

点击关注☞ 绿色学习平台 2023-02-12



(满分150 120分钟)


. 关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

你将听到五个句子。 请在每小题所给的ABC三个选项中选出你所听到的一个单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。

1. A. farmers             B.famous                  C. fails

2. A. quite               B.quiet                   C. quietly

3. A. wait                      B.woman                  C.warm

4. A. should                    B.shout                   C. showed

5. A. rest                B.rich                    C. reach

. 对话理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


11. What colour ofshoes should the man probably wear?

A. Blue shoes.                    B.White shoes.                 C. Black shoes.

12. What is Bettylike?

A. She is smart.                   B.She is helpful.               C. She is honest.

13. What is therelationship between the two speakers?

A. Brother and sister.            B.Mother and son.            C.Teacher and student.

14. What does theman mean?

A. The girl doesn’t carry the key with hervery often.

B. The girl lost her bike.

C. It is not the first time for the girl tolose her key.

15. What can welearn from the dialogue?

A. The boy thinks the girl should use herown dictionary.

B. The girl wants to borrow the boy’sdictionary.

C. The boy doesn’t know what the girl means.

III. 长对话理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



16. What are thespeakers talking about?

A. Plans for the winter holiday.     

B. The weather.

C. Computer games.

17. How well canthe girl play badminton?

A. She can play badminton very well.

B. She can play badminton, but not verywell.

C. She can’t play badminton at all.


18. Where does thedialogue happen?

A. In a library.                   B. In a school.                 C. In a bookshop.

19. What is theman’s telephone number?

A. 8664507               B. 8665407                    C. 8684407  

20. What will thewoman do when she has the book?

A. She will tell the man by e-mail.

B. She will call the man.

C. She will send it to the man’s house.

. 短文理解(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


21. Who do youthink is talking now?

A. A visitor.                 B. A tourist guide.       C. Apoliceman.

22. Where are thetourists?

A. They’re on their way to London.      

B. They’re on their way to Paris.

C. They’re on their way to New York.

23. What’s thepopulation of London?

A. About 5 million.       B.About 5 billion.      C. About 7 million.

24. What does thespeaker think of the people living in London?

A. They are friendly.      B.They are rude.       C. They are impolite.

25. Where shouldthe tourists visit in London?

A. Offices.                 B.Companies.                  C. The London Museum.

. 信息转换(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


School Trip

Day: Saturday

Destination (目的地): The film   26 

Leaving time:   27 

Meeting place: The car   28  

Cost (费用):  29    

Things need to take:     30    


. 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


31. —Why ________you come and play basketball with us?

—Good idea!

A. not you           B.not               

C.not to          D. don’t

32. Take exercise,________ you will become stronger and healthier.

A. or               B. and              

C.but             D. because

33. —________ sheready to help people any time?

Yes, she ________.

A. Is; does            B. Does; does      

C.Does; is          D. Is; is

34. —That book Ilent to you yesterday is ________ than this one.

Really? I’llreturn it to you as soon as I finish reading it.

A. much expensive                             

B. more expensive 

C. as expensive                                  

D. too expensive

35. —I can’t findmy pen. Could you lend me ________?

Sorry, I’musing it ________.

A. you; me                                             

B. yours; me    

C. yourself; mine                                

D.yours; myself

36. —Don’t stand ________the room. Please come in.

Thank youvery much. That’s so nice of you.

A. in front of                                    

B.in the front of        

C. before                                        

D. at the front of

37. English is oneof John’s ________ subjects.

A. the worst         B.worst              

C.the worse       D. worse

38. I think thisis ________ useful advice.

A. /                B.a              

C. an             D. the

39. My best friendoften shares things ________ me and helps people ________ trouble.

A. with; with        B.in; in            

C. with; in          D. in; with

40. My school has ________weeks ________ in the summer time than John’s school.

A. less; rest          B.less; off          

C. fewer; rest      D. fewer, off

41. My bedroomlooks a little smaller, but ________.

A. it’s as big as you                   

B.it has the same size as you

C. it have the same size as yours        

D.it’s the same size as yours

42. —I don’t likethis pair of glasses. Could you show me ________?

—OK. Here you are.

A. the other one   B. other pair         

C.another one     D. another pair

43. There arealways many amazing things for people ________ in that museum.

A. look at           B.look            

C. to look         D. to look at

44. —________ doesKate live from her office?

—It’s half an hour’s ride.

A. How long        B.How often      

C. How far        D. What time

45. Here comes thebus. Let’s ________.

A. get on it          B.get it on       

C. to get on it      D.to get it on

46.—What do youthink of the fish?

It looks ________,but I don’t know if it tastes ________.

A. good; delicious                                     

B. well; delicious        

C. well; nice                                      

D.nice; well

47. ________ a car________ less time than taking a bus.

A. Driving; takes                               

B.To drive; spends      

C. Drive; takes                                    

D. Drive; spends

48. He ________play baseball for one month because he ________ his leg last week.

A. will can’t; hurts                       

B.can’t be able to; hurt

C. isn’t able to; hurts                             

D. won’t be able to; hurt

49. What a greattime they have ________ with each other during lunchtime!

A. chatting                  B. to chat           

C.chat             D. chatted

50. This morningJack came to school ________ than ________ student in his class.

A. more late; any                        

B.much later; the other

C. more late; another                     

D.much later; any other

. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



Dear Editor,

I am a reader ofyour magazine and I need help. I am very   51   these days because I have some problems withmy new school.


I am a Grade 8student. I just moved to Beijing with my parents two months ago. Now, I am   52   at a new secondary school in Sunshine Town. Itis bigger than my old school.

I do not know thenew school very well   53   Ihave no friends here. I do not know   54   to talk to my new classmates.   55  ,I am very nervous and I cannot answer their questions. I feel reallyuncomfortable when they talk to me.   56   lunchtime, I always sit alone in theplayground and   57   books. I hope they will not   58   because I feel so shy when they try to talk tome.


I   59   my old classmates very much, but I really wantto make friends with my new classmates. I do not know what to do. I hope you   60   give me some advice.



51. A. afraid            B.sorry                 

C. unhappy              D. worried

52. A.studying        B.working              

C. teaching             D. learning

53. A. so             B.and                 

C. but                 D. or

54. A. what           B.when                 

C. where               D. how

55. A.Sometimes      

B. Some times                     

C.Some time                     

D.Some times

56. A. After           B.Before                      

C. During             D. For

57. A. watch          B.look                

C. see                 D. read

58. A. comeback             

B. come out             

C. come over           

D.come on

59. A. miss                B. forget                

C.remember             D. share

60. A. must           B.can                  

C. need               D. should 


One night a man came to my house. He told me, “There is a familywith eight   61  . They have not eaten for days.” After Iasked him where the family was, I took some   62   with me and left.

When I finally got to that family, I   63   those little children were too hungry to say   64  . There was no sadness in their eyes,just the deep pain of hunger. I gave the food to the mother. She took half ofit, and then   65  . When she returned, I asked her, “  66   did you go?” She gave me this simple   67  ,“To my neighbors — they are also   68  !”

I was not surprised that she gave food to others, because poorpeople are always very kind. But I was surprised that she knew her   69   were hungry when she was also in need of food.Usually, when we are in trouble, we always   70   ourselves first. And we have no time forothers.

61. A.children          B. workers                     

C. farmers         D.cooks

62. A.flowers          B. wine                 

C.food          D. water

63. A. showed          B.found                 

C. looked               D. heard

64. A. asentence       B. nothing              

 C. it             D.anything

65. A. wentout         B.came hack                   

C. rushed in            D. hurried back

66. A. When           B.Where               

C. How          D. Why

67. A.question         B. decision                     

C. answer               D.lie

68. A. ill              B.unhappy              

C. tired                 D. hungry

69. A. people          B.neighbors            

 C. family         D. children

70. A. thinkof         B.talk about             

C. laugh at              D. look for

. 补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


A: Oh, it’s 7:00a.m. Let’s run to school, OK? Or I’ll be late!

B:    71    Don’t you know class begins at 7:15?

A:    72     

B: Your headteacher is strict with you. I envy you.

A:    73    

B: Yeah, studentswithout good discipline can’t study well.

A:    74  

A: Look! It’s verystrange that the school gate is locked.

B:    75    

A. Oh, today is Saturday.

B. But there are fifteen minutes left.

C. Our head teacher is very strict with us.

D. But I prefer teachers who are friendly and humorous.

E. You like teachers who are strict with you, don’t  you?

F. you don’t like teachers who are strict with you, do  you?

G. Yes, but my head teacher says we must get to the  classroom at 7:05.


. 阅读理解(共25小题;76-90每小题2分,91-100每小题1分,满分40分)



Read the form andanswer the questions.


Ways of getting to school

Time they need

Distance (from home to school)



15 minutes

15 miles



30 minutes

20 miles



15 minutes

1.5 miles



20 minutes

10 miles



15 minutes

8 miles



10 minutes

5 miles



25 minutes

25 miles

76. There are____ways of getting to school in the form.

A. Three                     B. four                

C.Seven                    D.Six

77. Who walks toschool? _________

A. Tom                      B. John               

C.Mary                     D.Kate

78. How long doesit take Bob to get to school? _________

A. Fifteen minutes        B.An hour           

C.Forty minutes          D. Half an hour

79. Whose home isthe farthest from school?  _________

A. Tom’s                     B. Bob’s              

C.Mary’s                   D.Lucy’s

80. From the form,we can NOT know______.

A. the students’ names                       

B.the students ‘addresses       

C. how the students get to school               

D.ho w far from home to school


Mr. Turner liked fishing. It was his favorite sport. He often fishedfor hours without catching anything. But this did not worry him. Some fishermencouldn’t catch fish. Sometimes they caught old boots or rubbish. Mr. Turner waseven worse than the fishermen. He never caught anything—not even old boots.After he spent the whole morning on the river, he always went home with anempty bag.

“You must give up fishing!” his friends said. “It’s a waste oftime.”

“But they don’t realize one important thing. I’m not reallyinterested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doingnothing at all. It can make me forget the noise of the city and live quietlyfor some time.” He always said to himself.

81. Mr. Turneralways went fishing because ___________.

A. he could sell the fish and get somemoney      

B.he thought it was a good sport

C. he could cook the fish for supper             

D.he could sleep in a boat

82. Mr. Turnerliked to fish __________.

A. by the river                                                

B.in a boat on the river  

C. in the river                                                  

D.with the fishermen

83. He always wenthome with an empty bag because _________.

A. he couldn’t fish at all                              

 B. there weren’tany fish in the river

C. he gave the fish to the fishermen                

D. he didn’t pay attention to fishingat all

84. His friendstold him _________ when they knew he couldn’t catch anything.

A. to learn how to fish                          

B. to change the way of fishing

C. not to fish any more                                

D. to buy fish toeat

85. From the storywe knew Mr. Turner _________.

A. lived in the country                          

B. was a good fisherman

C. was interested in fishing                             

D. disliked the noise of the city


Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed a boyahead of him. He had tripped (绊倒) and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with someclothes, a baseball bat and a glove.

Mark knelt down () and helped the boy pick up the things. Since they were going thesame way, he offered to carry some things for the boy.

As they walked, Mark discovered the boy’s name was Bill. He lovedvideo games, baseball and history, but he was having trouble with some of hissubjects.

They arrived at Bill’s home first. Mark was invited in for a Coke andto watch some television. The afternoon passed pleasantly with some laughs andtalk. Then Mark went home.

They continued so see each other around school, had lunch togetheronce or twice, then both graduated from junior school.

Three days before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could talk.Bill reminded (提醒) Mark ofthe day years ago when they had first met. “Did you ever wonder why I wascarrying so many things home that day?asked Bill.

“You see, I took away all my things from school. I had stored awaysome of my mother’s sleeping pills. I was going home to kill myself. But afterwe spent some time talking and laughing, I realized that if I had died, I wouldhave missed to many good times. So you see, Mark, when you picked up thosebooks that day, you did a lot more.”

86. When Bill felldown on his way home, Mark _________.

A. didn’t notice that                       

B. went away quickly

C. helped him pick up the things             

D.carried all the things for him

87. Which of thefollowing is NOT true?

A. Mark was a warm-hearted boy.    

B. Bill was good at all his subjects.

C. Bill and Mark were in the sameschool 

D. Bill loved video games, baseball andhistory.

88. At Bill’shome, they didn’t _________.

A. drink some Coke                         

B. watch TV

C. have a pleasant talk                      

D. play video games

89. Three daysbefore graduation, Bill asked Mark to talk because he _________.

A. wanted to tell him his story                

B. wanted to kill himself again

C. hoped to have lunch together               

D. hoped to go on holiday together

90. What wouldBill probably say at last?

A. I should die.                            

B. You saved my life.

C. You did a good job.                       

D. You helped me a lot.


Our first camping trip came at last. We all felt happy because wehad wanted to go and enjoy camping very much, for a long time. Before westarted, we took our teacher’s advice and read the instructions (说明) that came with our new tents.While on the school playground, we put them up again and again.

When we got to the campground, we put them up quickly and ran off tothe pool for a swim. We had a good time because of the sunshine, the air, thewater, and the nature.

On our first afternoon, the weather was beautifully warm and sunny,with a few large white clouds flying by. But on the second afternoon, theclouds looked bigger than usual. At dinner time, we saw some other peoplerunning around and picking up things, and we could hear some thunder   far away. We rushed to finish our dinner.Then we picked up our things and got into the tent, just when it began to raincats and dogs. We were lucky to finish dinner in time. Some other people werewet in the rain. However, they were enjoying the rain while they had theirdinner under a rain cover. What a wonderful camping trip! We really had a goodtime.


The reason    91     we felt happy was that we  wanted to enjoy camping for a long time.

Preparing for     92  

To find out how to use the  tents, we read and    93    putting them up again and again using the  instructions that came with our new tents and what our teacher had taught us.

   94    to the campground

We put the tents up  quickly and ran off to the pool for a swim. We    95    the sunshine, the air, the water, and the  nature.


On our first afternoon,    96     was beautifully warm and  sunny. Only a few large white clouds    97     by.

On the second afternoon,  the clouds looked bigger than usual. At dinner time, A    98     rain came suddenly with  some thunder. We finished our dinner    99   . Then we picked things up and got into  the tent. Luckily, we were not    100      in the rain.


. 单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


101. We feltsomething coming up from our _________ ().

102. They enjoyedt_________ at the party yesterday.

103. L_________,the boy didn’t hurt in the accident.

104. I r_________a letter from my cousin yesterday.

105. I went toschool _________ (没有) breakfast in the morning.

. 书面表达(共1小题;满分20分)


Big City: 1/3  

Small City: 1/6        

Countryside: 1/2                                            


1. 到大城市可参观博物馆并游览名胜;

2. 到小城市可享受美食;

3. 到农村可呼吸新鲜空气(fresh air)并领略大自然的美丽。

Christmas Day iscoming.                                                         


. 关键词语选择


1. This street isthe most famous because it’s the busiest in Wuhu.

2. He is a veryquiet boy. He has few words.

3. Mother told meto put on more clothes to keep warm.

4. We should learnfrom each other and help each other.

5. When did youreach the airport yesterday?

. 对话理解


6. W: Oh, what alovely boy! Look, a round face and big eyes.

M: Thank you, Madam. He is my son.

7. W: Come back,boy! You mustn’t swim in this river. It’s dangerous.

M: Sorry, I didn’t see the sign.

8. W: What are youdoing here?

M: I’m waiting for my classmates. We’ll takethe underground to the Great Wall.

9. W: Hi, Jack.What sport do you often have when you are free after class?

M: Football. I like playing football best.

10. W: David, I am back from the trip.I really enjoyed myself during the holiday in Australia. What about you?

M: I also had a good time in Canada, and sodid my sister in America.

11. M: I’d like towear my blue jeans today. What about the shirt and the shoes?

W: I think your white shirt and black shoesare a good match.

12. W: Look, Bettyis giving her seat to an old man on the bus.

M: Yeah, that’s Betty.

13. W: May I comein?

M: Yes. But please don’t be late for schoolagain.

14. W: Wait amoment. I’m afraid that I can’t find my key to the bike.

M: Lost your key again?

15. W: What doesthe word “buddy” mean?

M: Don’t you have a dictionary?

. 长对话理解



M: The winterholiday is coming.

W: Yeah, lovely.

M: Do you have anyplans?

W: This winterholiday? Hmm, let me think. Nothing planned.

M: My family are planning to gotravelling. Maybe we’ll go to Northeast China. I can go skiing there though itis very cold there.

W: Well, maybe this winter I will spenda lot of time playing badminton. I’m not very good at them, but I love to play.


M: I’ve beenlooking for a book for a long time.

W: What’s the nameof the book?

M: Chicken Soupfor the Soul.

W: I’m sorry, wehaven’t got it right now, but we can order it for you.

M: How long willit take to get it?

W: Three or fourdays.

M: All right. Howmuch does it cost?

W: Twenty dollars.OK. May I have your name and telephone number, please?

M: WilliamHartley. My telephone number is 8664507.

W: Wait a minute. Thankyou very much. As soon as it comes in, I’ll ring you.

. 短文理解


Hello, ladies and gentlemen! I am your guide today. First, I’d liketo tell you something about London before we arrive. As you know, London is thecapital of England. It lies on the River Thames. It’s a very big city with apopulation of about 7 million. The people there are usually friendly andhelpful, especially the policemen. They are always glad to tell visitors abouttheir city.

London is a busy city. People work in offices, banks or companies.They are in a hurry all the time. London is also a beautiful city. It has lotsof parks and gardens. When you are in London, you should visit the LondonMuseum. It can tell you a lot of interesting stories. You may also visit manyother places of interest, such as Big Ben, River Thames and so on.

. 信息转换


Boys and girls, I want to tell you something about our school trip.We’re going to go on our school trip on Saturday. I hope you all can come. Asyou know, we’re going to visit the film museum. There are lots of veryinteresting things there about the cinema and how films are made. We’ll have toleave at eight forty-five, so don’t be late. We’ll get there by bus. Pleasemeet me in the car park.

What next? Oh, yes, the cost. It’ll be six dollars each. Now, I’mgoing to give you some work to do at the museum. You’ll need to write thingsdown, so take a pencil and a notebook with you. We’ll have lunch in the museumrestaurant, so you needn’t take any food with you. Well, I think that’severything.




1-5 BBCAC    6-10 CCACC   11-15 CBCCA            

16-20 ABCAB   21-25 BACAC


26. museum      

27. 8:45 / Eightforty-five / A quarter to nine

28. park         

29. $6 / sixdollars         

30. A pencil and anotebook

评分标准: 1-30题每小题1分。




36-40. ABACD      

41-45. DDDCA         

46-50. AADAD

评分标准: 31-50题每小题1分。


51-55. CABDA   

56-60. CDCAB    

61-65. ACBDA         

66-70. BCDBA

评分标准: 51-70题每小题1.5分。


71-75. BGEDA  

评分标准: 71-75题每小题1分。

第三部分    阅读理解


76-80. BCDDB        

81-85. BBDCD      

86-90. CBDAB         

评分标准: 76-90题每小题2分。

91. why     92. camping  93. practiced (practiced)   94. Getting     95. enjoyed

96. it       97. flew      98. heavy               99. quickly    100. wet

评分标准: 91-100题每小题1分。

第四部分   非选择题

. 101. stomachs  102.themselves   103. Luckily   104. received    105. without

评分标准: 101-105题每小题1分。

. 书面表达

Christmas Day is coming. The students in theSunshine Middle School are making traveling plans. They hope to have a goodrest. Half of the students choose to go to big cities because there are museumsand places of interest in them. One sixth of them plan to visit small citiesfor they want to have delicious food. The rest of them will travel to thecountryside to breathe the fresh air and enjoy the natural beauty. They allthink traveling is a very good activity.


●● END ●









