
暑期班 | 北京大学计算经济学实验室暑期班课程安排来啦!

Summer Course: Economics and Computation


Xiaotie Deng (xiaotie@pku.edu.cn)

Yuqing Kong (yuqing.kong@pku.edu.cn)


Time: Monday to Friday 18:30-19:30, July 8 to July 30


Location: 北京大学静园五院 101


本期暑期课食宿,进校自理。北大进校十分麻烦,我们是自发组织的非盈利纯学术研讨活动,因而无法统一办理进校手续,请谅解。请外校同学八仙过海,各显神通 (最好是自己有临时出入证或者有北大同学帮助进校),一定事先安排妥当,千万不要临时进校!




This  course will cover several interesting new topics, including market design, information elicitation, cryptography and game theory etc, that arise in the intersection area of economics and computation recently.


Students are welcomed to pick one topic to participate and also encouraged to give presentations on relevant recent research. 

Course Goal

The goal of this course is to familiarize students to the new economics and computation area and find their future research topics. We hope this course can bring students from different backgrounds and combine their expertise with this course's topics.

Main Topics, Schedule &  
Sample Materials

🔹 Market Design (Monday & Wednesday)

  • Contents: market equilibrium computation, auction theory, truthful mechanism design, …
    Sample material: Chapter 15 in http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/kleinber/networks-book/

🔹 Information Elicitation (Tuesday & Thursday)

  • Contents: prediction market, peer prediction, …
    Sample material: http://theory.stanford.edu/~tim/f16/l/l17.pdf

🔹 Cryptography & Game Theory (Friday)

  • Contents: block-chain, secure multi-party computation, …
    Sample material: https://cs.nyu.edu/~dodis/ps/game-survey.pdf

There are also some other topics that will depend on the invited speakers.

Hiring Expert Students! (with Monetary Incentive)

For each topic, we would like to hire two expert students who will help the instructor to prepare the material, organize the class and answer other students’ questions.  Note that you do not need to be familiar with the topics now to apply for this.

Please contact us via email for application before June 25


It is important that students have experience reading and writing mathematical proofs.  Some topics of this course will also assume basic probability theory, cryptography, game theory, complexity theory.  For each topic, a good test for student preparedness is reading through some parts of the sample material. You do not need to understand everything (that is what the course is for), but if you are completely lost, you will likely have a difficulty and not get much out of the course.

Course Format

This course will mainly seek to actively engage students at many different levels.

Main lectures: Main lectures will be covered by instructors regularly.

Relevant Recent Research Presentation:  For each topic, we will prepare some materials on recent research and strongly encourage the students to prepare and present these materials.

Lectures by Invited Speakers: We will invite several speaker aperiodically to talk about their interesting research.


If you think you need an accommodation for a disability, please let the course staff know at your earliest convenience. Some aspects of this course, the in-class activities, and the way we teach may be modified to facilitate your participation and progress. The course staff will treat any information you provide as private and confidential.


About EconCS@PKU

EconCS@PKU group is based on the Center on Frontiers of Computing Studies (CFCS), Peking University. It's organized by Xiaotie Deng and Yuqing Kong. We are interested in the interdisciplinary research of computer science, economics, and social science in general. The focus of our current work is to build methodologies and systems with cutting-edge technologies from game theory, cryptography, information theory, machine learning, statistics, randomized algorithms and social economic theory. Areas of research include applications of the new methodologies/systems to a variety of social/economic topics, such as market design, crowdsourcing, internet economics, online education, ethics, etc.


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