英文视听说 开通对话栏目,以视频方式,回顾古今英语教学教育大师们的风采。他们中的很多人,我们对他们的名字如雷贯耳,耳熟能详,但是当面上他们的课,或者哪怕是看看他们讲课的视频或者真人究竟是怎样的风范,恐怕大部分师生没有这个机会。借此机会,让我们聆听大师亲授,一睹大师风范,向他们致敬!本栏目为“英文视听说”首创,转载请注明来源自 英文视听说,往期回顾,点击这里:
对话丨语言学巨擘 乔姆斯基 Avram Noam Chomsky
对话丨从认识ABC到英语阅读-亚马逊英语启蒙读物类榜首Bob Books作者上海讲座
对话丨全球语言大师 国际英语教师协会主席 Herbert Puchta 教授
Dr Evelina D Galaczi
Head of Research Strategy
Evelina is Head of Research Strategy at Cambridge Assessment English. She has worked in English language education for over 25 years, as an English language teacher, teacher trainer, program administrator, materials writer and assessment specialist. Her key areas of expertise are the development and assessment of speaking skills, the role of technology in learning and assessment, and ways of bringing innovation tools, skills and behaviours to organisations. Evelina has a strong track record in academic publications and presentations, and has delivered training courses on language assessment in North America, Asia and Europe. She holds a Master’s and a PhD from Columbia University, USA.
Evelina’s life path has taken her from her native Bulgaria to the United States, and to the United Kingdom. Before joining Cambridge Assessment English, she worked as a teacher (trying to motivate unmotivated teenagers) and teacher trainer (trying to bring the science and art of teaching English to novice teachers). She also co-wrote an English language teaching course book with her husband, and enjoyed being a New Yorker for 10 years. In her spare time, Evelina enjoys happy moments with her husband, two boys and dog, and giggles with friends.
Nahal Khabbazbashi
I worked as a Senior Research Manager at Cambridge English Language Assessment, University of Cambridge. I completed an MSc in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition and a DPhil in Education, both at the University of Oxford. My thesis explored the effects of topic and background knowledge of topic on second language speaking performance in assessment contexts.
My research interests include Many-Facet Rasch Measurement, the automated assessment of speaking, and the effects of task and test taker-related variables on performance. I have also been involved in benchmarking and impact studies in Higher Education contexts.
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