
园冶杯参赛作品 | Red Brick Studio: 印度浦那倒拱顶住宅

国际设计 2023-09-17

建筑外观 Exterior ©Hemant Patil

感谢 Red Brick Studio 分享

Cove House是一个周末之家,坐落在印度南部西高止(Western Ghats)山脉环绕的地方。业主与Red Brick Studio沟通,希望建造一处能让他远离城市生活喧嚣的空间,让他可沉浸在潘舍特大坝(Panshet Dam)的如画景色中。面对狭小可施工区域的限制,他还希望有一个可融入住宅的开放空间,以便能够举办更多朋友和家人聚会。

The Cove House is a weekend home nestled in a site swaddled by the mountains of the Western Ghats. Red Brick Studio was approached by the client who wanted to build a space which would allow him a get-away from the hustle of the city life and provide him an opportunity to soak in the picturesque views of the backwaters of the Panshet Dam the site overlooked. Faced with a limitation of a tight constructible area, he also wished to have open spaces which could be integrated with the house to be able to host a larger gathering of friends and family.

从Cove House可以看到西高止山脉和山谷的景色 A view of the Western Ghats mountains and valley can be seen from The Cove House ©Hemant Patil


Upon seeing the site and its surrounds, the studio’s first response was to create a built-form which would try and blend in rather than stand out. Rather than typically using the flat part for construction, the studio proposed to set the house beyond this zone and use the natural topography of the site to tuck away majority of the house from the view at the entrance.

平面图(模型) Site plan (Model)  ©Red Brick Studio

住宅融入现场及周边环境环境(模型) House blends in the site and its surrounds (Model)  ©Red Brick Studio


Much of the house is thus embedded into the ground covered by a single mono-roof with an inverted curved profile spanning across the length of the house. This roof is separated from the built mass by a continuous clearstory window on all sides. Placed strategically at the level at which one enters at the site, the clearstory allows the viewer to look through the house and catch glimpses of the valley across it. The entry to the house is discreet and is accessed through a series of steps in a courtyard build in a natural setting with vegetation and boulders found on the site itself. It leads to the heart of the house which is the open and spacious living area, flanked by bedrooms and kitchen on its sides.

倒拱形屋顶 Single mono-roof with an inverted curved profile ©Hemant Patil

屋顶细部 Roof details ©Hemant Patil

下沉庭院(模型)Sunken courtyard (Model) ©Red Brick Studio

建筑师把地形坡度纳入设计中 The architect incorporated the slope of the land into the design ©Hemant Patil

定制的门向阶台敞开 Custom-built doors open out onto the terrace ©Hemant Patil

下沉庭院的多级台阶 A series of steps in a courtyard ©Hemant Patil

连续透明高窗 continuous clearstory window on all sides ©Hemant Patil

可见对面的山谷景色 Valley View ©Hemant Patil


The solution to the client’s requirement of a spill over space was achieved by the custom designed entrance door. These were built in folded metal sheets, so as to cover the entire length of the living room (30’ or 10m) and when slid open, the panels disappear in the cavity walls; seamlessly blending the inside and outside of the house. On the other side, the living room as flanked by a large deck which allows one to soak in the views of the backwaters and the valley around.

定制设计的入口门 Custom designed entrance door ©Hemant Patil

门滑动打开 The door slides open

将室内外完美融合 Blend the inside and outside of the house seamlessly ©Hemant Patil

观景台 Large deck ©Hemant Patil


Externally, the entire house is finished in grit finished plaster, with a deep red pigment which allows the house to match the tonality of the natural terrain of the region. The coarse finish also allows for very good weather resistance to the extreme seasons of rain and summer in the region. Internally, all walls are finished in a combination of white and colored polished oxide. The roof is constructed out of Ferrocement technology, enabling it be constructed in thickness of 50mm only. The inverted shape allows it to harvest the rain water which is further channeled and stored in a series of water bodies, allowing water to be available for irrigation in the drier months.

灰色的石头地板和木门反映了自然环境The grey stone flooring and wooden doors reflects the natural surroundings ©Hemant Patil

深红涂料使建筑与自然地形的色调相匹配 Deep red pigment allows the house to match the tonality of the natural terrain ©Hemant Patil 

室内细部 Interior details ©Hemant Patil 


平面图 Site plan ©Red Brick Studio

楼层平面 Floor plan ©Red Brick Studio

剖面图 Sections ©Red Brick Studio

项目名称:Cove House

项目位置:印度 浦那

建筑设计:Red Brick Studio
建筑面积:170 m²



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