

佚名 汉语言文学学习 2020-08-17


  Diglossia usually describes a situation in which two very different varieties of language co-exist in a speech community,each with a distinct range of purely social functions and appropriate for certain situations.Usually,one is a more standard variety called the high variety or H-variety,which is used for more formal or serious matters.And the other is a non-prestige variety called the low variety or L-variety,which is used in colloquial and other informal situations.


  Often the high variety is regarded as a literary standard called a classical language,whereas the low variety remains a local vernacular.In certain cases,only the educated class are fully competent in both varieties.For socio-cultural reasons,the high variety is regarded by many people as a more correct or purer version of the language,reflecting a social bias against the more colloquial low variety.


  Although the two diglossic forms of language are generally two varieties of the same language,there are situations in which the high variety may have no genetic relationship with the low one.



  Bilingualism refers to a linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers,such as the inhabitants of a particular region or a nation.


  There are bilingual communities in which their members commonly use two languages in their daily lives.A community cannot be described as bilingual unless a sufficient number of its members regularly use two languages.Bilingualism also occurs to countries with substantial populations speaking different languages and with a need for more than one standard language.These countries are officially bilingual in the sense that they may have designated two official languages for national or regional use.Canada is a typical example of official bilingualism,where both French and English are recognized official languages.


  Perfect bilingualism,however,is uncommon,as it is rare for individuals to be a perfect user of two languages in a full range of situations.For most bilingual speakers,whether they have acquired both languages at the same time in childhood or have acquired one language before the other,they approximate to perfect bilingualism by being equally competent in both languages over a fairly wide range of situations.For those bilingual speakers who have acquired their languages one after the other,one language is usually more dominant than the other.Their utterance of the less perfect language may involve a process of translation from the dominant language at a subconscious level of psychological organization.


  Regardless of the differences in the approximation of perfect bilingualism,most bilingual communities have one thing in common,that is,a fairly clear functional differentiation of the two languages in respect of speech situations known as domains.In bilingual communities,one language may be used in some domains and another language in other domains.


  A bilingual speaker often uses two languages alternatively during a conversation with another bilingual speaker,a speech situation known as code-switching.For example,when two bilingual speakers of Chinese and English conduct business in English in New York’s Chinatown,a typical bilingual community in the United States,they might suddenly switch to the Chinese language when the topic of the conversation changes from business proper to more personal matters.Code-switching may also take place in a conversation when one speaker uses one language and the other speaker answers in a different language.Another instance of code-switching is the situation when a person begins his or her speech in one language and then changes to another language in the middle of the speech,or sometimes even in the middle of a sentence,a situation that occurs to all bilinguals at one time or another.











