惰 性 时 刻
Kairos of Inertia关音夫Guan Yinfu
学术主持:鲍栋Academic Director: Bao Dong
于强 X 葛亚曦 X 关音夫 X 鲍栋
Exhibition Talks:Yu Qiang X Ge Yaxi X Guan Yinfu X Bao Dong
2022.10.15(周六 SAT)16:00
深圳市南山区华侨城创意园北区B4栋1楼东1F East, B4, North District, OCT-LOFT, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
* 由于疫情原因,关音夫个展《惰性时刻》将于9月25日开放,展览正式开幕活动及嘉宾对谈将延迟至2022年10月15日下午4:00举办,敬请谅解。特别鸣谢艺·凯旋画廊对本次展览的支持。
From his early pieces on metallic canvas to those painted on the panels of discarded wooden crates once used to transport artworks, Guan Yinfu has always focused on the shapes and boundaries formed by distributions of colour and the motion of paint to develop his own unique style and visual language. As such, the physical properties of his materials play a particularly important role in his work, concealing (if not erasing) traditional questions of painting technique and skill. Embodiment, activity, thought, and the parallel that might exist between human body and object – the way contingency and indeterminacy develop within both – all gradually unfold in his paintings. The result is a dissolution of concrete narrative and the production, by means of the abstract composition of image and the overlapping of colour, of a new grammar of artistic expression.
Departing somewhat from the visual assault that was his dense and assertive Gravity of Eyes series, Guan Yinfu has taken a different path in this exhibition, albeit through similar terrain. The paint on the canvas has loosened its grip, acquired a certain nonchalance; what was once charged with a vigorous intensity is now slow, its persistent transformative flow now held in check by a leisurely inertia, which nonetheless languidly impels the colours and shapes on the canvas to connect, converse and jostle for space. An ancient oriental aesthetic infuses the way these elements play off one another, though here it is the material itself that spontaneously emanates this peculiar quality by way of its unrestrained and natural presence. The inertia in these works by Guan Yinfu, as well as embodying languor as a form of artistic practice, is also a response to the fast-paced and confoundingly capricious predicament in which we find ourselves – an attempt from the depths of the soul to interrogate and change it.
Zhang Er
Translated by Stephen Nashef
关音夫的重要个展有:《惰性时刻》,飞地艺术空间,深圳(2022);《肉眼重力》,艺·凯旋,北京(2022);《彩色·ROLOC》, 指纹画廊,北京(2018);《关音夫:大于等于物》,静画廊,北京(2013)。同时,他在多个美术馆和艺术机构参与群展,包括《封面》,飞地艺术空间,深圳(2021);《形势巴洛克》,北京当代,设计中国,北京(2020);《灰寂》,Tong Gallery+Projects,北京(2019);《美狮美高梅艺术收藏展》, 澳门(2018);《绘画的孤儿》,ETHAN COHEN FINE ARTS 纽约,美国(2017);《生生生Vivivid》,指纹画廊,北京(2017);《十夜——BMCA艺术文件展》,北京(2016);《不是之是:一次关于“元绘画”的个人表述》,林大画廊,北京(2014);《象与像》,大象画廊,中国台湾(2013);《绘画课Ⅱ——消极与积极的风格》,杨画廊,北京(2012);《物之屏》,千高原艺术空间,成都(2009)等。
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周二-周日 10:00-19:00