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  • 美国财政部长耶伦(Yellen)访问北京

美国财政部长耶伦(Janet Yellen)访问北京旨在改善中美关系的紧张局势,由于科技和安全问题的争议,两国关系已受到影响。耶伦呼吁北京加强沟通,并敦促不要让对美国技术出口限制的不满而影响经济合作。耶伦在与中国总理李强的会晤中强调了美中经济关系的重要性,但没有制定新的高层会晤计划。耶伦辩护有针对性的行动是为保护美国国家安全,而中国则呼吁通过坦诚、务实的交流寻求在重要的双边经济问题上达成共识。
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's visit to Beijing aims to improve strained U.S.-Chinese relations, which have been marred by disputes over technology and security issues. Yellen appealed to Beijing for better communication and urged against letting frustrations over U.S. technology export restrictions disrupt economic cooperation. The meeting between Yellen and China's No. 2 leader emphasized the importance of U.S.-China economic ties but did not result in new plans for high-level meetings. Yellen defended targeted actions to protect U.S. national security, while China called for candid and pragmatic exchanges to seek consensus on important bilateral economic issues.

  • 华语乐坛全球知名歌手李玟离世,终年48岁
  • 蚂蚁集团挨重罚约9.85亿美元
Chinese regulators have fined Ant Group 7.123 billion yuan ($985 million) for violations in payments and financial services, potentially marking the end of a two-year scrutiny and crackdown that led to the cancellation of its planned IPO. The People's Bank of China stated that Ant had violated laws and regulations related to corporate governance, consumer protection, banking and insurance activities, payment and settlement business, and anti-money laundering obligations.

  • 亚裔美国人质疑刑事化协助选民的新法律

过去一个世纪以来,佛罗里达州的妇女选民联盟一直致力于帮助边缘化居民注册选民,而近年来,这些努力已扩展到日益增长的亚裔美国人和亚洲移民社区。而佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)于5月签署的一项法律或会迫使他们改变策略,该法律规定如果处理或收集表格的工作人员或志愿者被判犯有重罪或不是美国公民,将对第三方选民登记组织处以5万美元的罚款。该立法反映了共和党政客在全国范围内限制投票的努力,但被联邦法官阻止。许多投票团体认为,大多数共和党领导的州的新法律是另一种形式的选民压制,特别是英语不熟练的社区。
For a century, the League of Women Voters in Florida has been building connections with marginalized residents by assisting them in voter registration, and in recent years, their efforts have extended to the growing Asian American and Asian immigrant communities. However, a law signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in May could have forced the organization to change its approach. The legislation stated that third-party voter registration organizations would face a $50,000 fine if their staff or volunteers handling registration forms had felony convictions or were not U.S. citizens. This law reflects the broader nationwide efforts by Republican politicians to restrict voting, but it was blocked by a federal judge. Many voting advocacy groups view these new laws in predominantly Republican-led states as another form of voter suppression, especially targeting limited English proficiency voters.

  • 推特威胁将对Meta采取法律行动, 称商业机密被“盗用”

Twitter has threatened legal action against Threads, a rival app from Meta, accusing it of misappropriating trade secrets and intellectual property. In a letter to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter's attorney claimed that Threads engaged in unlawful activities by hiring former Twitter employees to create a copycat platform. Meta dismissed the accusations, stating that none of the Threads engineering team members were former Twitter employees, while Elon Musk, owner of Twitter, responded to the news by stating that competition is acceptable but cheating is not.

  • 因火灾受到重创的亚裔美国人经营的书店捐款不断涌入

纽约曼哈顿唐人街一家亚裔美国人经营的书店在7月4日的火灾中遭受重创,但得到了社区、作家和名人的大量支持。截至周五上午,Yu & Me Books的GoFundMe页面目标为15万美元,已经筹集超过25万美元。捐款人中包括《尚气》明星刘思慕、作家Celeste Ng和Min Jin Lee等人。火灾起因于周二店铺上方的住宅单元,具体原因尚未确定。火灾造成了库存、家具和建筑本身的大面积烟雾和水损坏。店主Lucy Yu表示,修复和翻新工作可能需要一年时间,店铺将无限期关闭。
An Asian American-owned bookstore in Manhattan's Chinatown suffered significant damage in a Fourth of July fire but has received overwhelming support from the community, writers, and celebrities. Yu & Me Books surpassed its $150,000 GoFundMe goal and had raised over $250,000 as of Friday morning. Donors include "Shang-Chi" star Simu Liu and authors Celeste Ng and Min Jin Lee. The fire originated in a residential unit above the store, and the exact cause is still unknown. The blaze resulted in extensive smoke and water damage to the inventory, furniture, and the building itself. The store is expected to remain closed indefinitely as repairs and renovations are estimated to take about a year.

  • 联邦研究发现,美国近一半自来水中可能含有“永久化学物质”

A recent study by the U.S. Geological Survey reveals that at least 45% of the nation's tap water could be contaminated with PFAS, commonly known as "forever chemicals." These man-made chemicals are found in various products and sources, including cookware, carpets, and contaminated food and water, and they persist in the environment for a long time. Exposure to certain PFAS has been linked to adverse health effects, such as an increased risk of cancer, obesity, fertility issues, and developmental problems. The study emphasizes the need to understand the risks associated with PFAS exposure and informs decisions on testing and treatment options for drinking water, particularly the importance of collecting data from private wells.               

  • 拜登发起限制医疗保健费用的新举措,希望可以为家庭节省开支

美国总统拜登将公布一系列旨在降低医疗成本的举措,包括打击所谓的“垃圾”保险计划、防止意外医疗费用以及减少与信用卡相关的医疗债务。这些举措将建立在以前限制医疗保健成本的努力之上,卫生与公众服务部估计,到 2025 年,将有数百万老年人和其他医疗保险受益人每年节省约400美元的处方药费用。此举正值拜登为2024年连任竞选做准备,旨在解决对通货膨胀和物价上涨的担忧。
President Joe Biden has introduced a new set of initiatives aimed at reducing health care costs, including cracking down on "junk" insurance plans, preventing surprise medical bills, and addressing medical debt tied to credit cards. The Department of Health and Human Services estimates that millions of Medicare beneficiaries could save $400 per year in prescription drug costs due to the president's cap on out-of-pocket spending. Biden's focus on managing family expenses and promoting incentives for private sector development comes as he gears up for his 2024 reelection campaign.

  • 美国FDA批准阿兹海默症新药

The FDA has granted full approval to the Alzheimer's drug Leqembi, marking the first time a drug aimed at slowing the disease's progression has received such approval. Developed by Eisai and Biogen, Leqembi targets beta-amyloid, a protein believed to be an underlying cause of Alzheimer's. Clinical trials showed a 27% slowdown in disease progression. While not a cure, the drug provides hope for future therapeutics and was praised by the Alzheimer's Association for potentially allowing patients more time with their loved ones.

Local News 地方新闻

密西根州州长格雷琴·惠特默宣布,密西根州交通部(MDOT)将在本周开始在六个县展开多个道路和桥梁修复项目,包括奇普瓦县的M-28道路重新铺设工作,休伦县和图斯科拉县的M-25道路重新铺设工作,英厄姆县Bellevue Road通往US-127的匝道修复工作,杰克逊县的I-94 Dearing Road出口匝道重建工作,以及奥克兰县的I-96出口匝道至Novi Road的重建工作。根据经济建模,这些投资预计将支持6365个工作岗位。这些项目是惠特默继续致力于解决道路问题的努力的一部分。
On July 5th, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced that the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will initiate multiple road and bridge repair projects in six counties. The projects include resurfacing M-28 in Chippewa County, M-25 in Huron and Tuscola counties, repairing the Bellevue Road on-ramp to US-127 in Ingham County, and rebuilding the I-94 Dearing Road exit ramp in Jackson County, as well as the I-96 exit ramp to Novi Road in Oakland County. These investments are projected to create 6,365 jobs based on economic modeling.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed legislation aimed at retaining police officers and keeping communities safe. The legislation allows law enforcement agencies to enter into agreements to collect reimbursement for all or part of the cost of an employee’s academy training, based on the length of service, if the employee voluntarily leaves employment with the agency within four years of completing academy training.

The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) is conducting an investigation into Consumers Energy following numerous complaints from customers regarding malfunctioning natural gas meters and potential overbilling. Customers have reported issues with meters not displaying electricity usage and abnormally high bills due to estimated readings. Additionally, the MPSC received complaints about Consumers Energy's failure to meet service installation requirements within the designated timeframe. The investigation revealed that Consumers Energy was aware of the meter malfunctions as early as 2020 but did not address the issue during the waiver request for meter testing.

英文播报: Kevin Guo(龙鹰卫视青少年团)
中文播报: 晓凡
新闻来源: AP NEWS, CNBC, CNN, the New York Times, Fox News, SCMP, NPR, USAToday, Yahoo Finance, Mlive


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