
必读 邻市一位妈妈给尔湾市民的一封长信! 亲身控诉流浪汉迁入该城市后的噩梦

S CAAOC一SNNnews 2020-09-05



读写新闻 服务社区 



就在刚才的微信群,尔湾市民J. J留言:看得我心惊肉跳!这是加州橙县另外一个城市San Clemente的一位母亲在Nexdoor上写给尔湾市民的信。(这位妈妈写的信很长,她非常真诚来告诉尔湾市民她的经历和San Clemente由于近期橙县让流浪汉搬入该市后的事实)目前她需要带着辣椒水和狼狗去送孩子上下学。很多次打911因为遇到有流浪汉袭击,挑衅,还有吸毒过量。小孩也不敢在公园玩了,家长提心吊胆,整个城市的人都被恐惧包围。SNN提示下: Nextdoor的用户都是需要认证身份的,因此不要随便怀疑这个妈妈的话。能看懂英文的看原文最好。文章底部有尔湾市民张蕾临时翻译的中文,SNN有所整理删节另外文章底部附有橙县纪事报的一篇San Clemente报道的链接。 最后附加了拯救尔湾行动的最近动向,今天上午11点尔湾市政府大公园聚会

Dear Irvine Friends and Neighbors, 

I have already shared this with Laguna Niguel, and now I find myself sharing in Irvine - which happens to be the home of my two best girlfriends (neither of whom are on FB) who mean the world to me... so this is personal... I am a San Clemente resident but love all of South County, and have utmost empathy for the concerns expressed in your community today given the announcement by the Board of Supervisors; we have been desperately attempting to get the attention of our elected officials for over a month with little success after many from the Riverbed were literally dropped off in our town - by cars, buses, taxis, Ubers... and I wanted to share with you the email I sent to Senator Bates, Assemblyman Brough, the entire OC Board of Supervisors, Congressman Issa, as well as my own city council, in order to express a first hand account of the reality of the fallout of these types of decisions made by politicians who do not live the consequences; I am hoping that our communities can come together in a joint voice with an appropriate solution, but one that does not jeopardize the safety of our community. To this day, I have not heard back from anybody with the exception of a staff member of Brough's office, and I believe that is a shameful abdication of responsibility by elected officials. I understand that the Board has since done a complete flip flop after public fury, but this is too little too late, and just another example of incompetence; it should not take threats of a recall to force an elected official to do his or her job - which is to serve the public, the people whose votes they sought.
To the members of the Orange County Board of Supervisors, Congressman Issa, Senator Bates, Assemblyman Brough, and the San Clemente City Council,
I am a San Clemente resident and mother to young children, and awoke this morning to the news of yet another assault to my community, and a second one involving children in less than a week’s time. I cannot in good consciousness allow this to continue as I sit silently, and so I reach out to you today and implore that you, as elected officials who have taken the oath of service and responsibility, take a hard look at what is happening in your greater community of Orange County. I have the advantage of the ability to put words on paper and reach out to my elected officials as this nation’s system of democracy envisions; please be assured that I do not write as an Orange County housewife whom you can dismiss simply because I am not the special interest who typically accesses our county’s politicians; I write this morning on behalf of those in my community who are not comfortable or able to approach you, whose children deserve the same protection and attention as mine do. Our community is in crisis.
Yesterday, a mother returned to her home in the North Beach area in the company of her two years old to find a transient had broken in, had accessed the child’s play castle, and upon confrontation, it was discovered that the man was in possession of the family’s personal belongings, as well as children’s clothing covered in what appeared to be semen. Last week, a community member alerted San Clemente to the fact that he witnessed a transient grab one of three little girls while they crossed a street in town which caused the girls to scream and flee. Police have been notified; both incidents involved transients.
Many of us have been watching closely as the transient population from San Diego to Anaheim and beyond to San Pedro, has exploded over the years, and we have seen our town evolve from a quant, family-oriented beach community into a place of open and permissive drug use, public masturbation, urination, defecation, aggressive panhandling, rampant residential and vehicular theft, and overall aggressive behavior that can be attributed to an easily identifiable group. The surge of transients, coupled with the inevitable and disastrous consequences of the unregulated rehabilitation industry and a shameful overhaul of our state’s criminal justice system, was an obvious recipe for disaster, and San Clemente has borne well beyond the lion’s share of the burden given its small size and lack of resources.
Today, we are finding out that that the strain has only increased exponentially, well beyond the capacity of our town, and this time it is at the hands of our county’s own Board of Supervisors as a result of the recent settlement.
As a community, we are struggling to reconcile the balance of compassion with health and safety, a most basic right, and many of us have worked with law enforcement and private charities to facilitate assistance to those willing to accept help. For example, San Clemente’s Family Assistance Ministries is a proactive organization that seems to be able to accomplish what government agencies cannot. We have come to learn that while the County scrambled to to put a bandaid on a gangrenous bullet wound, emergency arrangements were made to house multiple transients in San Clemente motels pursuant to a thirty days voucher program, with no correspondence with City of San Clemente officials or with Mary Purdue of FAM. The County failed to communicate a plan of action with those in our municipal government, as well as with us, the community members, as we read Orange County Register articles with jaws dropped that our newly installed residents, who admit openly to drug use and refusal of services, are excited for their thirty days subsidized stay to be followed by a likely permanent relocation. This is not a homeless population that would be amenable to job training and other county services - as it is abundantly clear that this narrow group is composed of those who do not want to live by social norms and rules - by definition, they have been declining services. Amongst these, there are recently released felons with no plan or support services, individuals with communicable disease, mental illness, those suffering from years of drug addiction, sexual predators, and others who simply cannot be unleashed by the dozens into residential neighborhoods. I am acutely aware of the difficulty of compelling those with mental health struggles or addiction to accept treatment, I used to work in the general field; but, this does not justify the County’s poorly thought out actions, as it has failed to find an appropriate solution for an ongoing problem. Sending taxis of people who choose to live outside of social boundaries has set our community up for an impending tragedy. The mere fact that those with outstanding warrants have been teased out of the remaining population does nothing to ensure the safety of the community, and a simple shrug of the shoulders that nothing can be done is unacceptable.
To give you an idea of what life has become for many of us - I carry pepper spray at all times, and I run errands in the company of my German Shepherd; I called 911 as a known transient used a skateboard as a baseball bat to launch glass bottles at my car as I drove my toddler to preschool. I have called the non-emergency line to alert police to inhabited campers that parked for days along the sidewalk of my son’s preschool with covered windows but for the open ones staring directly onto the toddler’s playground; many of us have stopped allowing our children to attend camps near Doheny Beach due to the unsavory groups that congregate there, a fact that local law enforcement can easily corroborate. I called 911 when a transient shoved his wheelchair into the back of my car and stood at my driver’s door and screamed profanities and demanded money, and prevented me from fleeing with my terrified children. I called 911 when a driver in a running car in the lane next to mine lost consciousness from what appeared to be drug use. I just received a call that there is a man standing outside of 7-11 in town asking for crystal meth. I check playgrounds for syringes and my fourth grader can explain to you the dangers of heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, and knows when we walk around town to hold his breath as we pass through clouds of marijuana.
Members of my community have estimated that somewhere between 20-50 of those remaining along the riverbed, who declined services, have been relocated to San Clemente motels over the last week. Three days ago, there was a homicide at the Santa Ana riverbed, and logic tells me that this is the same population that has now moved south; On February 19, 2018, NBC published an article on San Francisco’s own self-propelled crisis: the risk of airborne disease from dried fecal matter, and what life has become for children who learn to avoid needles on their walk to school; the article made the comparison of our cities to the slums of third world nations. San Diego is facing a Hepatitis crisis amongst their homeless. My own community is now trying to figure out how to ensure the safety of children walking to school at the south end of town, as Concordia Elementary School was forced into lock down after a transient gained access to campus last week. Now, parents are standing guard to watch children walk to school to prevent further assaults at the hands of aggressive transients. I must inquire, what other communities are facing this high influx? Are the communities of Irvine, Yorba Linda, Tustin, Newport Beach, Newport Coast, Laguna Beach, Ladera Ranch, Coto de Caza, Aliso Viejo, Dana Point, Mission Viejo, and San Juan Capistrano in the same dilemma? Or does San Clemente continue to be the county’s whipping boy because we do not have a lobbyist as Mayor, government public relation specialists on our city council, or the backing of PACs’s funded by Disney or large developers involved in the land grab?
I am frustrated and disappointed with my electorate. On Friday, as transients moved from the riverbed to San Clemente, and our community's crisis came to fruition, I took my under-the-weather kids for treats at the Outlets because I was scared to take them to town after reports of public defecation along Del Mar and El Camino Real, and notification of a man who was believed to be under the influence of drugs behaving erratically in front of the public library. As we went for pretzels, I noticed an unusual scene before me - men in suits patrolling what used to be the Halloween Store with screens covering the windows and an easel that read “Private Event” - which was in fact the South Orange County Economic Coalition’s regular intrusion, a fact I confirmed via social media. The terrible irony, which would be poetic in a Moliere play if it wasn't so true, was that members of the Board of Supervisors, including my own representative, were attending this secured meeting, as social media photos affirmed, to promote the perpetual echo chamber of self-applause and self-interest amongst a certain small universe of names, shielded from the public and the unpleasantries facing San Clemente, feasting on a lunch sponsored by quasi-government agencies, special interests, and utility companies, while I am literally trying to keep my children safe and out of reach from the aggressive individuals that this Board has sent to my town.
The Board of Supervisors owes San Clemente a plan of action, and recognition of the crisis and burden that it has placed on our community. We demand that at the end of the thirty days voucher program, that we are not left without resources to deal with this unprecedented scenario. I have put you on notice as to what is actually occurring in town; these are not scare tactics or a fiction authored by overpaid public relations firms who financially benefit from the web of political and private relationships in this county. These are the facts of San Clemente and they have become ugly.

Courtney W.



我已经与Laguna Niguel(这次橙县流浪者分配计划的另外一个城市)分享了这一点,现在我把自己的亲身经历愿意跟Irvine邻居分享 - 


.我想和大家分享一下你发给我的邮件给Bates参议员,议员Brough,整个OC监事会成员,议员Issa以及我自己的市议会,以表达对这些类型的决定所造成影响的实际情况的第一手资料由不承担后果的政治家;我希望我们的社区能够以合适的解决方案联合起来,但不会危害我们社区的安全。到目前为止,除了布拉夫办公室的一名工作人员外,我没有听到任何人的消息,我相信这是选举官员责任的可耻放弃。我知道董事会在公众愤怒之后做了一个反馈,但这太迟了,这只是另一个无能的例子;它不应该以召回的威胁迫使当选官员去做他的工作 - 这是为公众服务,他们是为了他们所寻求的投票人。

我想对OC县监事会成员,国会议员Issa,贝茨参议员,议员布拉夫和圣克莱门特市议会说: 我是圣克莱门特的居民,是年幼孩子的妈妈,今天早上醒来时又传来了另一场袭击我社区的消息,第二次涉及少于一周的孩子。当我静静地坐着时,我无法让这种感觉继续下去,因此我今天向你伸出手来,并恳求你们作为选出的服务和责任誓言的当选官员,认真对待你们发生的事情。OC橙县是一个更大的社区。我利用自己及这样的优势--就是能够把文字放在纸上,并能够像我们这个民主国家的民主制度那样向我的民选官员伸出援手;今天上午我代表社区中那些不舒服或能够接近你的人写信,他们的孩子应该得到和我一样的保护和关注。我们的社区处于危机之中。




今天,我们发现这种压力只是呈指数级增长,远远超出了我们镇的能力,而这一次由最近的解决办法掌握在我县自己的监督委员会手中。 作为一个社区,我们正在努力调和慈善与健康和安全之间的平衡,这是一项最基本的权利,我们中的许多人与执法机构和私人慈善机构合作,以便帮助那些愿意接受帮助的人。

例如,圣克莱门特的家庭援助事工部是一个积极主动的组织,似乎能够完成政府机构所不能做的。我们了解到, 根据OC橙县三十天的优惠券计划到期,被迫紧急安排在圣克莱门特汽车旅馆安置了不少流浪者,但并没有提前与圣克莱门特市官员通信或与FAM的Mary Purdue合作。OC橙县未能与我们的市政府以及我们,社区成员沟通行动计划,因为我们阅读了OC纪事报上的文章,认为我们新搬入的居民公开承认吸毒和拒绝对于他们三十天的津贴停留以及可能的永久性搬迁感到非常兴奋。很明显,这不是那些无家可归的人,可以接受就业培训和其他县服务 - 这个狭隘的群体是由那些不想靠社会规范和规则生活的人组成的 - 根据定义,他们其中包括最近发布的没有计划或支持服务的重犯,患有传染性疾病的人,精神病患者,长年吸毒成瘾的人,性侵犯者以及其他几十个人无法由数十人居住在居民区中的人。

我意识到强迫精神健康斗争或成瘾者接受治疗的困难,我曾在这个领域工作过 。 为了让你了解我们许多人的生活 - 我必须随时带胡椒喷雾,并且让我的狗陪我在一起,我曾经打电话给911,因为一名流浪者使用滑板作为棒球棒在我的汽车上打击玻璃瓶,当时我开车带我的孩子去学前班。我还拨打了非紧急线路,警告警察居住的露营者在我儿子学前班的人行道上停放好几天,有遮盖的窗户,但露天的流浪者可以直接盯着孩子们的游乐场。由于那些集结在那里的那些恶劣团体,我们中的许多人已经停止允许我们的孩子参加多汉尼海滩附近的营地,这是当地执法部门可以轻易证实的事实。

当一个流浪汉将他的轮椅撞到我的汽车后部时,我打电话给911,并站在驾驶员的门口,当时流浪者尖叫着骂人并要求给钱,并且阻止我和我吓坏的孩子一起逃离。另外一次我打电话给911的时候,在我旁边车道上的一辆车里的司机看起来是吸毒失去了意识。又一次我还收到一个电话,说有一个男人站在7-11以外的地方寻求毒品。我检查游乐场的毒品注射器,而我的四年级孩子都可以向你解释海洛因,甲基安非他明,可卡因的危害,并且知道当我们穿过街道上大麻的雾气时,我们在镇上走动时屏住呼吸。 我的社区成员估计,在河床上剩下的20-50个人中,拒绝服务的人已经在上周迁至圣克莱门特汽车旅馆。三天前,圣安娜河床发生了一起凶杀案,逻辑告诉我这是现在南移的同一群人; 



我必须询问,还有哪些社区正面临这种情况?尔湾 Irvine,Yorba Linda,Tustin,Newport Beach,Newport Coast,Laguna Beach,Ladera Ranch,Coto de Caza,Aliso Viejo,Dana Point,Mission Viejo和San Juan Capistrano这些社区是否处于同样的困境?还是只有我们圣克莱门特是橙县被抛弃的孩子?因为我们没有市长,政府公共关系专家在我们的市议会,或由迪士尼资助的PAC支持或参与土地抢夺的大型开发商? 我对我的选民感到沮丧和失望。

星期五,随着流浪者从圣安娜河床移动到圣克莱门特和我们社区的危机已经实现,我带着我的孩子到奥特莱斯享受美食,因为从有报道说在Del Mar和El Camino Real的公共区域发现排便后,我很害怕将他们带到城里,一位被认为受到毒品影响的男子在公共图书馆门前行事异常。 可怕的讽刺,如果不是那么真实,这在莫里哀戏剧中会是诗意的,包括我自己的代表在内的监事会成员正在参加这个安全会议,正如社交媒体的照片所肯定的那样,促进永久性在一个小小的宇宙名称中,自我鼓掌和自我利益的回声室,与公众和圣克莱门特面临的不愉快的事物保持一致,在准政府机构,特殊利益集团和公用事业公司赞助的午餐中享用晚餐,而我从字面上试图让我的孩子们安全,并且让董事会派往我的小镇的侵略性个人不能接触到。  



Courtney W.



****拯救尔湾在行动 update 提示******

       3月25日(周日)11点,请各族裔朋友务必都要去大公园南侧Marine Way的流浪汉营地聚集,这是尔湾市政府组织的一次向橙县政府的示威和抗议,表达他们作为民选议员,民意不可违的决心。

     新闻媒体自然会把现场传递给橙县那帮投票的政客。因此,聚沙成塔,集腋成裘,到上孩子,多一个人都重要。请大家不要忽略明天,而只重视周二的示威。请转发给每个群,和您的亲友。尔湾市政府组织的petition 活动,本周日 3月25日,11:00 在Great park,地址:6950 Marine Way Irvine CA

  1. sign 尔湾市政府的petition 请愿链接 
    https://www.change.org/p/orange-county-board-of-supervisors-petition-protesting-relocation-of-hundreds-of-homeless-to-the-great-park?utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_signer_receipt&;utm_campaign=triggered&j=274350&sfmc_sub=617874644&l=32_HTML&u=49716580&mid=7233052&;jb=690924&from=groupmessage&;isappinstalled=0。目前我们只有一万签名,laguna 有六万签名
    2. Sign Petition to recall Shawn Neilson 请愿撤销 Shawn Neilson 的职务https://www.change.org/p/first-district-ocgov-com-recall-orange-county-supervisor-shawn-neilson
    3. 继续在各大小区,社区活动,体育活动,人集中多的地方发宣传材料。 petition 签字: 目前统一口号:
    * No Tent City In Irvine 
    * Protect Our Community, Protect Our Children
    * Wrong Location For Homeless, They Deserve Better!
    * OC county supervisors, where is the 200 million ?! 
    4. 目前成立好专门的财务组,负责管理捐款和支出;   
    5 . 27 号County Petition 大巴乘坐事宜, 大巴有目前三个小区上次点, Eastwood,beacon park 和baker ranch。 这几个小区居民可以联系小区群统一上车: 大巴会在12:30 返回一批方便大家接孩子;另外会看情况晚一些回来。
    或者https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSccIObBWUavw950bgNMWjMhp6qBvxF1ano94IUhhwY6yNeV1g/viewform?entry.165496608=&;entry.1003862947=&from=groupmessage&isappinstalled=0 Google form 报名。请只在一个表格里报名,多谢!
    6。27 号活动会统一着装,白色或黑色  请在衣服上写上口号!衣服上的口号不限制,围绕上面四个中心口号写即可。
    7 继续寻求可以27 号现场发言者和 @Carmen 联系和现场义工@suzie 联系

    大家继续努力,争取27 号的全面胜利。.

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