
空荡的大脑 (The empty brain) | 复杂文摘翻译

复杂文摘翻译小组 集智俱乐部 2018-12-11


  • 28. 空荡的大脑

    (The empty brain)

  • 29. 物质,能量...知识,如何利用物理世界这些魔鬼般的力量

    (Matter, energy… knowledge: How to harness physics’ demonic power)

  • 30. 最大聚集活动中的人类社会和空间聚类研究

    (Social and Spatial Clustering of People at Humanity's Largest Gathering)

  • 31. 道路使用者交互仿真---委内瑞拉交通复杂性一瞥

    (Simulating the interaction of road users: A glance to complexity of Venezuelan traffic)

  • 32. 活细胞背后的数学如何来帮助我们解码大脑

    (How the hidden mathematics of living cells could help us decipher the brain)

  • 33. 策略不确定性的专家管理中的信息加密

    (Information encryption in the expert management of strategic uncertainty)


28. 空荡的大脑

(The empty brain)

May 23, 9:21 PM From aeon.co

by Pam Weintraub

(Translated by -Frank)

Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer.





29. 物质,能量...知识,如何利用物理世界这些魔鬼般的力量

(Matter, energy… knowledge: How to harness physics’ demonic power)

May 23, 11:29 PM From www.newscientist.com

by Stephen Battersby

(Translated by -Maggie)

Running a brain-twisting thought experiment for real shows that information is a physical thing – so can we now harness the most elusive entity in the cosmos?





30. 最大聚集活动中的人类社会和空间聚类研究

(Social and Spatial Clustering of People at Humanity's Largest Gathering)

May 24, 7:53 PM From arxiv.org

by Ian Barnett, Tarun Khanna, Jukka-Pekka Onnela

(Translated by -辛,edited by 傅渥成)

Macroscopic behavior of scientific and societal systems results from the aggregation of microscopic behaviors of their constituent elements, but connecting the macroscopic with the microscopic in human behavior has traditionally been difficult. Manifestations of homophily, the notion that individuals tend to interact with others who resemble them, have been observed in many small and intermediate size settings. However, whether this behavior translates to truly macroscopic levels, and what its consequences may be, remains unknown. Here, we use call detail records (CDRs) to examine the population dynamics and manifestations of social and spatial homophily at a macroscopic level among the residents of 23 states of India at the Kumbh Mela, a 3-month-long Hindu festival. We estimate that the festival was attended by 61 million people, making it the largest gathering in the history of humanity. While we find strong overall evidence for both types of homophily for residents of different states, participants from low-representation states show considerably stronger propensity for both social and spatial homophily than those from high-representation states. These manifestations of homophily are amplified on crowded days, such as the peak day of the festival, which we estimate was attended by 25 million people. Our findings confirm that homophily, which here likely arises from social influence, permeates all scales of human behavior.





31. 道路使用者交互仿真---委内瑞拉交通复杂性一瞥

(Simulating the interaction of road users: A glance to complexity of Venezuelan traffic)

May 24, 7:55 PM From arxiv.org

by Juan C. Correa, Mario I. Caicedo, Ana L. C. Bazzan, Klaus Jaffe

(Translated by -苏格兰)

Automotive traffic is a classical example of a complex system, being the simplest case the homogeneous traffic where all vehicles are of the same kind, and using different means of transportation increases complexity due to different driving rules and interactions between each vehicle type. In particular, when motorcyclists drive in between the lanes of stopped or slow-moving vehicles. This later driving mode is a Venezuelan pervasive practice of mobilization that clearly jeopardizes road safety. We developed a minimalist agent-based model to analyze the interaction of road users with and without motorcyclists on the way. The presence of motorcyclists dwindles significantly the frequency of lane changes of motorists while increasing their frequency of acceleration-deceleration maneuvers, without significantly affecting their average speed. That is, motorcyclist "corralled" motorists in their lanes limiting their ability to maneuver and increasing their acceleration noise. Comparison of the simulations with real traffic videos shows good agreement between model and observation. The implications of these results regarding road safety concerns about the interaction between motorists and motorcyclists are discussed.


公路交通是复杂系统的经典案例,所有人出行都使用同一种车辆的单一交通方式是其最简单的形式;而多种交通方式同时使用则增加了复杂性,因为每一种交通工具的驾驶规则不同,相互之间的交互方式也不同。尤其是当摩托车穿行于路边停车道或慢车道之间的车道时,后一种驾驶模式在委内瑞拉相当普遍,显然危害了道路安全。我们开发了一款基于 agent 的简化模型,用于分析路上有摩托车和没有摩托车两种情况下道路使用者之间的互动。摩托车的出现明显减少了汽车驾驶员变道的频率,增加了他们加速—减速操作的频率,但并未显著影响其平均速度。也就是说,摩托车驾驶员将汽车驾驶员“围堵”在他们的车道上,限制其操作能力,提高了他们加速时的噪音。实际交通监控视频与模拟结果的对比,显示了模型对实地观察的良好拟合。考虑到汽车驾驶者和摩托车驾驶者之间的相互作用,以上结果对道路安全的启示也在文中加以讨论。




  • agent 可以译成“主体”,在有些场合也基于上下文翻译成“个体”“代理人”“基本单元”……,或者在大量场合,其实不翻译也可以的,例如 http://www.swarmagents.cn/swarma/detail.php?id=1155

  • interaction 通常翻译成“相互作用”,但是这里根据上下文,我觉得翻译灵活地处理成“互动”和“相互作用”非常好。

32. 活细胞背后的数学如何来帮助我们解码大脑

(How the hidden mathematics of living cells could help us decipher the brain)

May 26, 7:20 PM From theconversation.com

by Chrystopher Nehaniv

(Translated by Haven Feng, edited by 傅渥成)

So will we ever be able to model something as complex as the human brain using computers? After all, biological systems use symmetry and interaction to do things that even the most powerful computers cannot do – like surviving, adapting and reproducing. This is one reason why binary logic often falls short of describing how living things or human intelligence work. But our new research suggests there are alternatives: by using the mathematics that describe biological networks in the computers of the future, we may be able to make them more complex and similar to living systems like the brain.


在未来,我们是否有能力利用计算机建模和人脑一样复杂的事物呢?毕竟, 生物系统利用对称性和相互作用可以实现的事即使最强大的计算机也无法完成,例如:生存,适应和繁衍。这是二进制逻辑总不能描述生命活动或者人类智能如何运作的一个原因。但我们的新研究给出了其他思路:通过将描述生物网络的数学引入到未来的计算机中,我们也许可以使它们变得更具复杂性,而且也更为贴近像大脑一样的活体系统。



33. 策略不确定性的专家管理中的信息加密

(Information encryption in the expert management of strategic uncertainty)

May 26, 9:21 PM From arxiv.org

by Seth Frey, Paul L.Williams, Dominic K.Albino

(Translated by -Jamie, edited by 傅渥成)

Strategic agents in incomplete-information environments have a conflicted relationship with uncertainty: it can keep them unpredictable to their opponents, but it must also be overcome to predict the actions of those opponents. We use a multivariate generalization of information theory to characterize the information processing behavior of strategic reasoning experts. We compare expert and novice poker players --- "sharks" and "fish" --- over 1.75 million hands of online two-player No-Limit Texas Hold'em (NLHE). Comparing the effects of privately known and publicly signaled information on wagering behavior, we find that the behavior of sharks coheres with information that emerges only from the interaction of public and private sources --- "synergistic" information that does not exist in either source alone. This implies that the effect of public information on shark behavior is better encrypted: it cannot be reconstructed without access to the hidden state of private cards. Integrative information processing affects not only one's own strategic behavior, but the ability of others to predict it. By characterizing the informational structure of complex strategic interactions, we offer a detailed account of how experts extract, process, and conceal valuable information in high-uncertainty, high-stakes competitive environments.


不完全信息(incomplete-information)环境内的策略主体(strategic agents)间存在一种具有不确定性的矛盾关系:这让他们对于对手来说不可预测,但这也使得对手的行动预测变成一个需要克服的问题。我们采用了一种信息论的多变量推广形式来描述策略推论专家的信息处理行为。我们比较专家和新手纸牌玩家——“鲨鱼和小鱼”——在超过175万手在线一对一无限制德州扑克压赌游戏中。在赌注行为中比较私人信息和公开讯号的效应,我们发现鲨鱼玩家们只利用在公开资源与私有资源交融后浮现出来的内容——“协同的”信息在任何一方资源的内部不存在。这意味着公开信息的效应在鲨鱼玩家行为中被更好地加密了:当隐藏的私人牌面内容不可得时,它不能得出新的解读。信息的综合处理过程不仅影响一个人自身的策略行为,也影响其他人预测这些行为的能力。通过描述这些复杂策略互动的信息结构,我们为专家如何在高度不确定且高风险的竞争环境中提取、处理和隐藏有价值的信息提供了一种细节化的解释。











