

高行云 社会学理论大缸 2022-06-17


Gross, Neil. 2018. “Pragmatism and the Study of Large-Scale Social Phenomena.” Theory and Society 47(1):87–111.





在教科书中,实用主义传统看不到,只有象征互动论,如Peter Blau, Blumer等等。这一支也在教科书中呈现为对帕森斯宏大理论的微观反驳。

——简单地讲,pragmatism speaks only to the micro and can shed little light on meso- or macro-level phenomena



action (e.g., Martin 2011), temporality and intersubjectivity (e.g., Tavory and Eliasoph 2013), rationality (e.g., Winship 2018), meaning-making (e.g., Silva 2015), and the theory building enterprise itself (e.g., Swedberg 2014).



比如,近年另一波新兴的分析社会学,就批判实用主义没法解释micro-macro transition


作为当前美国社会学中实用主义的旗手,Neil Gross是最近期能在ASR上发表理论文章的学者,他的博士论文居然也是写一部新实用主义代表人物Richard Rorty的传记

Gross, Neil. 2009. Richard Rorty: The Making of an American Philosopher. University of Chicago Press.

Gross, Neil. 2009. “A Pragmatist Theory of Social Mechanisms.” American Sociological Review 74(3):358–79.

——荐读: 如何【精读细剖】ASR的理论论文?再来一次示范!(上)

2018年,Neil Gross在Theory and Society上发表了一篇review essay,借助评论近期实用主义的代表品,指出该传统在解释宏观社会变迁方面的潜力。


首先,Neil Gross从渊源说起,认为美国实用主义在19世纪末20世纪初兴起之时,正是反对笛卡尔的怀疑论。如皮尔斯用belief,Steward和Reid也用common sense概念,说明行动者总在一定的情境之中,并非总是在doubt状态中。


这样的理论传统开端,因而把sociality带了进来。所以到了Dewey和Mead(第二代实用主义)时,就进一步发展了habit这样的概念,更注意了experience, interrelation。实用主义的经世致用,也体现在他们对于自己哲学流派的宏大期许:


Dewey’s alternative view was that philosophy must be attentive to meaningful real-world problems of the present.


其次,Neil Gross指出,在米德、杜威之后、布鲁默之前,实用主义也一样是有很大影响的。除了简略谈到芝加哥学派,比如他引用了两则数据:

 ——之前的相关荐读:芝加哥学派八卦和撕逼史:Howard Becker爆料

A search of JSTOR reveals 60 articles in the American Journal of Sociology between 1900 and 1940 that mention Dewey,


A survey of scholars who came through the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford as fellows from 1954 to 1963 found that 85% of sociologists claimed to have been influenced by pragmatism, with three quarters saying that their teachers—sociologists in the first decades of the century—had been pragmatically-inclined (Morris 1964).


不过,这样的影响力并不意味着实用主义在学界占住地位。Neil Gross指出以拉扎菲尔德为代表的哥伦比亚大学和以帕森斯为代表的哈佛大学,都没法给实用主义太多位置。所以Lynd在哥大是边缘的位置,米尔斯的英年早逝也让实用主义难获发展(其实米尔斯的博士论文是写实用主义的!)。


接着,Neil Gross把实用主义变成微观主义的标签,归结给Blumer

 ——之前荐读:重新发现布鲁默:从joint action概念入手(Azarian,2017)

这位自承继承Mead遗志的社会学家,认为the aim of sociology must be to trace the flow of interaction and meaning in the concrete settings people inhabit




最后,或许成也萧何,败也萧何。当代复兴实用主义的是德国学者Hans Joas的The Creativity of Action(1996年英译本),一面批判理性选择,另一面批判帕森斯式规范式行动取向,但这种走向行动理论的实用义,也难免带有了微观的影子了。



