

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03


1. 只收录60岁以上的社会学者,即1957年之前出生的。

2. 因为平时有收集cv的习惯,以及有兴趣的(理论/历史/文化)、健在的社会学学者,会按地区录到自己的excel表格,像这样。


3. 我对法国健在的社会学大佬全无了解,所以一点没收录。



1. 美国大佬

Immanuel Wallerstein(1930-)

Curty, Gaël. 2017. ‘Capitalism, Structural Crisis and Contemporary Social Movements: An Interview with Immanuel Wallerstein’. Critical Sociology 43(3):331–35.


Sahlins, Marshall(1930-)

Sahlins, Marshall. 2017. ‘The Original Political Society (The 2016 Inaugural A. M. Hocart Lecture)’. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7(2):91–128.


Collins, Randall(1941-)

Collins, Randall. 2017. ‘Emotional Dynamics and Emotional Domination Drive The Microtrajectory of Moments of Collective Contingency: Comment On Ermakoff’. American Journal of Sociology 123(1):276–83.


Turner, Jonathan H.(1942-

Turner, Jonathan H. and Seth Abrutyn. 2017. ‘Returning the “Social” to Evolutionary Sociology: Reconsidering Spencer, Durkheim, and Marx’s Models of “Natural” Selection’. Sociological Perspectives 60(3):529–56.


Granovetter, Mark(1943-)

Granovetter, Mark. 2017. Society and Economy: Framework and Principles. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press.


Turner, Bryan S.(1945-)

Turner, Bryan S. 2017. ‘The Rise and Fall of American Sociology?’ Journal of Classical Sociology .


McCarthy, George E.(1946-)

McCarthy, George E. 2017. Marx and Social Justice: Ethics and Natural Law in the Critique of Political Economy. BRILL.


Burawoy, Michael(1947-)

Burawoy, Michael. 2017. ‘On Desmond: The Limits of Spontaneous Sociology’. Theory and Society 46(4):261–84.

   Theda Skocpol(1947-)

     Rueschemeyer, Dietrich and Theda Skocpol. 2017. States, Social     

     Knowledge, and the Origins of Modern Social Policies. Princeton University     Press.


Herzfeld, Michael(1947-)

Herzfeld, Michael. 2017. ‘Anthropological Realism in a Scientistic Age’. Anthropological Theory 


Turner, Stephen(1951-)

Turner, Stephen. 2017. ‘What Do Narratives Explain? Roth, Mink and Weber’. Towards a Revival of Analytical Philosophy of History: Around Paul A. Roth’s Vision of Historical Sciences.


Foster, John Bellamy(1953-)

Foster, John Bellamy. 2017. ‘The Earth-System Crisis and Ecological Civilization: A Marxian View’. International Critical Thought 1–20.


Goldstone, Jack A.(1953-)

Goldstone, Jack A. 2017. ‘Early Modern China and Northeast Asia: Cross-Border Perspectives by Evelyn S. Rawski (Review)’. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 77(1):258–64.


2. 德国大佬


Müller-Doohm, Stefan(1942-)

Müller-Doohm, Stefan. 2017. ‘Member of a School or Exponent of a Paradigm? Jürgen Habermas and Critical Theory’. European Journal of Social Theory 20(2):252–74.


Kaesler, Dirk(1944-)

Kaesler, Dirk. 2017. ‘Max Weber Never Was Mainstream, - but Who Made Him a Classic of Sociology?’ Serendipities 1(2):121.


Joas, Hans(1948-)

Joas, Hans. 2017. ‘Martin Buber and the Problem of Dialogue in Contemporary Thought’. The Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 25(1):105–9.


Stichweh, Rudolf1951-

     Stichweh, Rudolf . Evolution and Control of Society. Nova Acta Leopoldina,      Neue Folge, Nummer 419, 2017, 109-115 



3. 英国大佬

Archer, Margaret S.(1943-)

Archer, Margaret S. 2017. ‘Introduction: Has a Morphogenic Society Arrived?’ Pp. 1–27 in Morphogenesis and Human Flourishing, Social Morphogenesis. Springer.


Jessop, Bob(1946-)

Jessop, Bob. 2017. ‘On Academic Capitalism’. Critical Policy Studies 0(0):1–6.


Morawska, Ewa(1949-)

Morawska, Ewa. 2017. ‘A Century of Transnationalism: Immigrants and Their Homeland Connections’. The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 48(2):245–46.


Sayer, Richard Andrew (1949-)


Sayer, Richard Andrew (2017) Bourdieu:ally or foe of discourse analysis? In: Routledge handbook of language and politics. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics . Routledge, London


William Outhwaite1949-)


Outhwaite W. Generations of Critical Theory?. Berlin Journal of Critical Theory 2017, 1(1), 5-27.


4. 北欧大佬

Richard Swedberg(1948)

Richard Swedberg. 2017. ‘How to Use Max Weber’s Ideal Type in Sociological Analysis’. Journal of Classical Sociology 


Peter Hedström(1955-)


Keuschnigg, Marc, Niclas Lovsjö, and Peter Hedström. 2017. ‘Analytical Sociology and Computational Social Science’. Journal of Computational Social Science 1–12.




2017年终| 翻了近10年美国社会学博士论文目录,一些初步观察



