
园冶杯参赛作品|Horma Estudio:西班牙瓦伦西亚AA住宅

国际设计 2023-09-17

建筑外观 The exterior of the house ©Mariela Apollonio

感谢 Horma Estudio  分享

The project aims to respond to a  corner where a continuous elevation, without edges, is offered to be seen from all angles, without prioritizing one look over another. The curve, understood as a line without discontinuity or startles, becomes the working tool for a house that pretends to be part of the environment that surrounds it.

住宅位于街区的一处拐角位置 The house is located at a corner ©Mariela Apollonio


A brick basement solves the relationship with level 0 and supports the continuous and strategically perforated element to express the spatial richness of its interior. Inside, the house does not obey pre-established orders, allowing the section to discover spaces and link them together to maintain natural light and the view always in movement.

砖地下室 Brick basement ©Mariela Apollonio

内部空间的丰富 Spatial richness of interior ©Mariela Apollonio

The brick, meticulously placed on the facade and access to the house, shapes the basement of the ground floor, on which volume that materializes the first floor and roof rests.

红砖细部 Brick details ©Mariela Apollonio

可见地下室 Basement ©Mariela Apollonio


On the facade, openings are discovered that offer natural light to very specific interior spaces.

立面外墙有开口 Openings on the facade ©Mariela Apollonio


The ground floor includes the daytime use of the house, this is understood as a single space whose uses are configured by different curves and planes. 

曲线与平面的组合 Combination of curve and plane ©Mariela Apollonio


The patio, fused with the interior through the glass creates with this a space that could be unique. In it, the red carpentries and the green of the vegetation make up the border between the house and the street.

从露台望向室内 Look indoors from the patio ©Mariela Apollonio

The patio fused with the interior through the glass 玻璃模糊了室外露台与室内的界限 ©Mariela Apollonio

从室内望向露台 Look the patio from the interior ©Mariela Apollonio


The game of heights allows the most private spaces for individual use to be located in the following levels. The path ends at the roof, an open and unique space where pool accompanies the rest in language and form of the project and is specified as one of the unique places of the house.

屋顶泳池 Rooftop pool ©Mariela Apollonio


Brick, vegetation and curves are the elements in charge of materializing a house that apparently it does not follow specific rhythms, but it is undoubtedly thought out and designed for its new inhabitants.


轴测图 Axonometric drawing ©Horma

屋顶平面 Rooftop plan ©Horma

二层平面 First floor ©Horma

一层平面 Ground floor ©Horma

主立面 Principal facade ©Horma

内立面 Interior facade ©Horma

侧立面 Lateral facade ©Horma

横剖面  Transversal section ©Horma

纵剖面 Longitudinal section ©Horma

Location: Calle Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, nº 15. Puerto de Sagunto, Valencia

Buildling Type: Architecture and Interior design

Status: Built

Surface: 250 sqm

Team: Horma – estudio de arquitectura

Nacho Juan, Clara Cantó, Jose Iborra, Ana Riera, Andrés Herrero, Belén Iglesias, María Mateo

Year: 2020

Photography: Mariela Apollonio - Fotógrafa de arquitectura


LASSA Architects|希腊KHI住宅
Iterare Arquitectos|西班牙瓦伦西亚柠檬树住宅
Thomas Heatherwick纽约灯笼屋住宅竣工



