are pesticide free, special animals were used to kill insects.


In the jeffrry road strawberry farm, student journalists did not find the boss, a worker told the student journalists that their strawberries did not use pesticides, but would spray some white mist to kill the pests (which also estimated to belong to an insect Agent).


尔湾知名草莓采摘农场Tanaka Farm 

位于大学路附近的尔湾知名草莓采摘农场Tanaka Farm农场主Glenn Tanaka为大家揭开了一个谜团,“有机蔬菜并不是无农药使用,也不是比其他蔬菜更加新鲜”。“只不过有机农场的要求是必须使用有机农药,有上百种的农药都是经过批准,都是可以用于有机蔬菜的。”他给出了一个例子,“如果农场一直在使用有机农药,而因为虫害或其他原因使用了一次非有机农药,这样的蔬菜就不算是有机蔬菜,然而它又会比有机蔬菜差多少呢?他还说:“其实无论有机或非有机农药,只要使用在合理范围内,都是对身体无害的。”他还介绍说,他的农场种植的草莓有时也使用非有机农药,但他却敢非常自信的让他一岁的孙子去草莓园里采摘草莓吃

Farmowner Glenn Tanaka also told reporter a truth, organic vegetables are notpesticide free and are not better or fresher than non-organic vegetables. He gave an example, if a farm is using all pesticide that is approved to be usedfor organic vegetables, but used non-organic pesticide for only once, it is not organic vegetables then, but how much worse is that? For only using non-organic pesticide for once? And he said that, "If the amount of pesticide iswithin the amount on the label, all kinds of pesticide will not be bad." As he introduced, he sometimes also use non-organic pesticide, but he is very confident to let his one-year-old grandson to pick and eat strawberries from his farm.

 对于EWG公布的“Dirty Dozen”中草莓处于第一位,Glenn也做出了解释:“草莓的生长周期可以达到11个月,假设每月泼洒农药两次,那就也会有总共22次的农药泼洒,而那些生长周期在两个月内的蔬果则只会泼洒4次农药。所以草莓才会位于‘Dirty Dozen’第一位。而且就算今年位于第一位的草莓,其中的农药残留也比安全线低了非常多。”

Glenn Tanaka also said, "There are hundreds of pesticide allowed to be used in organic vegetables." He also shared his opinion for strawberry being top 1 on the 'Dirty Dozen' listsent out by EWG, he said that strawberries takes 11 months to grow, so if weuse pesticide twice a month, that would make a total of 22 times. And thosecrops which need only 2 months to grow will sure have less pesticide thanstrawberries. That is why strawberries were top 1 on the "Dirty Dozen" list. And even strawberries being top 1 on the list, the pesticide residues was still far below the amount that will be harmful to anyone.

几种Tanaka Farm的农药: 

Some of the pesticide used:  


相关报道: 首批加州新鲜草莓正式进入中国  国人首次品尝进口鲜草莓

  中美两国于2016年3月签署协议,6月27日正式批准允许美国加州草莓进入中国市场。 但是第一批加州商业草莓于近期2017年5月15日抵达上海机场。在经过了将近一年的等待后,加州草莓终于正式开启了中国之旅。据了解,第一批到港的加州草莓有138箱,除去部分散装草莓外,大部分为4盒和8盒一箱装草莓。到货的加州草莓非常硬实、新鲜,外观和色泽非常漂亮,口感酸甜。目前加州草莓已经在上海的批发市场和高端超市进行销售。

       中国是世界最大的草莓生产国,草莓年产量200万吨,除了从智利等国进口冷冻草莓,之前并未对任何国家开放新鲜草莓市场。以加州草莓协会(The California Strawberry Commission)为代表的美方十多年来一直努力向中国推介其“无虫害、无农药残留超标”的草莓,试图打开中国市场。此前在2008年奥运会期间应运动员要求,中方曾给予美国草莓临时准入,也算是历史性的里程碑。

  夏季历来是国内草莓的销售淡季,国产草莓在这个时候已经下市。加州草莓抓住国内草莓市场的空窗期进入中国,不仅填补了国内的市场缺口,也提高了自身产品的竞争力,此时进入中国是一个非常好的时机。加州草莓协会也借首批商业草莓进入中国市场之际于本周一在上海举办了“上海贸易商交流会”,向业内的水果贸易商和经销商、零售商、电商和餐饮领域的专业人士介绍了加州草莓行业和种植概况,以及美国加州草莓的产品特色和可持续性的草莓产业,并同与会人士进行交流互动。同时,也介绍了加州草莓的供应商,帮助来自中国鲜果行业的参会者与加州草莓供应商进行洽谈,寻求合作机会。加州草莓协会的主席,同时也是第二代草莓种植者Lorena Chavez此次也来到交流会现场。加州草莓协会的负责人也向国际果蔬报道证实了首批商业草莓已于上周到达上海机场,并希望今后每周均有到货。(综合中国国际果蔬网)

     本文记者:Tom GaoSNN学生记者团成员,RANCHO MIDDLE SCHOOL 8年级学生。男,美食家,重度强迫症患者,痴迷游戏,有时打网球。

指导老师的话: 原则上只修改标题、导语和结构,词句等问题需要学生记者自己检查再检查 。本文是对2017年农药残留水果蔬菜测试中居于第一位的草莓的调查,3-4月份学生记者的采访调查,多方调查后,虽然不很完美,但是却是了解到了真实的草莓农场情况,取得了一些调查结果,尤其是跟草莓协会的反复沟通以及跟Tanaka Farm农场主长达1小时的采访相信会得到一些锻炼。总体感觉美国草莓农药跟国内一样,农药依然不可避免,目前没有好的办法,而农场主则需要凭良心用药,信不信则有你来决定。像Tanaka Farm农场主这样子承认农药,并反复强调自己的小孙子都经常吃自己的草莓,你还有什么不放心的?



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