网络二元及三元关系中的同性偏好 | 复杂文摘翻译
34. 网络二元及三元关系中的同性偏好(Gender homophily in online dyadic and triadic relationships)
35. 生命初始的类辅酶世界模型(Coenzyme world model of the origin of life)
36. 在自适应系统群落中的合作、竞争和临界涌现(Cooperation, competition and the emergence of criticality in communities of adaptive systems)
37. 一只同时生活在两个盒子中的薛定谔猫(A Schrödinger cat living in two boxes)
38. 青春的真相:复杂 (The Real Secret of Youth Is Complexity)
39. 贫穷与表观遗传变异及精神疾病的关系(Poverty linked toepigenetic changes and mental illness)
34. 网络二元及三元关系中的同性偏好(Gender homophily in online dyadic and triadic relationships)
May 27, 9:09 PM
by David Laniado, Yana Volkovich, Karolin Kappler and AndreasKaltenbrunner
(Translated by Remi,edited by 傅渥成 )
Gender homophily, or the preference forinteraction with individuals of the same gender, has been observed in manycontexts, especially during childhood and adolescence. In this study weinvestigate such phenomenon by analyzing the interactions of the ∼10million users of Tuenti, a Spanish social networking service popular amongteenagers. In dyadic relationships we find evidence of higher gender homophilyfor women. We also observe a preference of users with more friends to connectto the opposite gender. A particularly marked gender difference emerges insigning up for the social networking service and adding the first friends, andin the interactions by means of wall messages. In these contexts we findevidence of a strong homophily for women, and little or no homophily for men.By examining the gender composition of triangle motifs, we observe a markedtendency of users to group into gender homogeneous clusters, with aparticularly high number of male-only triangles. We show that age plays animportant role in this context, with a tendency to higher homophily for youngteenagers in both dyadic and triadic relationships. Our findings haveimplications for addressing gender gap issues, understanding adolescent onlinebehavior and technology adoption, and modeling social networks.
35. 生命初始的类辅酶世界模型(Coenzyme world model of the origin of life)
May 26, 11:21 PM
by Alexei A.Sharov
(Translatedby Remi ,edited by 傅渥成)
The origin of lifemeans the emergence of heritable and evolvable self-reproduction. However themechanisms of primordial heredity were different from those in contemporarycells. Here I argue that primordial life had no nucleic acids; insteadheritable signs were represented by isolated catalytically activeself-reproducing molecules, similar to extant coenzymes, which presumablycolonized surfaces of oil droplets in water. The model further assumes thatcoenzyme-like molecules (CLMs) changed surface properties of oil droplets(e.g., by oxidizing terminal carbons), and in this way created and sustainedfavorable conditions for their own self-reproduction. Such niche-dependentself-reproduction is a necessary condition for cooperation between differentkinds of CLMs because they have to coexist in the same oil droplets and eithersucceed or perish together. Additional kinds of hereditary molecules wereacquired via coalescence of oil droplets carrying different kinds of CLMs orvia modification of already existing CLMs. Eventually, polymerization of CLMsbecame controlled by other polymers used as templates; and this kind oftemplate-based synthesis eventually resulted in the emergence of RNA-like replicons.Apparently, oil droplets transformed into the outer membrane of cells viaengulfing water, stabilization of the surface, and osmoregulation. In result,the metabolism was internalized allowing cells to accumulate free-floatingresources (e.g., amino acids, ATP), which was a necessary condition for thedevelopment of protein synthesis. Thus, life originated from simple but alreadyfunctional molecules, and its gradual evolution towards higher complexity wasdriven by cooperation and natural selection.
生命诞生意味着这世界上出现了可遗传、可进化的自我繁衍。然而最原始的遗传机制与现今细胞的分裂大有不同。在本文中,我提出了这样的观点:原始生命不含有核酸,遗传的表达是由各自独立的、可催化自我繁殖的分子来完成。这些分子与现存的辅酶相似, 它们很可能粘附在水中油滴的表面。运用这个模型,我们进一步猜想类辅酶分子(CLMs) 改变了油滴的表面特征(比如氧化末端碳原子),来创造并维持有利于它们本身生存的条件。因为不同类辅酶分子同兴同亡地存在于在一个油滴上,这种依赖于居地的自我繁殖是它们合作的必要前提。携带着各种类辅酶分子的油滴联结在一起,或是现有类辅酶分子变异,就会产生新品种的遗传分子。渐渐地,其他聚合物利用类辅酶分子的聚合作为模板,以这种模板为基础的合成最终促使类似于RNA复制机制的出现。油滴通过吸收水分子、稳定表面、渗透调节一系列步骤转变成了细胞膜。最终,新陈代谢的内化让细胞可以获取自由浮动的的物质(比如氨基酸和ATP),这为蛋白质合成的产生提供了必要条件。因此,生命源自于简单但已具有功能性的分子,合作和自然选择促使它向更复杂生命体的逐步进化。
36. 在自适应系统群落中的合作、竞争和临界涌现(Cooperation competition and the emergence of criticality in communities of adaptive systems)
May 27, 10:32 AM
by Jorge Hidalgo, Jacopo Grilli, Samir Suweis, AmosMaritan, Miguel A Muñoz
(Translatedby - 女周瑜, edited by 傅渥成 )
The hypothesis thatliving systems can benefit from operating at the vicinity of critical pointshas gained momentum in recent years. Criticality may confer an optimal balancebetween too ordered and exceedingly noisy states. Here we present a model,based on information theory and statistical mechanics, illustrating how and whya community of agents aimed at understanding and communicating with each otherconverges to a globally coherent state in which all individuals are close to aninternal critical state, i.e. at the borderline between order and disorder. Westudy—both analytically and computationally—the circumstances under whichcriticality is the best possible outcome of the dynamical process, confirmingthe convergence to critical points under very generic conditions. Finally, weanalyze the effect of cooperation (agents trying to enhance not only theirfitness, but also that of other individuals) and competition (agents trying toimprove their own fitness and to diminish those of competitors) within oursetting. The conclusion is that, while competition fosters criticality,cooperation hinders it and can lead to more ordered or more disorderedconsensual outcomes.
37.一只同时生活在两个盒子中的薛定谔猫(A Schrödinger cat living in two boxes)
May 27, 5:06 PM From
by Chen Wang, Yvonne Y.Gao, Philip Reinhold, R. W. Heeres, Nissim Ofek, Kevin Chou, ChristopherAxline, Matthew Reagor, Jacob Blumoff, K.M.Sliwa1, L.Frunzio, S. M. Girvin,Liang Jiang, M. Mirrahimi, M. H. Devoret1, R. J. Schoelkopf
(Translated by - 王继康, edited by傅渥成)
Quantumsuperpositions of distinct coherent states in a single-mode harmonicoscillator, known as “cat states,” have been an elegant demonstration ofSchrödinger’s famous cat paradox. Here, we realize a two-mode cat state ofelectromagnetic fields in two microwave cavities bridged by a superconductingartificial atom, which can also be viewed as an entangled pair of single-cavitycat states. We present full quantum state tomography of this complex cat stateover a Hilbert space exceeding 100 dimensions via quantum nondemolitionmeasurements of the joint photon number parity. The ability to manipulate suchmulticavity quantum states paves the way for logical operations betweenredundantly encoded qubits for fault-tolerant quantum computation andcommunication.
38. 青春的真相:复杂 (The Real Secret of Youth Is Complexity)
May 27, 7:12 PM From
by Lewis A.Lipsitz
(Translated by - dan,edited by 傅渥成)
“Simplicity,simplicity, simplicity!” Henry David Thoreau exhorted in his 1854 memoirWalden, in which he extolled the virtues of a “Spartan-like” life. Saint ThomasAquinas preached that simplicity brings one closer to God. Isaac Newtonbelieved it leads to truth. The process of simplification, we’re told, canilluminate beauty, strip away needless clutter and stress, and help us focus onwhat really matters. It can also be a sign of aging. Youthful healthand vigor depend, in many ways, on complexity. Bones get strength fromelaborate scaffolds of connective tissue. Mental acuity arises frominterconnected webs of neurons. Even seemingly simple bodily functions likeheartbeat rely on interacting networks of metabolic controls, signalingpathways, genetic switches, and circadian rhythms. As our bodies age, theseanatomic structures and physiologic processes lose complexity, making them lessresilient and ultimately leading to frailty and disease.
“简单,简单,简单!”亨利·大卫·梭罗曾在其1854年的自述《瓦尔登湖》中提出这样的倡议,同时他高度赞美了“斯巴达式”生活的好处。圣·托马斯·阿奎纳曾宣扬:简单令人接近上帝。艾萨克·牛顿相信,简单通往真理。我们知道,简化的过程能够揭示优美之所在,去除无用之混乱和重压,令我们看清重点。简单同时也是衰老的标志。很多方面体现出,青春之健康和活力都依赖于复杂。骨骼之力量依赖于复杂连接的组织结构,大脑之敏捷决定于精巧的神经元网络。甚至连看上去十分简单的人体生理功能,比如心跳,都依赖于代谢控制(metabolic controls)、细胞信号通路(signaling pathways)、遗传开关(genetic switches)和昼夜节律(circadian rhythms)的相互作用网络。当我们的身体开始衰老,人体解剖结构和生理过程都丧失其复杂性,也就失去复原的弹性,最终导致脆弱和疾病。
39. 贫穷与表观遗传变异及精神疾病的关系(Poverty linked toepigenetic changes and mental illness)
May 27, 12:41 PM From
by Sara Reardon
(Translated by -李宇峰, edited by 傅渥成)
Children fromimpoverished families are more prone to mental illness, and alterations in DNAstructure could be to blame, according to a study published on 24 May inMolecular Psychiatry1. Poverty brings with it a number of differentstressors, such as poor nutrition, increased prevalence of smoking and thegeneral struggle of trying to get by. All of these can affect a child’sdevelopment, particularly in the brain, where the structure of areas involvedin response to stress and decision-making have been linked to low socioeconomicstatus. Poor children are more prone to mental illnesses such as depressionthan their peers from wealthier families, but they are also more likely to havecognitive problems. Some of these differences are clearly visible in the brainstructure and seem to appear at birth, which suggests that prenatal exposure tothese stressors can be involved2.
根据5月24日发表在 Molecular Psychiatry 的一项研究,来自贫困家庭的孩子更容易出现心理疾病,而发生在DNA结构的改变可能是罪魁祸首。贫困带来了各种不同的应激源,如营养不良,烟瘾成灾以及为了谋生所遭受的日夜操劳。它们会对孩子的发育造成影响,尤其是大脑的发育,较低的社会经济状况会与对大脑中参与应激与决策的区域的结构相关。穷人家的孩子比富家的同龄人更容易出现抑郁症等精神疾病,同时他们也更容易有认知问题。这些差异在大脑结构中清晰可见,而且似乎在出生时就已经出现。这表明,即使在产前暴露于这些压力下,孩子也会受影响。
The End.