

惠言 大纽约生活网 2021-07-10




故事文稿是基于惠言先生前几年在《世界日报》上发表的故事修改的,中美两地34个孩子们参加了插画稿创作,上海五里桥文化中心张炜玮主任组织“音之魅”诵读沙龙的语言艺术家们创作了9个朗诵作品。希望这些生动有趣的故事、童趣洋溢的图画和美妙的朗诵艺术作品,能伴随孩子们度过新冠疫情这个困难时期。对此,我们向惠言先生;英文稿的校阅者Jason Kenny先生和赵蒙皓女士;上海五里桥文化中心及“音之魅”诵读沙龙语言艺术家们;参与画稿创作的孩子们及其家长表示衷心感谢!


8. 鲸 鱼 和 小 海 豚

The Whale and the Little Dolphin

画:范乃祺(10岁,图1-5)Finley D. Zhu(诸明宏)(10岁,图6-9)
英文校阅:Jason Kenny & 赵蒙皓

大海里,鲸鱼和小海豚一家是好邻居。有一天,小海豚妈妈看到鲸鱼风尘仆仆回来,就问:“大哥,去哪里了?”鲸鱼回答:“去加拿大的芬迪湾了。”海豚妈妈接着问:“感觉如何?” 鲸鱼说:“那是个好地方,山明水秀,海里浮游生物和鱼特别多!

In the sea, the whale family and the dolphin family were neighbors and close friends. One day, the mother dolphin saw the whale coming home after a long trip and asked, "Hi, my friend, where did you visit this time?" "I went to Canada's Bay of Fundy," the whale replied. The mother dolphin asked, "How do you like it?" "It's a nice place with beautiful scenery, and there are rich sea plankton and lots of fish in the sea bay!" the whale replied.


Upon hearing the whale’s words, the mother dolphin really wanted her little dolphin to pay a visit to the Bay of Fundy and get to have that experience, but she would give birth soon and could not travel far. She asked the whale, “Can you please bring my son to the Bay of Fundy, and help him learn something new?” The whale agreed, "Ok, but the little dolphin must follow me closely since we will be in a strange place." The little dolphin heard them speaking and jumped into the conversation, “Yes, sir. No problem. I will make sure to follow you very closely."


Not long after that day, the little dolphin followed the whale as they began their trip to Canada. The whale slowly piloted at the front. His blowhole sprayed water vapor frequently. The little dolphin followed the whale closely, jumping up occasionally. Sometimes he sent a whistle-like sound message to his mother to report his safety. Soon they came into the Bay of Fundy.


Under the blue sky and the white clouds, the dark blue sea water looked clear and transparent. Suddenly, a large school of mackerel appeared. The mackerel’s bodies were covered with bright white and blue stripes, and the surface of the sea sparkled with silver flashing dancing everywhere under the sunshine. The little dolphin forgot his promise and headed straight into the mackerel school. He wolfed down his prey, and the mackerels fled hurriedly.


Gradually the sea water became turbid, and its color turned reddish. The little dolphin could not see the fish clearly, but he could rely on his accurate echolocation to keep chasing. The mackerel school led the little dolphin into the Red River Valley area. The banks of the valley were full of red stones, and were covered with dense forests; the scenery was beautiful. Riding along with the afternoon tide, the little dolphin chased the mackerel school into the upper reaches of the Red River Valley.


When the whale realized the little dolphin had disappeared, he employed his long wave system, and detected the little dolphin going to the Red River Valley. The whale then used his long wave to send the little dolphin a warning message, asking him to return as soon as possible. The little dolphin received the warning message, but ignored it.


The sun was setting and the tide was going out rapidly, leaving the little dolphin stranded on the red sand beach. Before the tide water had retreated completely, he hastened to come up with a survival plan. He struggled to enter a large tidal pool, and dug out the sand in the pool with both fins. He kept his body in the water as much as possible and kept his nose above the water for breathing. He was worried. Meanwhile, the nervous whale was anxiously waiting in the deep water at the confluence of the sea and the river.


In the middle of the night, the little dolphin heard the rumbling sound of the tide. Under the moonlight, he was delighted to see a white flood tide line advancing rapidly toward him. The whale followed the tide into the Red River Valley, and found the little dolphin. He brought the little dolphin back out to the sea.


The whale took a deep breath, "Kiddo, fortunately this happened at night. If it was during the day, under the scorching sun, you would be dead. How would I explain that to your mother! It is my fault. I did not tell you clearly. The Bay of Fundy has the world's highest tidal range. The tidal range is up to 17 meters during the full moon." The little dolphin was ashamed and apologized, "I blame myself for being too greedy. I forgot your requirement to follow you when I saw the mackerel school. If I had followed you closely, I would not have gotten myself into such danger.”


惠言(实名:诸惠昌)退休水处理专业工程师,退休后撰写《惠言童话故事》和生活杂记。1946年生于中国浙江省慈溪市,1950年后在上海完成小学和中学。1968年9月毕业于北京清华大学土建系给排水专业。1994年3月在美国犹他州立大学获土木和环境工程硕士学位。长期从事水处理领域科学研究、工程设计和项目管理。赵蒙皓资深跨国教育及文化咨询师。曾在纽约市举世闻名的K-12年制道尔顿学校(The Dalton School)任教多年,并曾任美国名校纽约大学(NYU)的客座教授。上海外国语学院,对外汉语系肄业;美国明德大学(Middlebury College),经济学及日本文学文学双学士;美国马里兰大学商学院(University of Maryland)工商管理硕士。范乃祺范乃祺,女,时年10岁,就读于上海市高安路第一小学。过完暑假我就上五年级了。我从四岁起就开始学习画画了。在2016年和2017年“双勰杯”风筝绘画比赛中获得二等奖和一等奖。在2018年的“妙笔绘神州”的比赛中获得了二等奖。诸明宏中文名:诸明宏,英文名:Finley D.Zhu,男,时年10岁,即将在在美国纽约州华德福小学上五年级。这次用铅笔画参与《鲸鱼和小海豚》绘画本创作,希望大家喜欢。采莲退休中学教师,喜欢普通话和沪语朗诵,用声音做公益,乐此不疲。武禹彤

武禹彤,女,今年6岁,Athens Montessori小学一年级,爱好多样,喜欢运动、音乐、画画、唱歌和表演。



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