

国际设计 国际设计

Patrik Schumacher will serve as the president of the architectural categories of the 13th YUANYE Awards International Competition.


Introduction of Patrik Schumacher

帕特里克·舒马赫(Patrik Schumacher),英国建筑师,扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所(ZHA)负责人,英国建筑联盟学院设计研究实验室(AA DRL)联合负责人,参数化主义建筑的先锋人物,曾任教于哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、哥伦比亚大学等多个世界知名院校。他于1988年加入扎哈·哈迪德事务所,并和已故的扎哈·哈迪德女士一道完成了事务所的全部作品,共同为事务所取得了极高的业内声誉和多个世界知名奖项




Professional and Student Awards



Including but not limited to Public Building, Commercial Building, Industrial building, Residential Building


Registration and submission time

Registration deadline for Professionals: 24:00 (GMT+8), August 31, 2022
Registration Deadline for Students: 24:00 (GMT+8), July 10, 2022



电话:+86 (0) 10 88365361


Contact for Professionals

Tel: +86 (0) 10 88365361

Email: business1@chla.com.cn


电话:+86 (0) 10 88360800





Contact for Students
Tel: +86(0)10-88360800
Email: yyb@chla.com.cn
QQ Group: 786025723; 255900300
WeChat official account ID: YUANYEAWARDS


About YUANYE Awards
园冶杯国际竞赛始创于2010年,历时12年的发展,现已成为行业内参与面、参赛量、规模均处于顶尖水平的国际赛事之一。第十二届园冶杯国际竞赛共吸引 20 多个国家及地区参与,其中专业奖项有500多个企业近1300件企业作品参赛,大学生奖项有430多所高校、10000多名学生的3000余件学生作品参赛,近600位国内外专家学者参与评审。
After 12-year development, YUANYE AWARDS has become one of the international competitions with the widest participation, the largest number of participants and the largest scale. The 12th YUANYE AWARDS has attracted more than 20 countries and regions to participate. Among the professional awards, there are more than 500 enterprises and nearly 1300 design works participating in; among the student awards, more than 3000 works from more than 10000 students of 430 universities participated in the competition. Nearly 600 experts and scholars from China and abroad participated in the review.


Review of the winning works of the 13th YUANYE Awards (Architectural Categories)

公共建筑 大奖

  Public Building  

迪拜 加尔加什清真寺

The Gargash Mosque

更多详情,点击图片 Click the above picture for more information

加尔加什清真寺北立面 North elevation ©Gerry O’Leary

作品名称:迪拜 加尔加什清真寺

Name:The Gargash Mosque 

项目位置:阿拉伯联合酋长国 迪拜

Location:Dubai, UAE

设计机构 Design firmDabbagh Architects

项目描述 Description

穆罕默德·阿卜杜勒哈利克·加尔加什(Mohamed Abdulkhaliq Gargash)清真寺,它位于阿联酋迪拜,是一处属于现代的礼拜场所。建筑师巧妙地掌握建筑形式、材料和对自然光的控制,唤起了一种宁静的精神连接感,将礼拜者从外部物质世界过渡入内在的精神体验。这一清真寺是阿联酋最早由女性建筑师所设计的宗教建筑之一。

The Mosque of the Late Mohamed Abdulkhaliq Gargash (Dubai, UAE), a contemporary place of worship that is quietly masterful in its use of form, materiality, and controlled natural light to evoke a sense of calm and spiritual connection and transition the worshipper from the outer material world to inner sense of being. The mosque is one of the first in the UAE to be designed by a female architect.

委 Judge

王虹 Wang Hong


Deputy Chief Architect of OCT Northern Group

作品评语 Comment


Gargash mosque has a moderate size, modest shape and coordinated scale that give people a calm psychological feeling. Mosque’s white complements with the blue sky and the use of light and shadow reflects divine sense. Architect uses elegant architectural language especially like the Islamic calligraphy and triangulated pattern on the exterior echoes the scriptures of interior space, make the building itself like a heavy Quran book deeply attracted devout worshipers go through a long time and distance. It can be seen that architect create this building with great respect. Gargash mosque is a rare architectural masterpiece integrated with spiritual and cultural symbols organically.

加尔加什清真寺南立面 South elevation ©Gerry O’Leary

立面细节和穹顶 Facade detail and dome ©Gerry O’Leary

夜景外部照明细节 External lighting detail of night view ©Gerry O’Leary

波兰 Michniów村庄殉难者陵墓

Mausoleum of Polish Rural Martyrology in Michniów

更多详情,点击图片 Click the above picture for more information

波兰村庄殉难者陵墓鸟瞰图 Aerial view of Mausoleum of Polish Rural Martyrology in Michniów ©Nizio Design

作品名称:波兰 Michniów村庄殉难者陵墓

NameMausoleum of Polish Rural Martyrology in Michniów

项目位置:波兰 Michniów


设计机构 Design firmNizio Design International

项目描述 Description

Michniów村庄里建造的“波兰村庄殉难者陵墓”是一种纪念建筑形式。这一实体反映了破坏与毁灭的过程,激发了Nizio Design International设计机构负责人Mirosław Nizio的灵感,创造了这种雕塑形式。

The building of the Mausoleum of Martyrdom of Polish Villages in Michniów is an architectural form of commemoration. The solid reflects the process of destruction, annihilation, that inspired Mirosław Nizio, the head of Nizio Design International, to create this sculptural form.

评委 Judge

戴帆 Dai Fan


Founder of Destroy Architects and architectural director of Resonance City Architecture Group

作品评语 Comment
波兰 Michniów村庄殉难者陵墓最深刻的地方在于建筑的裂开之处,裂开意味着创伤,展现的是一种建筑创伤美学。冷峻粗糙的混凝土、钢铁与发黑、烧焦的木材的气味,让人不安,其体验过程是一个极为痛切的建筑事件,建筑事件造成了伤口,其设计没有连续而系统的理论背景和方法论,是某种个人体验的产物,其建筑营造涉及暴力、宗教、情感,其意义更为复杂,建筑设计者力图把自己的全部体验,以一种空间的某种转变、某种开裂、某种情绪和思维方式进行级联反应。

The cracks of the building which mean trauma attract most attention. It reflects architectural trauma aesthetics. Cold and coarse concrete, steel and the smell of charred wood make visitors feel nervous and miserable. The experience is an extremely painful architectural event which causes wounds. Its architectural design had no continuous and systematic theoretical background and methodology. It is the product of personal experience. Its architectural construction involved violence, religion and emotion, and the meaning is more complex. Architect try to cascade his whole experience with a certain transformation of space, crack, emotion and way of thinking.

玻璃和结构上的开口裂缝 Glazing and the rips in the structure ©Nizio Design

陵墓园区的前景像一个乡村房屋 The Mausoleum resembles a rural house in the foreground. ©Nizio Design

陵墓园区的后半部分传递出分解、破坏感Subsequent segments convey the sense of degradation and destruction ©Nizio Design

混凝土上的木纹印记 The wood grain imprint on concrete  ©Marcin Czechowicz

混凝土、旧木材和碳钢组成的展览空间 Exhibition space composed of concrete, old wood and black steel ©Marcin Czechowicz

光线通过结构之间的裂缝到达建筑内部The light reaches the interior of the building through the cracks between the segments. ©Nizio Design

项目构思阶段手绘稿 Hand-drawn draft of project conception stage ©Nizio Design

商业建筑 大奖

  Commercial Building  


Jiaozuo Sky Courtyard

更多详情,点击图片 Click the above picture for more information

天空之院临路的西立面 West facade of Sky Courtyard ©张超


Name:Sky Courtyard

项目位置:中国 河南 焦作


Design firm:Domain Architects

项目描述 Description


Located in an unsatisfactory site in a rural town in central China, the design rejected the common model and reinvented the experience in a typical guestroom: a micro and private courtyard with a view of the sky and the mountain. The design transforms the disadvantage into a private, nuanced, and distinctive experience.

评委 Judge

卢健松 Lu Jiansong


Deputy Dean of School of Architecture Hunan University

作品评语 Comment


Concentrating on the logical analysis, the project effectively organizes and restricts the exterior scenes with a design strategy of “Guobai” (Increase distance between buildings) , displaying the emotional intellection and contemporary formation. Furthermore, the curve concrete facades create an identity for whole project to demonstrate the young architects’ creative potentials.

天空之院前院 The front yard of the Sky Courtyard ©张超

天空之院南侧局部 Details from the south side of the Sky Courtyard ©张超

天空之院内院和泳池 The inner courtyard and swimming pool of the Sky Courtyard ©张超

天空之院房间内的微型庭院 A miniature courtyard landscape inside the room ©张超


Alila Wuzhen

更多详情,点击图片 Click the above picture for more information

阿丽拉乌镇 The overall view of Alila Wuzhen ©是然建筑摄影


Name:Alila Wuzhen

项目位置:中国 浙江 嘉兴
Location:Zhejiang, Jiaxing
Design firm:GOA

项目描述 Description


The layout of Alila Wuzhen is fashioned after traditional settlements in water towns in Jiangnan area, especially their public spaces and combinations of public and private spaces. During the design process, iconic elements of the traditional public spaces, such as village cores, nozzles, alleys and canals, are highlighted, and the scale and system of traditional streets and alleys are retained. In addition, the way alleys and paths are intertwined in traditional rustic settlements is also featured in the design to form a windmill-shaped grid system.

评委 Judge

孔宇航 Kong Yuhang


Dean of Tianjin University School of Architecture

作品评语 Comment


Based on the Water Rural Area in South of Yangzi River, the project applies a contemporary design way to deconstruct and rebuild the tradition with elements of conventional villages, streets and residences. Aimed to inherit the traditional urban layout, it creates an architectural complex with glamourous space and forms. Meanwhile, this project also builds an abstract water courtyard to reflect both traditional memory and contemporary spirit by simple geometric frameworks, gracefully formal characteristic, traditional material application, light and shadow creation and micro landscape. It is an excellent instance with profound cultures for the ingenious conception and organic organization of water system, courtyard walls and etc. 

风车形结构是阿丽拉乌镇重要的空间特征 The windmill-shaped grid system is one of the most important spatial features of Wuzhen ©goa大象设计

水院 Water yard ©是然建筑摄影

泳池 Swimming pool ©是然建筑摄影

滨水酒吧 The sunken bar facing the water courtyard ©是然建筑摄影

餐厅 Restaurant ©是然建筑摄影

住区建筑 大奖

  Residential Building  

印度 旋转屋

India Pirouette House

更多详情,点击图片 Click the above picture for more information

PIROUETTE HOUSE正立面实景图 View of the front elevation ©Jino Sam


Name: Pirouette House

项目位置:印度 特里凡得琅

Location: Trivandrum,India

设计机构 Design firmWallmakers

项目描述 Description

坐落在印度特里凡得瑯的Pirouette House,建造灵感源于英裔印度建筑师劳里·贝克 (Laurie Baker)的建筑,墙身以烧制而成的砖瓦技术交织成几何图案,彷似在空中翩翩起舞。

Located in Trivandrum, India, Pirouette house is inspired by Laurie Baker's building. The walls are woven into geometric patterns by firing brick and tile technology, as if dancing in the air.

评委 Judge

徐聪艺 Xu Congyi


Deputy Chief Architect of Beijing Institute of Architectural Design (BIAD)

作品评语 Comment


Under the limited site condition, this project expresses its respect towards the tradition and inherits the regional culture through the rat trap bond which is a  masonry technique. It is an architectural practice with humanistic values, creating a vivid and interesting space effect to satisfy the local climate and daily requirements.

庭院空间,全部空间都通向庭院的内向形空间 The whole space leads to the inner shape of the courtyard ©Jino Sam

楼梯,脚手架上缠绕藤条 The stairs, the scaffolding, the vines ©Jino Sam

庭院仰视图,墙面构成图案 Courtyard view, wall pattern ©Jino Sam

客厅 Living room ©Jino Sam

餐厅 Dining room ©Jino Sam

建筑夜景 Night view ©Jino Sam










