

全球治理 2022-06-24

The following article is from 人大重阳 Author 奥托巴耶夫


编者按:为了展现新疆真实形象,共同探讨新疆经济社会发展,由中国公共外交协会主办的“我眼中的新疆”国际研讨会于5月20日晚在新疆喀什“古丽的家”民宿召开。吉尔吉斯斯坦前总理、人大重阳外籍高级研究员卓奥玛尔特·奥托巴耶夫(Djoomart Otorbaev)在会上发表致辞,发言中英文实录如下:







卓奥玛尔特·奥托巴耶夫(Djoomart Otorbaev) 资料图

我们是中国的朋友。我想,我们所有人都需要为新疆未来更好地发展提出建议。 在我看来,增加就业,高质量的就业,强化新疆地区高校、科技、智库建设,会使新疆成为中国最发达的地区之一。我之所以这么说是因为如果新疆发展了,我所在的中亚地区也将如此。





Thank you very much for introduction and ladies and gentleman, distinguish guests.

It's a pleasure to be with you though offline, not offline, but online, I would be really love to be with my good friend Wu Hailong, to be at nice city of Kashgar which is just 400 hundred kilometers from the place where I'm sitting now in my apartment flat. So maybe next time, hopefully I will be joining you and enjoy as well a visit of the nice province the most western northwestern province of China, but also to be part of the kind of enjoying of what do you see.

I actually started to visit Xinjiang in from early 2000. At that time I already was in my government, and we established very good business relationship with the province, at that time we built first time in the modern history two highways which link Xinjiang province with my country and from that time our relationship is developing very fast, very quickly.

So I know Xinjiang relatively very well whenever I fly to China and to Beijing, to Guangzhou, to Shenzhen, whatever, I always and fly while Wulumuqi which has excellent airport, excellent infrastructure, the biggest airport in central Asia, if you look to other 56 country, which is more than central Asia. And then I am observing what's happening in Wulumuni where often I try to stop for one and more maybe half a day to look around and every time I really got positive impression.How Wulumuqi is developing definitely and Xinjiang province is one of the most quickly developed part of the China even with impressive growth of all of Chinese state.Xinjiang development is very unique.

I just listening, hearing, reading, whatever, fight the western media and politicians made around Xinjiang. I just want to offer just to visit this excellent province. What's really happening.So, my piece of advice is friends of China would be to get more people to in your country to your province. More tourists, more sports man, more teachers, more scientist, more business man from all around the world to visit and see with their own eyes what's going on over there?

My friend Wu Hailong already told that there is no unemployment, and there are huge investments to infrastructure, to jobs creation, to the top education on the situations, it had more jobs, more education, more infrastructure required the Xinjiang province and would arise the level of cost area of China.

It's not easy to develop business in landlocked areas. Very little people, just a couple of percent of people living landlocked areas. It's not like in sea because trade is quite expensive. This is why we know it from central Asia area because we are landlocked as well. But the Belt and Road Initiative, which was initiated by President Xi in 2013, start to unlock not only landlocked regions of outside world, but also to unlock landlocked province of China.

In that respect, I want to demonstrate just one example which I named as Eurasian rail revolution. What does it mean?10 years ago, first train departed from Chongqing to Duisburg.At that time, experiment was considered by many as a joke. But now incredible thing is happening. Every hour train departing from China and going through central of Asia through Xinjiang to Europe.Every two hours another train coming to China, about half of the traffic move not only through Tanzania Rail Road to Russia, but half of the trains move through Kazakhstan to Europe.And what incredible is that within a couple of years, as Chinese government decided the total traffic must be increased 4-5 times. So the more trains, more goods moving from China to Europe and West and that is where we see development of central Asia where Xinjiang province would be a very important part of this trade. I believe that great silk road, which is developing currently with all kinds of investments and all kinds of interest, will and can bring another epitome to development of Xinjiang province. We are friends of China. 

I believe all of us here have to give her best piece of advice what to do in Xinjiang even better.In my view, much more jobs, high qualified jobs, better, much better universities,more scientist, more think tanks, should bring to Xinjiang that it will be one of the most advanced region of China. And because I say it because out of development is Xinjiang my region of central Asia will be developing as well.

So, important that you will continue Mr. Wu Hailong this kind of ideas to bring more people to show more places to clear more contents between people, then those bad messages will be disappearing, because people will see by their own eyes what is happening. 

Exactly, like people, tourists or business people, others which visiting cities like Shanghai, Shenzhen, just shocked by the things which what they saw, because they are reading in their own countries not necessarily what they seeing it in China.

The same things I would suggest should be done in Xinjiang and then this problem will be disappearing and the truth will be overwhelmingly win over the false.I wish to our conference, which is an excellent idea and an excellent result.

Let's continue this type of exchanging and I wish to my neighboring all the best and big province.

Thank you.








中国人民大学全球治理研究中心(Global Governance Research Center,RUC)成立于2017年3月9日,是北京巨丰金控科技有限公司董事长马琳女士向中国人民大学捐赠并由中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)负责运营管理的教育基金项目。中国人民大学全球治理研究中心由原外交部副部长、人大重阳高级研究员何亚非领衔,前中国银行副行长、国际商会执行董事、人大重阳高级研究员张燕玲担任学术委员会主任,旨在构建高层次、高水准的全球治理思想交流平台,并向社会发布高质量的全球治理研究报告,努力践行咨政、启民、伐谋、孕才的智库使命。





