India's Manushi Chhillar Crowned MissWorld 2017/印度小姐夺得2017世界小姐桂冠
在11月18日晚举行的第67届世界小姐全球总决赛中,118名各国佳丽云集海南三亚,惊艳亮相。经过激烈角逐,最终印度小姐Manushi CHHILLAR获得冠军,墨西哥小姐Alma Andrea MEZA CARMONA获得亚军,英格兰小姐Stephanie Jayne HILL获得季军。
17 years after Priyanka Chopra was crowned Miss World, Miss India Manushi Chillar has won the coveted beauty title.
Chillar, who is from Haryana, was bestowed the title at the Miss World 2017 event held at Sanya City Arena in China.
中国小姐关思宇。新华网 纪惊鸿摄
经过层层筛选,中国小姐关思宇成功入围全球40强,中国澳门小姐蓝婉玲进入全球15强,热心公益的越南小姐My Linh DO获得了意义之美奖。墨西哥小姐Alma Andrea MEZA CARMONA和英格兰小姐Stephanie Jayne HILL分获亚军和季军。印度小姐Manushi CHHILLAR问鼎世界小姐全球冠军。赛事在三亚儿童演唱的崖州民歌中落下帷幕。
Miss India Manushi Chhillar has earned the coveted title of Miss World 2017, at a star-studded event held in China.
印度小姐Manushi Chhillar在中国举办的一场星光熠熠的活动中赢得了2017年世界小姐的称号。
Here's all you need to know about the new Miss World:
Manushi Chhillar hails from Haryana. She is a student of Bhagat Phool Singh Government Medical College for Women in Sonepat, Haryana.Manushi Chhillar来自哈里亚纳邦。 她是哈里亚纳邦Sonepat的Bhagat Phool Singh政府妇女医学院的学生。
2. Manushi's father, Dr Mitra Basu Chhillar is a scientist at DRDO, and mother, Dr Neelam Chhillar is the head of the department of Neuro-chemistry at the Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences. Manushi的父亲Mitra Basu Chhillar博士是DRDO的科学家,母亲Neelam Chhillar博士是人类行为与联合科学研究所神经化学系主任。
3. Manushi is only 20 years old, and the sixth Indian woman to be crowned Miss World. Chhillar studied in St. Thomas School, New Delhi.Manushi年仅20岁,而第六位印度女子被世界小姐加冕。 Chhillar在新德里圣托马斯学校学习。
4.. Manushi was pursuing her Bachelor's degree in medicine and surgery, when she got herself enrolled for the pageant. Manushi正在攻读她的医学和外科学士学位,当时她获得了参加选美的机会。
5. Manushi is a trained Kuchipudi dancer, and has trained under legendary dancers Raja and Radha Reddy.Manushi是训练有素的Kuchipudi舞者,并在传奇舞者Raja和Radha Reddy的训练下
6. Manushi has also been a part of National School of Drama, and enjoys swimming in her free time. Chhillar has a keen interest in poetry, and likes painting too.Manushi也是国家戏剧学院的一部分,喜欢在空闲时间游泳。 Chhillar对诗歌有浓厚的兴趣,也喜欢绘画。
7. Apart from being exceptionally talented, Manushi also has a flair for the English language, and was the All-India CBSE topper in English, in Class 12.Manushi除了天赋异禀外,还具有英语的天赋,并且是全英文的CBSE英语课程,12级课程。
8. Manushi took up the cause of menstrual hygiene, and spread awareness in 20 villages, under her Beauty with a Purpose project. Her initiative was called Project Shakti.Manushi承担了经期卫生的事业,在她的Beauty with a Purpose项目的指导下,在20个村庄宣传自己的意识。 她的倡议被称为沙克蒂项目。
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