SNN:哎 今天橙县又来一起致命枪击!艺术高中封锁 圣安娜1月至少5起枪案!圣安娜和尔湾学生游行都已经发起
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关注SNN学生记者 Renee Liang & Tom Gao 翻译综合报道:
经过Florida弗洛利达枪击时间后,枪支控制以及校园安全成为了全美最热门的话题之一。据OC Register报道,二月二十三日星期五早上,一名男子在圣塔安娜被枪手袭击多次胸部造成重伤。目前,警方正在追寻两位嫌疑人并临时封锁了附近的学校,Oange County School of the Arts (橙县艺术学校)。
After the school shooting in Florida, gun regulation and campus safety became a important topic to talk about. According to OC Register, a man was shot multiple times in the chest Friday morning, Feb. 23, with police searching for two suspects and forcing nearby students into school buildings.
The victim was shot in an alley at 15th Street, between Broadway and Durant Street, and then ran to 15th and Broadway, where he collapsed, said Cpl. Anthony Bertagna of the Santa Ana Police Department. Police responded to the area at 11:47 a.m., found the victim and took him to a hospital. The man then underwent surgery.
Police were looking for two male suspects in their late teens or early 20s. It was unknown if the shooting was gang-related.
为了保障学生的人身安全,OCSA橙县艺术高中临时封锁了校区并让学生留在了教室里。据学校发言人Janelle Kruly所说,直到十二点三十分,封锁学校的警报才解除,允许学生们继续进行室外活动,出入教学楼。
Officials at Orange County School of the Arts, a few blocks away, temporarily did not let students outside, preventing them from going to classes in different buildings. The school allowed students to go outside at 12:30 p.m., said school spokeswoman Janelle Kruly.
SNN学生记者google搜索发现,这并不是圣塔安纳最近唯一的一起枪击事件。在OC Register报道上还可以看到,在一月份时,圣塔安纳还有至少5起枪击事件。这不禁让我们担心起来我们自己的安全以及美国枪支的管制问题。
With SNN student reporter's research, this is not the only gun shooting incident in Santa Ana. With the information on OC Register, we can see that there are at least five other shooting incidents in January, making us worried about our safety and the gun regulation problem in the U.S.
尔湾March For Our Lives已经发起
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弗罗里达受害高中学生发起的呼吁控枪游行March For Our Lives在加州橙县,洛杉矶,长滩都早早的计划好了游行活动,其中圣安娜游行报名人数已经达到2158人!尔湾的March刚刚由一个叫做Mindy的个人发起,可以复制下面SNN的FB页面或者点击文末原文链接查看,facebook上可以加入支持学生的游行运动,对了,一定别忘记关注SNNnews的FB页面
本文记者:Renee Liang SNN学生新闻社记者 Northwood High
本文编辑:Tom Gao SNN学生新闻社记者 Woodbridge High
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SNN系列:7年级赴美国留学华裔男生 缘何宾大提前录取
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