
郭城 2018-05-28



1德克萨斯大学西南医学中心免疫学系Dr. Zhenyu Zhong 实验室招聘多名生物医学博士后。(信息来源:PI分享)

简介:Dr. Zhenyu Zhong’s lab in the Department of Immunology at UT Southwestern Medical Center is starting in Fall 2018. We are looking to recruit multiple talented postdoctoral fellows with diverse backgrounds to investigate some of the fundamental mechanisms by which mitochondria sense perturbation of tissue homeostasis, initiate inflammation and orchestrate tissue repair and regeneration after injury. We are also broadly interested in understanding how intrinsic and extrinsic changes (e.g. dietary obesity and aging) affect body’s immune homeostasis, thereby driving the development of inflammatory, cancerous and/or neurodegenerative diseases (编者注:PI近年发了不少大paper。看了微信朋友圈,直接感受是轻松活泼。推荐~).

任职资格:Potential candidate should have a Ph.D or M.D/Ph.D degree in any biomedical research field, not necessarily Immunology. Strong self-motivation for research is a must.

联系方式 : To apply, please send the CV, three reference letters along with a cover letter briefly describing previous accomplishments to z8zhong@ucsd.edu or zhenyu99@gmail.com

2加州大学旧金山分校(UCSF)招聘信息学专家Informatics Specialist。(信息来源:微信群友分享)

简介: As an employee of the UCSF Alliance Health Project (AHP), the Informatics Specialist (IS) position is housed within the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Office of AIDS (OA), Surveillance and Prevention Evaluation and Reporting (SPER) Branch, Surveillance Section, Data Management Unit (DMU), located in Sacramento.  The DMU within the Surveillance Section ensures that surveillance data are captured and maintained in formats and with a level of quality, completeness, and timeliness that allows for:  1) accurate, on time reporting to funders; 2) effective and efficient linkage to other relevant databases such as AIDS Regional Information and Evaluation System (ARIES), AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), and Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD); and 3) efficient analyses and reporting to assess goal progress and support program and policy decision-making.  ting informatics solutions to those needs. 

任职资格:Bachelor degree in health care information technology, computer science, or related area, and / or equivalent combination of experience / training Expert knowledge of SAS, XML, and Microsoft Excel (three years minimum) Broad and / or in-depth knowledge of one to two areas of focus in clinical informatics specialty areas. Preferred Qualifications: Basic experience with SQL query language and Visual Basic Basic experience with Java or similar database programming language.


3亚利桑那大学Zheshen Zhang量子信息和材料课题组招收一名博士后从事光量子信息处理方向的实验研究。(信息来源:PI分享)

简介:美国亚利桑那大学(The University of Arizona)Zheshen Zhang量子信息和材料课题组 (http://quantum.lab.arizona.edu) 计划招收一名博士后从事光量子信息处理方向的实验研究。该研究课题将同亚利桑那大学光学中心光子学研究团队深入合作,开展光量子计算,量子传感,和量子通信的实验。Zheshen Zhang博士毕业于佐治亚理工学院,2012-2015在麻省理工学院(MIT)从事博士后研究,2015-2017年升任麻省理工学院研究科学家。于2017年加入亚利桑那大学组建量子信息与材料实验室。目前实验室正在开展量子计算,量子精密测量和量子通信网络方面的实验研究。亚利桑那大学是美国三大光学研究中心之一,学校物理类研究经费全美排名第二。亚利桑那大学大学目前正在组建量子科学研究中心,目前已经有10个课题组从事量子信息学相关的研究工作。福利待遇:提供完全的家庭医疗保险,前三年工资根据中美协定免税,家属入学亚利桑那大学学费减免。(编者注:PI刚在学校获得青年facutly的奖项👍)

1. 量子及非线性光学实验(具有光纤非线性光学经验者优先)
2. 集成光子学实验(具有集成量子和非线性光学经验者优先)

联系方式:简历发送至: zsz@email.arizona.edu


简介:Assistant Research Scientist Position: Division of Biostatistics,Department of Population Health,NYU School of Medicine. The Assistant Research Scientist will work closely with Biostatistics faculty and clinical investigators on statistical methods and applications in a wide range of areas.The Assitant Research Scientist will work with research groups in clinical and basic science departments  and centers on study design,protocol development, statistical analysis,data interpretation,and manuscript preparation.

任职资格: Candidates must possess a master's or doctoral degree in statistics,biostatistics,or related quantitative area.Qualified candidates must demonstrate proficiency in statistical methods for clinical trials,longitudinal and multivariate data,survival data analysis and high-dimensional data analysis.Strong computational skills(i.e.,proficiency in SAS,R,and/or Stata) are required.Candidates should have strong motivation and dependability,the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously,a commitment to team science,and effective oral and written communication skills.

联系方式:  Please send the application with a cover letter,CV,and contact information for three references to Dr.Andrea Troxel,Director,at:  Andrea.Troxel@nyumc.org.       


简介:各位老师和同仁,大家好!我是中山大学的许宝山,刚回国一年多,目前正在招一名博士后科研人员(http://www.zdkqyy.com/zxzx/rsdt/20180413/detail-6737.shtml),想请大家帮忙给推荐、转发、扩散  我招聘主要面向国内的生命科学或医学类的毕业生,有的毕业生由于家庭方面等因素想留在国内发展,这里是个不错的机会,如做的出色留校或在国内其他高校谋求教职的我肯定倾尽全力帮助。欢迎任何生命科学、医学或相关方向的博士毕业生加入,具备细胞与分子生物学、发育生物学实验经验的博士毕业生将优先考虑。想毕业后先在我这里过渡一下以后再申请出国的,我也理解并全力支持。我在美国工作多年,深知那边的诸多不易,祝大家海外生活工作一切顺利! 请诸位大侠帮助给国内的师妹师弟宣传推荐一下,非常感谢大家的热心帮助了!(编者注:看老师的留言一看就人很好啊,哈哈哈,欢迎有兴趣回国发展的小伙伴关注。而且广州的博士后人才计划待遇全国数一数二!)



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