黄海平:神经网络的统计力学课程 | 50人免费名额
为了帮助学生学习统计力学的基本原理及其在理解神经网络内部工作原理的应用,中山大学教授、PMI Lab的黄海平老师组织了《神经网络的统计力学》在线课程,暂定于2022年9月17日起每周六14:30-16:00(节假日除外)进行,课程从2022年9月持续到2023年6月。
课程涉及黄海平老师最新出版的书籍《Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks》的大部分内容,目标是学习统计力学的基本原理及其在理解神经网络内部工作原理的应用。
PMI Lab:https://www.labxing.com/hphuang2018
本课程由集智学园进行免费直播,收费录播。课程定价:499,时间周期在 2022.09-2023.06 持续更新。从9月开始更新,现在处于预售阶段。未成为正式学员的同学,可付费报名录播,参与学习。
课程时间:从2022年9月17日起,每周六 14:30-16:00(节假日除外)
扫码付费; 课程页面添加学员登记表,添加助教微信入群; 课程可开发票。
Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks
本书海外版由 Springer 发行,目前可在 Amazon 平台购买。国内由高教出版社发行,预计8月中旬书籍上架,可在国内各大平台购买。
Chapter 2: Spin Glass Models and Cavity Method
2.1 Multi-spin Interaction Models
2.2 Cavity Method
2.3 From Cavity Method to Message Passing Algorithms
Chapter 3: Variational Mean-Field Theory and Belief Propagation
3.1 Variational Method
3.2 Variational Free Energy
3.3 Mean-Field Inverse Ising Problem
Chapter 4: Monte Carlo Simulation Methods
4.1 Monte Carlo Method
4.2 Importance Sampling
4.3 Markov Chain Sampling
4.4 Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics
Chapter 5: High-Temperature Expansion
5.1 Statistical Physics Setting
5.2 High-Temperature Expansion
5.3 Properties of the TAP Equation
Chapter 6: Nishimori Line
6.1 Model Setting
6.2 Exact Result for Internal Energy
6.3 Proof of No RSB Effects on the Nishimori Line
Chapter 7: Random Energy Model
7.1 Model Setting
7.2 Phase Diagram
Chapter 8: Statistical Mechanical Theory of Hopfifield Model
8.1 Hopfifield Model
8.2 Replica Method
8.3 Phase Diagram
8.4 Hopfifield Model with Arbitrary Hebbian Length
Chapter 9: Replica Symmetry and Replica Symmetry Breaking
9.1 Generalized Free Energy and Complexity of States
9.2 Applications to Constraint Satisfaction Problems
9.3 More Steps of Replica Symmetry Breaking
Chapter 10: Statistical Mechanics of Restricted Boltzmann Machine
10.1 Boltzmann Machine
10.2 Restricted Boltzmann Machine
10.3 Free Energy Calculation
10.4 Thermodynamic Quantities Related to Learning
10.5 Stability Analysis
10.6 Variational Mean-Field Theory for Training Binary RBMs
Chapter 11: Simplest Model of Unsupervised Learning with Binary
11.1 Model Setting
11.2 Derivation of sMP and AMP Equations
11.3 Replica Computation
11.4 Phase Transitions
11.5 Measuring the Temperature of Dataset
Chapter 12: Inherent-Symmetry Breaking in Unsupervised Learning
12.1 Model Setting
12.2 Phase Diagram
12.3 Hyper-Parameters Inference
Chapter 13: Mean-Field Theory of Ising Perceptron
13.1 Ising Perceptron model
13.2 Message-Passing-Based Learning
13.3 Replica Analysis
Chapter 14: Mean-Field Model of Multi-layered Perceptron
14.1 Random Active Path Model
14.2 Mean-Field Training Algorithms
14.3 Spike and Slab Model
Chapter 15: Mean-Field Theory of Dimension Reduction in Neural Networks
15.1 Mean-Field Model
15.2 Linear Dimensionality and Correlation Strength
15.3 Dimension Reduction with Correlated Synapses
Chapter 16: Chaos Theory of Random Recurrent Neural Networks
16.1 Spiking and Rate Models
16.2 Dynamical Mean-Field Theory
16.3 Lyapunov Exponent and Chaos
16.4 Excitation-Inhibition Balance Theory
16.5 Training Recurrent Neural Networks
Chapter 17: Statistical Mechanics of Random Matrices
17.1 Spectral Density
17.2 Replica Method and Semi-circle Law
17.3 Cavity Approach and Marchenko
17.4 Spectral Densities of Random Asymmetric Matrices
Chapter 18: Perspectives