
纪念齐美尔逝世百年专栏之四| 齐美尔的德+英的一二手文献大全

高行云 社会学理论大缸 2022-06-09



by Jukka Gronow & Olli Pyyhtinen

Available from: www.macmillanihe.com/pyyhtinen 

此为Olli Pyyhtinen的专著《The Simmelian Legacy: A Science of Relations》(Macmillan, 2017)的附录。Olli Pyyhtinen是齐美尔作品的芬兰文译者。他的前一本作品《Simmel and 'The Social'》(Macmillan, 2010)是把齐美尔的主要概念放到当代社会学的脉络中来“激活”(例如关系社会学),这一本书则一方面“溯源”齐美尔的main ideas,另一方面考察齐美尔在学科史脉络下的遗忘、接受与复兴。

Works by and on Simmel 共48页,包括以下几个部分(每部分都有较详细的资料介绍)

1. Simmel’s Works in German


1.1 Collected works(24卷)

Simmel’s collected works have been published as 24-volume Georg Simmel Gesamtausgabe (GSG) series by Suhrkamp.

——比韦伯全集好,已经完成了~~从1980s出版到2015年,除了正经作品,还有笔名发表的、书信,有齐美尔以德、英、法、意大利语等发表的作品,也有遗世后写的手稿,在世时的演讲稿。其中,第1-16卷是按时间编排的作品three periods:

1870-1900 (volumes GSG 1–6,), 1901-1908 (volumes GSG 7–11), and 1908-1918 (volumes GSG 12–16).


1.2 Monographs

This section contains a small selection of Simmel’s monographs that have not yet been translated into English.

——经由康德,发展出来的realistic-dynamic想法,已收录在上面的collected works。


1.3 Edited volumes


Simmel, Georg: Gesammelte Schriften zur Religonssoziologie [Collected Writings on the Sociology of Religion]. (Hrsg. von Horst Jürgen Helle.) Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1989 


其中,Simmel, Georg: Individualismus der modernen Zeit – und andere soziologische Abhandlungen. Ausgewählt und mit einem Nachwort von Otthein Rammstedt [Individuality of the Modern Times And Other Sociological Articles. Selected and with an Afterword by Otthein Rammstedt]. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2008a, 394 p. 

收录了齐美尔学者Otthein Rammstedt撰写了齐美尔的学术传略。


2. Simmels works in English translations

早在1893年,就有齐美尔的英文本了,例如由美国社会学先驱Small翻译的在AJS上发表的。但是随后就缺少关注,直到1950年,The Sociology of Georg Simmel edited by Kurt H. Wolff 才又使之得到激活。



(1)共时性评价:The persistent image in the English-speaking world of Simmel’s work as unsystematic, essayistic, impressionistic, and fragmentary is largely due to the scarce availability of his works in translation.

2)历时性评价:The publication history was determined from his early American reception as a sociologist of small group studies and social conflict to his later reception as a cultural-critical analyst of modernity, an interpretation to a great extent initiated by David Frisby in the 1980s. More recently, the new wave of scholarship has discovered Simmel as a philosopher of life and a refined aesthete 


2.1 Monographs

Until late 1970s, not a single one of Simmel’s books had been made available in English.



2.3  Edited volumes

最早:Wolff, Kurt H. (ed.): The Sociology of Georg Simmel. New York: The Free Press, 1950, 445 p.

近期:Simmel, Georg: Essays on Religion. Edited and translated by Horst Jürgen Helle in collaboration with Ludwig Nieder. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1997,

223 p.



3. 二手文献


美国 :Kurt H. Wolff和David Frisby and Donald N. Levine

德国:Kurt Gassen and Michael Landmann


3.1 德语二手专著


Peter Ernst Schnabel 

Heinz-Jürgen Dahme 

Sibylle Hübner-Funk 

Petra Christian黑格尔和齐美尔关系分析)

Antonius M. Bevers认为form/content是齐美尔的主轴 )

Klaus Lichtblau 

Klaus Christian Köhnke写了思想传记)

Gregor Fitzi 

Claudius Härpfer讨论了德国社会学初生中的齐美尔的作用)


3.2 Edited volumes on Simmel in German

The volume Buch des Dankes an Georg Simme edited by Kurt Gassen and Mchael Landmann that was published in 1958 commemorated Simmel’s 100th anniversary and was an early attempt to revitalise his intellectual heritage. 


3.3 Monographs on Simmel in English

Nicholas Spykman’s The Social Theory of Georg Simmel, originally published in 1925, was the first monograph to appear on Simmel’s social theory in English. 


Experience and Culture by Rudolph Weingartner is to this day the only monograph on Simmel’s philosophy written in English,


Giancarlo Poggi’s Money and the modern mind is the only comprehensive English monograph on Simmel’s Philosophy of Money. 


David Frisby’s four influential treatises published within less than ten years and included here re-discovered Simmel as a theorist of modernity, emphasized his sociological impressionism as well as gave rise to a renewal of interest in his sociological thought in the Anglophone world.


Georg Simmel and the American Prospect by Gary D. Jaworski examines the American reception of Simmel’s work during the last hundred years.


3.4 Edited volumes on Simmel in English


3.5 Journals and special issues

Simmel Studies 2000– (1991–1999 Simmel Newsletter) 

Theory, Culture & Society 1991, 2007, 2010, 2012均有专刊

Journal of Classical Sociology 2013


3.6 Works making use of Simmel 





第183-6期 【预告】纪念齐美尔逝世百年|两篇译文、自由理论,与德英一二手文献大全

第183期【已推】 纪念齐美尔逝世百年专栏| 齐美尔:佛罗伦萨(郑作彧译) 

第184期【已推】 纪念齐美尔逝世百年专栏| 齐美尔:威尼斯(黎姗 译)

第185期【已推】纪念齐美尔逝世百年专栏| 齐美尔论why/how社会自由(郑作彧2015)

