

马丁·雅克 全球治理 2022-06-24

2021年8月9日,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)联合太和智库和海国图智研究院联合举行的《“美国第一”?!美国抗疫真相》报告发布暨研讨会成功举办。英国剑桥大学前高级研究员马丁·雅克(Martin Jacques)参会并发言。他从西方反华行动中美抗疫对比地缘政治论战等多角度出发,驳斥“美国抗疫第一”的观点。其观点被人民日报、新华社、CGTN、Global Times 等多家媒体援引报道,以下发言视频及全文。


You know, perhaps if Covid-19 had happened in 2012 or 2010, the story of Covid would have been a bit different. But it didn’t. Covid-19 broke essentially in 2020. By then, relations between China and the United States has, as we all know so well, deteriorated greatly. So, right from the outset, Covid-19 was submerged in the growing assault by the United States on China.


Right from the outset, President Trump was determined to use Covid as pivotal in his assault on China. From then on, this situation never changed. Even when Covid finally arrived in the West in March and April onwards, with the United States suffering hugely as did Europe, for example. This campaign against China never stopped. Of course, initially, China was on the back foot. It was trying to find out what it was, how to deal with it, what was the best measures and so on. And it was blamed in that period for secrecy, for cover-up, for delay, and so on. But even when the pandemic arrived in the West, this anti-China rhetoric did not cease, was not lessened. On the contrary, in some ways, in many ways in fact, it was hidden, why was it hidden?


Well now, previously the United States has thought it got a propaganda advantage. Now, ofcourse, the boot was on the other foot, as we say in English. And the United States and the West were on the defensive and were doing very badly. And of  course the stakes were now very high as regard to the Covid-19. Because Covid-19 was probably the greatest test of governance the world has seen since the Second World War. The United States and the West failed miserably. China, on the contrary, has been extraordinarily successful.


So, what became, you know, what was an attack on China when they thought they got a bullseye, became what I would describe as a strategy of distraction and deflection to try and tarnish China’s reputation and name in the world as much as possible, and distract from the poor performance of the West. So, the campaign against China has just rolled on. I mean there was the call for the international team to investigate China’s responsibility in terms of the origins of the pandemic and so on. Even though it causes the contribution globally to the pandemic, the flu has been a huge increase on the part of the West in the case of China. I mean the fact is, to this day, China has only lost 4636 people. The United States todaVDy, (has lost) 616 thousand people.


I mean you know in terms of comparison, they are obviously, you know, incomparable because China has performed, I would say magnificently, and the United States has performed abysmally. The campaign has rolled on, you know, I mean now you get Biden returning to the theme of the lab leak and giving his security agencies 90 days to come up with. You know, what should be done about this. And the latest ridiculous/ absurd example is Bloomberg reporting on a ranking — a Covid Resilience Ranking— and the United States becomes NO.1. I mean these things can’t be taken seriously. This is the most absurd proposal I think I’ve seen. The fact to the matter is that even now today, the United States is more or less on the top of the world over a hundred-thousand cases, compare that with China which has now, a new outbreak. The total number of infections today is now a bit over 100, compare that with the situation of 100,000 in the United States. I mean this is a joke and jeeze ridiculous to even put them in the same category in relationship to the competence of their handling of the epidemic.


But I fear this is going to continue, you know, because what we have seen from the outset in relationship to Covid-19 is that geopolitics has usurped science? This has been the case not only in the propaganda war but in the very way in which Trump handled the epidemic in the United States. A truth has been abandoned in favor of political polemic.


Will that change? No. I think no. The stakes are too high. The United States cannot afford its view to allow its reputation to be damaged, as it has been and will be, but it tries valiantly to distract people from the reality of thesituation. Biden has not been in some ways as bad as Trump. I mean I’m thinking here particularly that the racist language, you know, the talk of the “Kung Flu”, “Wuhan Virus”, and “China Virus” and so on, all that kind of stuff that Trump went in for which were very damaging to American public opinion.


Biden has not continued that, but in every other sense, he has, actually, in terms of the lab leak, and so on. So, I don’t expect things really to change. Covid-19 is mired in a sort of “Cold War” rhetoric, “Cold War” language, and “Cold War” assault by the United States and this is going to continue.


Thank you very much.









中国人民大学全球治理研究中心(Global Governance Research Center,RUC)成立于2017年3月9日,是北京巨丰金控科技有限公司董事长马琳女士向中国人民大学捐赠并由中国人民大学重阳金融研究院(人大重阳)负责运营管理的教育基金项目。中国人民大学全球治理研究中心由原外交部副部长、人大重阳高级研究员何亚非领衔,前中国银行副行长、国际商会执行董事、人大重阳高级研究员张燕玲担任学术委员会主任,旨在构建高层次、高水准的全球治理思想交流平台,并向社会发布高质量的全球治理研究报告,努力践行咨政、启民、伐谋、孕才的智库使命。





