

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-02

Mayrl,Damon, and Nicholas Wilson. 2013. “What Do Historical Sociologists Do All Day?Historical Method in Theory and Practice.”(working paper)








Mayrl, Damon, and Nicholas Wilson通过对1995-2013年美国社会学会“比较历史分析”的获奖作品,包括15本专著和17篇论文共12609个引用条目进行分析,给出了答案是:历史社会学家的一手二手材料引用很混合!因书和论文而很差别!



1. 一手档案文献引用率:

有低到0个,也有高于到65%,是Zaret(1996)'Invention' of Public Opinion


2. 17篇获奖论文(1995-2013





3. 15本获奖专著(1995-2013









5. 引用一手档案,在分化——第三波历史社会学家让大家引用一手文献,只在书籍写作中有体现

——15本书里引用情况:15%25%Approximatelysixty percent (207/343) of Steinberg’s evidentiary citations are to primarysource



6. 引用二手档案:书跌文涨







作者给出了非常丰富的分析,还通过分析这32部作品的引用情况——是一手还是二手,引用是用来批判用还是建构用,引用的是理论作品还是经验材料,来分析得出历史社会学中的四种Models of Argument

Model1: The Theoretical Frontier,

Model2: The Sociologist as Historian,

Model3: Macro-Causal Analysis,

Model4: “Data Driven Theorizing”





2013* Michael Mann The Sources of Social Power (2012)
2013* Monica Prasad
The Land of Too Much (2012)
2013† Elisabeth Anderson “Ideas in Action” (2013)
2012* Yang Su
Collective Killings in Rural China duringthe Cultural Revolution(2011)
2012† Nicholas Hoover Wilson “From Reflection to Refraction” (2011)
2011* David Garland
Peculiar Institution (2010)
2011† Danielle Kane, Jung Mee Park “The Puzzle of Korean Christianity” (2009)
2011† Andreas Wimmer,Yuval Feinstein “The Rise of the Nation-State across the World, 1816 to 2001”(2010)
2010* Andrew G. Walder
Fractured Rebellion (2009)
2010† Dan Slater “Revolutions, Crackdowns, and Quiescence” (2009)
2009* Karen Barkey
Empire of Difference (2008)
2009* Ivan Ermakoff
Ruling Oneself Out (2008)
2009† Cedric de Leon “No Bourgeois Mass Party, No Democracy” (2008)
2008* George Steinmetz
The Devil’s Handwriting (2007)
2008† John F. Padgett,Paul D. McLean “Organizational Invention and Elite Transformation” (2006)
2007* Monica Prasad
The Politics of Free Markets (2006)
2007† Andreas Wimmer, Brian Min “From Empire to Nation-State” (2006)
2006* Michael Mann
The Dark Side of Democracy (2005)
2006† Monica Prasad “Why Is France So French?” (2005)
2005* Vivek Chibber
Locked in Place (2003)
2005† Marc Steinberg “Capitalist Development, the Labor Process, and the Law”(2003)
2004* Philip S. Gorski
The Disciplinary Revolution (2003)
2003* Jack A. Goldstone “Efflorescences and Economic Growth in the WorldHistory”(2002)
2002* James Mahoney
The Legacies of Liberalism (2001)
2001* Julia Adams “Culture in Rational-Choice Theories of State Formation”(1999)
2000* Anthony W. Marx
Making Race and Nation (1998)
1999* Jeff Goodwin “The Libidinal Constitution of High Risk Social Movements”(1997)
1998* Thomas Ertman
Birth of Leviathan (1997)
1997* Robin Stryker “Beyond History versus Theory” (1996)
1997* David Zaret “Petitions and the ‘Invention’ of Public Opinion in theEnglish Revolution” (1996)
1995* Julia Adams “The Familial State” (1994)
1995* Roger Gould “Trade Cohesion, Class Unity, and Urban Insurrection” (1993)

