
Exhibition Review|混沌:孙尧与多丽丝·厄恩斯特对话展




此次对话展由科博达技术股份有限公司(KEBODA)、ARTSY、泰晤艺术基金(Thames Art Fund)、诺异国际策展项目(NEUE Exhibition Project)提供支持。亦特别鸣谢德国驻上海总领事馆。







在2020年这场席卷全球的疫情中,以往牢不可破的生活秩序和节奏被打破,这迫使人们重新审视自身的脆弱性、被迫直面这一原初的混沌(既是社会性的,又是个人的)。中国艺术家孙尧与德国艺术家多丽丝·厄恩斯特(Doris Ernst)便在此次展览中,围绕“混沌”这一哲学议题展开了探讨;这其中亦不乏二位艺术家在疫情中创作的新作。



During the long period from Plato in ancient Greece to Epistemology in modern West, “Chaos” is opposite to clarity and reason, symbolizing the lack of order and structure. However, Deleuze and Guattari points out that Chaos “is a void that is not a nothingness but a virtual”; Nietzsche holds the similar view that Chaos refers to a hidden order: “Chaos is what urges (drängende), flows, and is animated, whose order is concealed, whose law we do not descry (kennel) straightaway… in which law and anarchy are first formed and dissolve”. Not Coincidentally, among the creation myths all over the world, there are also common motifs that the world generated from chaos, among which the fable in Zhuangzi is one of the most significant: Lickety and Split, the emperor of the Southern Seas and the emperor of the Northern Seas, said, “All people have seven holes for seeing, hearing, eating, and breathing. Chaos (or Wonton, the Chinese conception of primordial chaos) alone lacks them. Let's try boring some holes for him.” So every day they bored one hole [in him], and on the seventh day Chaos died. As sensory perception, the opening of “seeing, hearing, eating and breathing” becomes the cause of “the death of Chaos” rather than a result, The birth of the world in Zhuangzi is more like a tragedy. (Although it seems that the concept of sensory perception and the concept of thoughts are confused here). Likewise in the Bible, people are driven out of the garden of Eden because they can distinguish good from evil: people are blinded by the “stereotypes” of “opinion” and fall into what phenomenologists (like Husserl) call “the Crisis of Science”.

In the disaster sweeping the world in 2020, the previously unbreakable order and rhythm of life were broken, which forced people to re-examine their own vulnerability and face the original chaos (both socially and personally). Doris Ernst and Sun Yao embodied their exploration on the topic of “chaos” in the exhibition. Some of the works presented are newly created during the epidemic.

Sun Yao's works reflect chaotic yet lofty conflict situation, with the images effusive with violence. These works often take a specific thing as the starting point, and gradually grow into a structure composed of a variety of strokes and textures, and finally present a not-known-before yet deja-vu situation, intended to transcend the internal, physical and natural, thus entering a world of “transformation and inseparability”, that is, to return to “karma and harmony”, to “Chaos”.

For Doris, rebellion against order and rationality is an important motive for her creation. She fully feels and returns to an original state, or rather a primal state, out of the reign of order and symbol. With the help of scraper and found objects, she stacks, wipes and covers the pigments layer by layer, and lets them be presented on the canvas in a way of repetitiveness and randomness, so as to question / challenge? the opinions that people are accustomed to, and tries to have a dialogue with the audience beyond language.




《熵之河201601》,孙尧;The River of Antropy 201601, Sun Yao, c.2016, 250x180cm

《无地-夜涌No.4》,孙尧;Neverland-Surging of The Night No.4, Sun Yao, c.2018, 100x80cm

《无地-缝隙》,孙尧;Neverland-Crack, Sun Yao, c.2020, 60x50cm

《无地-触不可及No.1》,孙尧;Neverland-Untouchable No.1, Sun Yao, c.2020, 90x60cm

《无地-黛安娜的休憩》,孙尧;Neverland-Diana Resting, Sun Yao, c.2020, 80x60cm

《无地-归去》,孙尧;Neverland-Swept Away, Sun Yao, c.2020, 80x60cm

《透过风景》,多丽丝·厄恩斯特;Durchblick, Doris Ernst, c.2019, 200x150cm

《隐蔽》,多丽丝·厄恩斯特;Cover-up, Doris Ernst, c.2020, 70x50cm

《你是谁》,多丽丝·厄恩斯特;Who Are You, Doris Ernst, c.2020, 80x80cm

《朦胧》,多丽丝·厄恩斯特;Hazy, Doris Ernst, c.2019, 70x70cm

《结构完整性》,多丽丝·厄恩斯特;Structural Integrity, Doris Ernst, c.2019, 70x70cm

《模糊的界限》,多丽丝·厄恩斯特;Indistinct Boundaries, Doris Ernst, c.2019, 70x70cm

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Exhibition Review|孙尧个展《密影》于2012年呈现于上海美术馆



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