

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-02





二、場次名稱:In memoriam - amarco-sociologist Arthur L. Stinchcombe 1933-2018


1. 呂炳強:香港理工大學應用社會科學系首席講師(榮休)

論文標題:How does Stinchcombe's complex causal structure substantiate a Kuhnian theoretical sociology?

2. 李越民:香港中文大學社會學系博士生


3. 孫宇凡:國立中山大學哲學所碩士生

論文標題:Connecting Bhaskar's emergentism ontology with Stinchcombe's methodology of deep analogy?:a reconsideration of the third wave of historical sociology




Arthur L. Stinchcombe, a pre-eminent sociologist at the Northwestern University, passed away on July 3, 2018 at the age of 83.

Stinchcombe was for decades one of the leading figures in economic sociology, organization studies and sociological theories in the United States.  He was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, and a Guggenheim Fellow. He received four awards from the American Sociological Association, namely, the Distinguished Career Prize, the Sorokin Prize, the Max Weber Award for Distinguished Scholarship, and the Lazarsfeld Award for career contributions to methodology. 

The panel focuses on a specific issue of Stinchcombe's encyclopedic works: macrosociology. As a widely discussed issue, Stinchcombe contributes to a series of theoretical methods with applicability and comprehensibility, rather than mere theories or methods.Although his macrosociological viewpoint is said to be the “microsociological bias” by Theda Skocpol, it is a considerably fruitful one as commented by Claude S. Fischer, “Stinchcombe focuses on the practicalities of doing research well rather than on philosophical abstractions about [it].”

While the contributors of this panel contend that his contributions to macrosciological method are substantive they take issue with Stinchcombe, reinterpreting his works and exposing some of unsolved problems them and connecting them to other schools of thought.

Ping-keung Lui's (呂炳強) paper “How does Stinchcombe's complex causal structure substantiate a Kuhnian theoretical sociology?”(斯丁奇科姆的複雜因果結構如何充實庫恩式的理論社會學?)outlines Stinchcombe's early bookConstructing Social Theories (1968)and argues that a Kuhnian theoretical sociology will provide a wider acceptance.

Yu-fan Sun's (孫宇凡)article “Connecting Bhaskar's emergentism ontology with Stinchcombe'smethodology of deep analogy?: a reconsideration of the third wave of historicalsociology” (連接巴斯卡的突現主義存在論和斯丁奇科姆的深度類比式方法論?反思第三波歷史社會學》)aims to clarify the ambiguities and elisions in the third wave's manifesto andoffers a basis for continuing dialogue between critical realism and U.S.historical sociology through critical reading of Theoretical Methods in Social History (1978).

Yuet-man Lee's (李越民)article, “Materiality of the theoretical research object and the techne of the empirical researcher” (理論研究對象的物質性與經驗研究者的技藝)focuses on Stinchcombe's last book, The Logic of Social Research(2005). and analyzes Stinchcombe's contribution by considering hermeneutics and the cumulative view of scientific progress.

The theoretical methods of macrosociology do matter because they enable us to expand our sociological imagination by thinking through how the social world changes and how that change can be explained.



How does Stinchcombe’scomplex causal structure substantiate

a Kuhnian theoretical sociology?

LUI, Ping-keung


Abstract: Arthur Stinchcombe in the late sixties of the last century offered an idea of complex causal structures (the demographic, the functionalist, and the historicist explanations). The paper attempts to demonstrate how his idea substantiates the author’s construction of a theoretical sociology which is justified by a particular version of Thomas Kuhn’s theory of paradigm. Within this theoretical sociology (which comprises an ontology, a realism, and a hermeneutics)Stinchcombe’s idea is found to substantiate its hermeneutics only, andspecifically within the hermeneutics (which comprises anhypothetico-deductivism and an ontic structural realism) its hypothetico-deductivismmore than its ontic structural realism. Much later in the early nineties he gave a reasoned argument for it by introducing mechanism as a micro-theory while maintaining structure as a macro-theory, thinking that the former can be largely ignored and thus leaving the latter as the only focus for empirical research.


Keywords: theoretical sociology, complex causal structure, hypothetico-deductivism, ontic structural realism, mechanism        


Main texts to be discussed

Arthur L. Stinchcombe,1968. Chapter Three “Complex causal structures: Demographic, Functional, and Historicist Explanations of Social Phenomena,” in Constructing Social Theories. New York / Chicago / San Francisco /Atlanta: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.

-----, 1991. “The Conditions of Fruitfulness of Theorizing About Mechanisms in Social Science,”in Philosophy of the Social Sciences,Vol. 21 No. 3, pp. 367-388.






 摘要:Stinchcombe在《社會科學研究的邏輯》(TheLogic of Social Research一書第四章討論社會學達到科學累積(以致出現科學進步)情況的條件,提出「科學常數」(scientificconstant)一詞,尤其重視測量方法與社會學科學進步的重要關聯。本文以該章為文本,指出:(一)Stinchcombe同時構建了身在行動歷程中的行動者(actor)的有關詮釋論以及作为觀察者的經驗研究者(empirical researcher)的有關詮釋論,並提出兩者銜接的方法。(二)Stinchcombe提出,透過經驗研究者自己理論裡的能指們(the signifiers)和社㑹现象裡與之對應的所指們(the signified)组成的符號們(signs)何可得出兩個詮釋論的銜接。他認為,科學進步不能單單透過理論裡的能指們,而是要與經由量度得出的對應所指們一起來決定。因此,Stinchcombe其實是把社會現象的物質性(materiality)與經驗研究者的技藝(techne)作為兩個必要项(necessary items)帶入了社會學科學進步論。(三)我們選擇現時在社會學裡的一些經驗研究,重新以Stinchcombe 的眼光視之,討論他的觀點對社會學研究可以有的意涵。




Stinchcombe, Arthur. 2005. The Logic of Social Research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.



Connecting Bahskar's emergentism ontology with

Stinchcombe's methodology of deep analogy?:

a reconsideration of the third wave of historical sociology

 Sun, Yu-fan

Abstract:The ontological and methodological positions of historical sociology(HS) remain the central problems. While the third wave of HS aims to reorient the field,via connecting Bahskar's emergentism ontology and Stinchcombe's methodology of deep analogy, its theoretical landscape suffers from ambiguities,omissions, and elisions which make it an inappropriate strategy. First,Stinchcombe’s methodology is based on pragmatism, which means that it focuseson the continuous problem-solving process. From Bahskar’s layered ontology, the methodology is located in the actual level rather than the real level. Second,the cumulatively predicate-orientation deep analogy is looser than the grammar demand of causal powers in critical realism. Third, for the implications of mechanismic explanations, Stinchcombe’s definition of the bottom-up and observable process, is the complete opposite to the understanding of the top-down and unobserved process in Bhaskar’s framework.


Keywords:deep analogy, emergentism, mechanismic explanation, actualism


Main texts to be discussed

Adams, Julia, Elisabeth S. Clemens,and Ann Shola Orloff. 2006. ‘“Time and Tide...”: Rejoinder to Abbott, Charrad,Goldstone, Mahoney, Riley, Roy, Sewell, Wingrove and Zerilli’. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 47 (5): 419–31.

Stinchcombe, Arthur L. 1978. Theoretical Methods in Social History. New York: Academic Press.

———. 1991. ‘The Conditions of Fruitfulness of Theorizing About Mechanisms in Social Science’. Philosophy of the Social Sciences 21 (3): 367–88.




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