
璀璨时刻 | 2018普利策颁奖典礼,为自由和人民福祉而战

哥大全球中心 哥大全球中心 2021-12-23

美国东部时间5月30日,2018年普利策午餐会暨颁奖典礼在哥伦比亚大学洛氏图书馆(Columbia University's Low Library)举行。午餐仪式由普利策评选委员会会长黛娜·坎纳迪(Dana Canedy)和哥伦比亚大学校长李·C·布林格(Lee C. Bollinger)主持,布林格校长发表简短讲话。



In any given year, the awarding of the Pulitzer Prizes is a singular moment in the annual cycle of noted and noteworthy events. The Prizes stand out in a world not wanting for awards and prizes, capturing the attention of professionals and the broader public because they somehow seem both to sum up what has just happened in our lives while marking the extraordinary creativity in journalism and the arts that have so illuminated these happenings. How prizes achieve this status is something of a mystery, but we know that they can only continue to have it if there is a deep integrity to the process of selection over time, and, I am always happy to testify as a Board member, as well as the President of this great University, that I’ve never been part of anything that has more dedication from more talented people committed to doing the best job humanly possible than is the case with the Pulitzer Prizes, helped in this regard by great Administrators like Dana Canedy.


So, the Pulitzers are always uniquely important, but I believe this year will stand out in the now century-long history of the Prizes as among the most important. This is not only because of the new and wider reach of the Prizes into realms where creative genius resides, such as we do today with music, but also because we are living in an era that demands of us a new understanding of and confrontation with the abuses of power. On the political front, I think it is clear that the nation is facing the most serious internal attacks on the fundamental values and institutional structures that define a democracy since the Pulitzers were introduced a century ago — then precisely to counteract problematic authoritarian tendencies throughout the society. As I have noted on many occasions, the inauguration of the Prizes was nearly simultaneous to the beginnings of the Supreme Court cases in 1919 that formed the basis of the modern notions we have now about the constitutional rights of freedom of speech and press. This, too, was prompted by the alarm over the rising tide of intolerance and censorship that was floating across the country. We are, indeed, fortunate that these, and other, bulwarks of freedom and respect for basic values of truth-seeking — and truth protection — in a framework of self-government and a Rule of Law — took root, prospered, and, I think, on the whole, succeeded.


So much so that I personally feel confident we can now, with clear focus and deep dedication, such as we are recognizing here this afternoon, preserve the character of genuine democracy that has defined the nation in its best moments and inspired so many around the world.








李·布林格校长为2018年普利策国际报道奖得主、《路透社》记者Clare Baldwin、Andrew R.C. Marshall、Manuel Mogato颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策特稿写作奖得主、自由撰稿人Rachel Kaadzi Ghansah颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策评论奖得主、美国阿拉巴马媒体集团专栏作家John Archibald颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策批评奖得主、《纽约杂志》艺术批评家Jerry Saltz颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策社论写作奖得主、《德梅因纪事报》社论作者Andie Dominick颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策漫画创作奖得主、《纽约时报》自由撰稿人Jake Halpern和自由漫画家Michael Sloan颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策突发新闻摄影奖得主、《进步日报》摄影记者Ryan Kelly颁奖


李·布林格校长为2018年普利策小说奖得主Andrew Sean Greer颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策戏剧奖得主Martyna Majok颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策历史奖得主Jack E. Davis颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策传记文学奖得主Caroline Fraser颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策诗歌奖得主Frank Bidart颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策非虚构写作奖得主James Forman Jr.颁奖

李·布林格校长为2018年普利策音乐奖得主Kendrick Lamar颁奖


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