
Yang Leifeng Reported by CCTV!

EPC CentralChinaNormalUniversity 2020-08-18

On October 16th, the torch relay of the 7th CISM Military World Games began. 202 volunteers to carry the torch from CCNU took part in the activity.

Yang Leifeng relaying the torch

Yang Leifeng participated in a performance

Since Yang Leifeng (a voluntary organization in CCNU) was launched, it has been reported by many major news sources. During the preparation stage of the 7th CISM Military World Games, Yang Leifeng received an interview by CCTV. Their exemplary deeds emerged CCNUers’ elegant demeanour. 

“Volunteering is responsibility. Being one of Military World Games volunteers, I'm part of the big mission which is to “Be Heroes behind the Glory.” No matter what, I will try my best to accomplish the task that I will be given, to serve well the Military Games, to represent well CCNU and my country as well.”

——Lugazo Abubakar, Team Leader of Yang Leifeng

“I worked as a volunteer in the Athletes' Village when all athlete representatives arrived in Wuhan and settled into the Village. And every one had to go through a strict procedure of facial recognition and security checking before entering the village. This helped ensuring the safety of the Game. Also, it's commendable for all staff to stick to their positions and exert efforts to accomplish the great world event.

“There are some humanism-based services in order to meet every representatives' needs as much as possible, including  prayer rooms and  medical rooms with timely emergency treatment. Also,  intangible cultural heritage exhibitions and interactive activities, arts and cultural performances will be held. It is convenient for athletes and staff to live in the village. What a wonderful experience! I like it very much!”

“In the future, I will be resolutely responsible for volunteering service and will go wherever I am needed. Last but not least, I eagerly appeal to more friends to be volunteers, for CCNU, for Wuhan and for China!”

——Sadi Makangila Patrick, former Team Leader of Yang Leifeng

Patrick and journalist from CCTV

Video-shooting preparation

The launching ceremony of volunteer service

Initially, there were only 50 people. At present, Yang Leifeng consists of over 200 international students from more than 50 countries. They work in the field of education, transportation, environmental protection and sports etc.

This year, Yang Leifeng was awarded Best Volunteer Groups of 2018 by Hubei Province.

During the Military Games, they performed excellently and demonstrated fine spirits of CCNU. It is sincerely certain that Yang Leifeng has been a window of CCNU and will get better and better to be recognized by more people around the world.

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Planning: Carrie and Tom

Writing:Chloe and Tom

Proofreading: Sarah

Photo:Lugazo Abubakar, Sadi Makangila Patrick and CCNU YVA

Designer:Cytherea, Penny and Yan Yazhou

