
仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit 3 单元测试(含听力)

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Unit 3 Getting Together


Unit 3 Is this your pencil?单元检测试题                  


1. Is this ______?

    A. gold your ring 

    B. your gold ring

    C. your ring gold 

    D. you gold ring

2. -Is this _______ computer game?

-Yes, _______ is _______ computer game.

    A. his; it, me 

    B. your; this, his

    C. your; it, my 

    D. you; it, my

3. That’s a set ______ keys.

    A. in   

    B. at   

    C. of   

    D. for

4. -Kate, what’s that ______ Chinese?

-Oh, it’s “筷子”.

    A. on  

    B. with  

    C. of  

    D. in

5. -Is that your _______?

- Yes, it is. Thank you.

    A. a bike  

    B. an bike  

    C. bike  

    D. the bike

6. There is _____ “s” in the word “spell” and _____ “u” in the word “you”.

    A. a; a  

    B. an; an  

    C. an; a  

    D. a; an

7. A______ has many words.

    A. pen   

    B. pencil  

    C. dictionary   

    D. eraser

8. If it is your book, please call _____ at 409-456321.

    A. your  

    B. me  

    C. I  

    D. he

9. -I am sorry. I am late again.


    A. OK  

    B. That’s OK  

    C. Right  

    D. All right

10.- How do you do, Miss White?

  - _______

    A. Thank you a lot.   

    B. Yes, it is  

    C. You are right.     

    D. How do you do?

11.-Your English is very good.


    A. No, not very good. 

    B. You are right.  

    C. It’s just so so    

    D. Thank you.

12. There is a ______ on the wall of my room, it’s very beautiful.

    A. watches   

    B. clocks   

    C. watch   

    D. clock

13.- ______ May I use(使用) your bike?

   -Sure, here you are.

    A. Sorry       

    B. Excuse, me  

    C. Thank you   

    D. Nice to meet you

14. -Lucy, do you like ______?

   -Yes, most of my clothes are ______ .

    A. an orange,an orange   

    B. orange, orange

    C. oranges, oranges       

    D. orange, an orange

15. My pen is red _____ white.

    A. ╳   

    B. and   

    C. but   

    D. or


1.—Is          Jack?

—No.         name is Mike.

    A. he; His 

    B. she; Her 

    C. they; Their

2.Frank was born ________ a cold winter morning ________2006. 

    A. in; in      

    B. on; on         

    C. in; on        

    D. on; in

3.—Where is the baseball?

  —It’s on the floor, ______ the desk.

    A. under        

    B. between      

    C. and         

    D. in

Ⅱ. 完形填空。

    It’s a photo of Han Han. He is a young writer(年轻作家) in  1  . Many students like  2   books, because some of them are about students’ life. Han Han is  3  Shanghai. He’s twenty-eight  4  old. He can  5  Chinese and English. Han Han likes running, playing football  6  computer games. He often   7  on his blog(博客)。Students can read his article(文章) on it. Han Han has   8  yellow dog. It likes to   9  with him. Do you know what Han Han’s favorite  10  is? It’s the watermelon(西瓜).  

1. A. America     B. Chinese    C. China     D.England

2. A. he          B. his        C. him       D. himself

3. A. of          B. on        C. from       D. in

4. A. days        B. months    C. years       D. weeks

5. A. show       B. find       C. speak       D. talk

6. A. but         B. and       C. or          D. with

7. A. watches     B. writes     C. spells       D. speaks

8. A. a           B. an        C. the         D. /

9. A. learn about   B. look at    C. run around   D. run after

10. A. vegetable   B. fruit      C. dessert       D. food

Ⅲ. 阅读理解。


    Look! I’m Tom. This is a pencil case. It’s orange. It’s my pencil case. What’s in the pencil case? A ruler is in the pencil case. It is my ruler. The ruler is blue and red. That is a pencil. It is black and white. It is not my pencil. Look! That girl is Lucy. It is her pencil. That boy is Tim. I found his green pen in the lost and found case. I call Tim at 7890003. It is his telephone number.

1. What color is the pencil case?      

    A. It’s orange.    

    B. It’s blue and red.    

    C. It’s green.

2. I am Tom. That is not my_________.            

    A. pencil    

    B. pencil case    

    C. ruler

3. ________ has (有) a pencil.            

    A. Tom    

    B. Lucy     

    C. Tim

4. _______ found the pen in the lost and found case.   

    A. Tom     

    B. Lucy       

    C. Tim

5. I am Tom. Is my telephone number 7890003?       

    A. Yes.     

    B. No.     

    C. OK.


    It’s five o’clock in the afternoon. It’s time to go home. Bill Eddie is still in the classroom. He is looking for his watch.

Eddie: Hi, Sam. Do you see my watch? I put it in my desk. But now I can’t find it.

Sam: You must look after your things!

Eddie: You’re right. But I must find my watch .Where can it be?

Sam: Is it in your backpack?

Eddie: Let me see. No, it isn’t.

Sam: Is that in your pocket? I can see something in your pocket.

Eddie: No, it isn’t. It’s my pen.

Sam: Sorry, I think you’d better(最好)ask Mary. Maybe she knows.

Eddie: OK. Thank you all the same.

6.Who is looking for something in the classroom?

    A. Eddie 

    B. Sam             

    C. Mary

7. What’s he looking for?

    A. A pen        

    B. A backpack       

    C. A watch

8. Where is his watch?

    A. In the desk.       

    B. In the pocket.    

    C. We don’t know.

9. What’s that in his pocket?

    A. A pen          

    B. A watch        

    C. A ring

10. Who may help Eddie find the watch?

    A. Sam       

     B. Eddie himself (自己)     

    C. Mary



    Hello, I’m Grace. I’m an English girl. I’m thirteen now. And I have some friends. They are Jim, Kate, Linda and Helen. Do you know me now? I have a room. Please come and see my room. Look! This is my room. This is my bed. It’s yellow. This is a quilt. And this is a key. There is a TV on the table. It’s colorful.


1. Grace is an American girl.  (   )

2. The ________  is colorful.

3. What color is Grace’s bed?


4. Who are Grace’s friends?


5. ______________________


假如你是Mary,你丢了一个红色铅笔盒,请写一个寻物启事;你是Tom, 你捡到一块手表,对此写一个招领启示。



I. 单项选择。

1. B。“这是你的金戒指吗?”“谁的”应该用物主代词,排除D项;此外只有B项的语序正确,故选B。

2. C。句意“--这是你的电子游戏机吗?--是的,是我的电子游戏机。”,由此可知应选C。

3. C。“a set of”意为:“一套、一串”。本题句意为:“那是一串钥匙。”;故选C。

4. D。表示“用某种语言怎么说”要用介词in+语言名词,例如:in English。

5. C。名词的前面有物主代词的时候不能再用冠词,物主代词和冠词只能用其中之一。

6. C。本句子是考查冠词的用法,在字母s的前面用冠词an;在字母u的前面用冠词a。我们是看它的音素是否是元音音素,而不是看它的字母是不是元音。

7. C。句意:“一个……有很多单词。”;由此可知应该选C。

8. B。本句子是考查代词的用法,在动词call的后面用代词的宾格形式作宾语,只有B才是代词的宾格形式。

9. B。对话前面的句子是表示道歉的用语,回答别人的道歉可以用That’s OK.表示“没关系、不要紧”的意思。

10. D。How do you do?不是一个特殊疑问句,它只表示经别人介绍后或者第一次见面的时候比较正式的问候语,它的回答也是How do you do?

11. D。前面的句子是表示别人赞扬你的英语说得好。在讲英语的国家里当别人赞扬你的时候要说一声Thank you表示对别人的感谢。

12. D。句意:“我房间墙上有个钟,它很漂亮。”在墙上的不能是watch,又因为空前有冠词a,可知只有一个钟,应该用单数。故本题选D。

13. B。句意:“-打扰了,我可以用一下你的自行车吗?-当然可以,给你。”;“Excuse me”意为“打扰了”,常用于事前向别人提出请求、询问情况或者打扰别人的客套话,表示礼貌和歉意。

14. B。句意:“-Lucy你喜欢桔黄色吗?-是的,我的衣服大多数是桔黄色的。”;“orange”作名词意为“橙, 柑, 橘 ”是可数名词,前面可以加冠词;意为“ 橘黄色, 橙色”时是不可数名词,不可以加冠词an;作形容词时意为“橙色的;橙红色的;橘黄色的”。因此,本题选B。

15. B。本题句意:“我的钢笔是红白相间的。”;表示两种颜色相间时用介词and连接。





Ⅱ. 完形填空。

1. C。Han Han 是中国人。在中国要用in China。

2. B。句意为:“很多学生喜欢他的书。”;表示“他的”应用“his”。

3. C。来自某地或者是……的人,应该用介词from。

4. C。表示几岁时用“数词+year(s)+ old”。

5. C。说某种语言用speak。

6. B。and在肯定句中可以连接并列的成分。

7. B。在博客上应该是写作,故选B。

8. A。句意为:“他有一只狗”,因此应该选不定冠词“a/an”;又因为用在辅音音素前面,故选A。

9. C。“run around”意为到处跑。      

10. B。西瓜是水果。

Ⅲ. 阅读理解。


1. A。由文章第三句可知。

2. A。由“It is not my pencil.”可知。

3. B。由“That girl is Lucy. It is her pencil.”可知。

4. A。由“That boy is Tim. I found his green pen in the lost and found case.”可知。

5. B。由文章最后一句话可知。


6. A。由文章第一段可知。

7. C。由第一段最后一句话可知。

8. C。由对话内容可知。

9. A。由“Sam: Is that in your pocket? I can see something in your pocket.

Eddie: No, it isn’t. It’s my pen.”可知。

10. C。由“Sorry, I think you’d better(最好)ask Mary. Maybe she knows.”可知。


1. F   2.TV  3.yellow 

4. Jim, Kate, Linda and Helen   5. 桌子上有一个电视机。

V. 书面表达。


My pencil case.

It’s red.

My name is Mary.

Please call 660-8367.

Found: A watch.

Is this your watch?

Please call Tom at 854-6973 .


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