

双语君 中国日报双语新闻 2021-02-14

US President Donald Trump is escalating his threats against the World Health Organization, telling the agency he will permanently pull US funding if it does not "commit to major substantive improvements in the next 30 days."

特朗普在当天写给世卫组织总干事谭德塞的信中发出上述威胁,并在他的推特账号上公布了这封信,声称这封信“不言自明”(It is self-explanatory!)


Trump said the global health agency floundered in its early responses to the coronavirus outbreak. In particular, he continued to attack the organization and its director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, accusing them of being too soft on China.






Meanwhile, Trump, who has long eschewed global alliances and institutions, has increasingly blamed others, including China and the WHO, amid scrutiny of his own administration's response to the pandemic.









美国有线电视新闻网首席医学记者Sanjay Gupta博士19日在一档节目中说:

"I think the idea of punishing the WHO right now probably also ends up punishing us. An infection anywhere is an infection everywhere. And the WHO still, in addition to the clinical trials they're doing, has best vision on these countries around the world."


与此同时,欧洲领导人18日召开的在世界卫生大会(World Health Assembly)上传达出了支持世卫组织的信息。

西班牙首相佩德罗·桑切斯(Pedro Sanchez)说:“这一流行病凸显了人类的脆弱,它表明我们彼此需要。这就是为什么我们比以往任何时候都必须团结起来。”

"This pandemic has highlighted our vulnerability and made it clear that we need one another," Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said. "That's why more than ever we must be united."

2020年5月18日拍摄的第73届世界卫生大会北京会场 图源:新华社

欧盟委员会主席冯德莱恩(Ursula von der Leyen)也响应呼吁。

"In times of a global pandemic, international cooperation should be a no-brainer."







We talked about the detailed timeline of China's COVID-19 prevention and control efforts on many occasions. The WHO also made clarifications on some obvious mistakes in the US accusations. The US leader's letter was full of such ambiguous wordings as "indicating", "probably" and "likely", trying to mislead the public, smear China's efforts and shift the blame of US incompetence to others, but this attempt will not succeed. As the pandemic is still spreading in the US and many other places in the world, the most pressing task is still pulling together to save lives and seek economic recovery. We urge a small number of US politicians to stop pinning the blame on others and enhance international cooperation to defeat the virus together.


The scale and standards of the assessed contributions to WHO are jointly decided by its member states rather than dictated by the US alone. It is a due obligation for the US, as a WHO member, to pay assessed contributions timely and in full. This is non-negotiable. The US arbitrary suspension of funds and contributions to an international organization is a unilateral act that violates its international obligation.


As the international fight against the pandemic is now at a crucial stage, supporting WHO means supporting the purposes and principles of multilateralism, supporting international cooperation against COVID-19 and saving lives. China has always strictly observed WHO rules and regulations to pay assessed contributions on time and in full, and provided voluntary contributions to WHO as its capacity allows. Since the outbreak began, China has donated a total of US$50 million to WHO, set up RMB 2 billion of special funds on COVID-19 cooperation, sent out 24 medical teams, and provided enormous amounts of material assistance to WHO and various countries. Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged at the WHA that China will provide US$2 billion in the next two years to help with COVID-19 response and with economic and social development in affected countries, especially developing countries. COVID-19 vaccine development and deployment in China, when available, will be made a global public good. This will be China's contribution to enhancing vaccine accessibility and affordability in developing countries.


China will consistently endorse WHO's leading role in the global cooperation against the pandemic and will continue supporting the work of WHO in various ways. China calls on the international community to increase political and financial support for WHO so as to mobilize resources worldwide to defeat the virus.


Picking on China while shirking and bargaining over its own international obligations to WHO, the US has obviously miscalculated the situation and made a mistargeted move.


来源:CNN 华盛顿邮报 新华社 观察者网

China Daily热词训练营(2019年版)

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