《柳叶刀-肿瘤学》(The Lancet Oncology)近日在线发表中山大学肿瘤防治中心徐瑞华教授团队领衔的一项人工智能辅助内镜上消化道癌早期诊断的最新研究。本研究是迄今为止最大样本的人工智能辅助内镜下早期诊断上消化道癌的研究,成功研发出一套上消化道肿瘤内镜人工智能辅助诊断系统(GRAIDS)。该系统通过模拟医生的思维和诊断推理,对内镜下肿瘤病变进行智能识别和分析,可大幅提高早期癌变的识别率和诊断的准确性。柳叶刀官方微信公众号特别邀请作者团队对论文进行深度解析。
1. Siegel RL, Miller KD, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2018. CA Cancer J Clin 2018; 68: 7–30.
2. Amin MB, Greene FL, Edge SB, et al. The Eighth Edition AJCC Cancer Staging Manual: Continuing to build a bridge from a population-based to a more “personalized” approach to cancer staging. CA Cancer J Clin 2017; 67: 93–99.
3. Sano T, Coit DG, Kim HH, et al. Proposal of a new stage grouping of gastric cancer for TNM classification: International Gastric Cancer Association staging project. Gastric Cancer 2017; 20: 217–25.
4. Rice TW, Ishwaran H, Hofstetter WL, et al. Recommendations for pathologic staging (pTNM) of cancer of the esophagus and esophagogastric junction for the 8th edition AJCC/UICC staging manuals. Dis Esophagus 2016; 29: 897–905.
5. Menon S, Trudgill N. How commonly is upper gastrointestinal cancer missed at endoscopy? A meta-analysis. Endosc Int Open 2014; 2: e46–50.
6. Li X ZS, Zhang Q, Wei X, et al. Diagnosis of thyroid cancer using deep convolutional neural network models applied to sonographic images: a retrospective, multicohort, diagnostic study. Lancet Oncol2019; 20: 193–201.
7. Esteva A, Kuprel B, Novoa RA, et al. Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks. Nature2017; 542: 115–18.
8. Liang H, Tsui BY, Ni H, et al. Evaluation and accurate diagnoses of pediatric diseases using artificial intelligence. Nat Med 2019; 25: 433–38.
9. Trister AD, Buist DSM, Lee CI. Will machine learning tip the balance in breast cancer screening? JAMA Oncol 2017; 3: 1463–64.
10. Byrne MF, Chapados N, Soudan F, et al. Real-time differentiation of adenomatous and hyperplastic diminutive colorectal polyps during analysis of unaltered videos of standard colonoscopy using a deep learning model. Gut 2019: 68: 94–100.
11. Hirasawa T, Aoyama K, Tanimoto T, et al. Application of artificial intelligence using a convolutional neural network for detecting gastric cancer in endoscopic images. Gastric Cancer 2018; 21: 653–60.
12. Alagappan M, Brown JRG, Mori Y, Berzin TM. Artificial intelligence in gastrointestinal endoscopy: the future is almost here. World J Gastrointest Endosc 2018; 10: 239–49.