
Oracle 19c RAC 遇到的几个问题

JiekeXu JiekeXu DBA之路 2024-03-03

作者 | JiekeXu

来源 |公众号 JiekeXu DBA之路(ID: JiekeXu_IT)

大家好,我是 JiekeXu,很高兴又和大家见面了,今天和大家一起来看看 Oracle 19c RAC 遇到的几个问题,欢迎点击上方蓝字关注我,标星或置顶,更多干货第一时间到达!

Oracle19c 作为长期支持的大版本,是很多公司和个人选择的主流数据库版本,很多公司新上线的系统也都是以 19C 为主,也有很多企业渐渐地迁移数据库到19C,11204 版本已经逐渐退出了舞台。下面对 Oracle 19C版本遇到的几个最主要的问题做个简单介绍。


1、Fock() 炸弹


19 RAC 使用 srvctl 无法正常启动,reboot 重启也不会随着 OS 启动而启动数据库实例。





Alert 日志报错



对应 trace



ipcs –ma 查看 Oracle 共享内存段


ipcs -q 



对应时间段的 OS message

Grid 用户资源限制情况,基本上都是无限制。

Oracle 用户资源限制情况,基本上都是无限制


使用 strace 跟踪启动过程

strace–o /tmp/strace2.log srvctl start  database -d teststb –i teststb2

strace–o /tmp/strace1.log srvctl start  database -d teststb -i teststb1




cat /etc/security/limits.conf

cat /etc/systemd/system.conf

将此参数打开修改为 infinity 然后重启主机则恢复正常。


cat /etc/systemd/system.conf|grepDefaultTasksMax#DefaultTasksMax=512DefaultTasksMax=infinity

Database And ASM InstanceOra-27300 OS System Dependent Operation Fork Failed With Status 11 (Doc ID2331884.1)

systemd limited maximumnumber of tasks that may be created on the node.This setting will alsoaffect maxpid value on the OS.



从SLES 12 SP2开始引入了PID cgroup controller,限制fork()的并发数,避免fork()炸弹。由配置参数DefaultTasksMax控制,缺省值为512,该值比较小,不适用于数据库运行的环境,需要修改为大于等于65536,在此修改为infinity(无限制)。




test1:~ #systemctl show --property DefaultTasksMax




# vi /etc/systemd/system.conf



3)、reboot OS



oracle@test1:~>systemctl show --property DefaultTasksMax



2、客户端问题 ORA-28040

前置条件:已安装Oracle11g客户端,配置好环境变量,用PL/SQL Developer登录数据库


在oracle 19C服务器端oracle用户下:



sqlplus / as sysdbaalter session set container=服务名; --如果使用 pdb 需要切换到 pdb 修改。alter user 用户名 identified by 密码;




打补丁报错 Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed。


testrac1:~# /app/app/ apply /app/soft/32226239
OPatchautosession is initiated at Thu Mar 415:27:50 2022
Systeminitialization log file is /app/app/
Sessionlog file is /app/app/ for this session is U4JFExecutingOPatch prereq operations to verify patch applicability on home/app/app/oracle/product/ prereq operations to verify patch applicability on home/app/app/ verified successfully on home /app/app/ verified successfully on home/app/app/oracle/product/ validation checks on home /app/app/ checks successfully completed on home /app/app/ validation checks on home /app/app/oracle/product/ checks successfully completed on home/app/app/oracle/product/
VerifyingSQL patch applicability on home /app/app/oracle/product/"/bin/sh-c 'cd /app/app/oracle/product/;ORACLE_HOME=/app/app/oracle/product/ ORACLE_SID=piccyx1/app/app/oracle/product/ -prereq-verbose'" command failed with errors. Please refer to logs for more details.SQL changes, if any, can be analyzed by manually retrying the same command.
SQLpatch applicability verified successfully on home/app/app/oracle/product/
Preparingto bring down database service on home /app/app/oracle/product/ home /app/app/oracle/product/ to bring down databaseservice
Bringingdown CRS service on home /app/app/ log file location: /app/app/grid/crsdata/testrac1/crsconfig/crs_prepatch_apply_inplace_testrac1_2022-03-04_03-29-01PM.logCRSservice brought down successfully on home /app/app/
Performingprepatch operation on home /app/app/oracle/product/ completed successfully on home/app/app/oracle/product/
Startapplying binary patch on home /app/app/oracle/product/ applying binary patches on home /app/app/oracle/product/
Executionof [OPatchAutoBinaryAction] patch action failed, check log for more details.Failures:PatchTarget : testrac1->/app/app/oracle/product/ Type[rac]Details:[---------------------------PatchingFailed---------------------------------Commandexecution failed during patching in home:/app/app/oracle/product/, host: testrac1.Commandfailed: /app/app/oracle/product/ apply /app/soft/32226239 -oh/app/app/oracle/product/ -target_type rac_database -binary-invPtrLoc /app/app/ -jre/app/app/ -persistresult/app/app/oracle/product/ /app/app/oracle/product/ output: ==Followingpatches FAILED in apply:
Patch:/app/soft/32226239/32218454Log:/app/app/oracle/product/ Failed during Patching:oracle.opatch.opatchsdk.OPatchException: Prerequisite check"CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.
Afterfixing the cause of failure Run opatchauto resume]OPATCHAUTO-68061:The orchestration engine failed.OPATCHAUTO-68061:The orchestration engine failed with return code 1OPATCHAUTO-68061:Check the log for more details.OPatchAutofailed.OPatchautosession completed at Thu Mar 4 15:31:152022Timetaken to complete the session 3 minutes, 25 seconds
opatchauto failed with error code 42



tail -100f/app/app/oracle/product/
[Mar4, 2022 3:31:14 PM] [INFO] Finishfuser command /bin/fuser /app/app/oracle/product/ atThu Mar 04 15:31:14 CST 2021[Mar4, 2022 3:31:14 PM] [INFO] Followingactive executables are not used by opatch process : /app/app/oracle/product/ /app/app/oracle/product/ Followingactive executables are used by opatch process :[Mar4, 2022 3:31:14 PM] [INFO] Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed. The detailsare:
Following active executables are not used byopatch process : /app/app/oracle/product/ /app/app/oracle/product/ Following active executables are used byopatch process :[Mar4, 2022 3:31:15 PM] [SEVERE] OUI-67073:UtilSessionfailed: Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.[Mar4, 2022 3:31:15 PM] [INFO] FinishingUtilSession at Thu Mar 04 15:31:15 CST 2022[Mar4, 2021 3:31:15 PM] [INFO] Log filelocation: /app/app/oracle/product/




fuser/app/app/oracle/product/ 109054m

kill 掉占用的进程

kill-9 89500

kill-9 109054



fuser/app/app/oracle/product/ /app/app/oracle/product/


testrac1:~# /app/app/ resume


4、CRS-6706 patchlevel 不一致


19.3.RAC 的 2 节点打补丁失败,导致2节点集群无法启动报错:


[root@testrac2 soft]#/u01/app/ start crsCRS-6706: OracleClusterware Release patch level ('4203896349') does not match Software patchlevel ('724960844'). Oracle Clusterware cannot be started.CRS-4000: Command Startfailed, or completed with errors.

从报错补丁 patch level 不一致导致。然后查看 mos


1. Run the following command as the root user tocomplete the patching set up behind the scenes:
#GI_HOME/bin:> ./clscfg -localpatch
2. Run the following command as the root user tolock the GI home:
#GI_HOME/crs/install:> ./rootcrs.sh -lock
3. Run the following command as the root user tostart the GI:
#GI_HOME/bin:> ./crsctl start crs
执行:[root@testrac2 bin]#./clscfg -localpatch[root@testrac2install]# ./rootcrs.sh -lock[root@testrac2 bin]#./crsctl start crs




CRS-6706: OracleClusterware Release patch level ('nnn') does not match Software patch level('mmm') (文档 ID 1639285.1)
Patching GridInfrastructure gives error CRS-6706: Oracle Clusterware Release Patch Level('748994161') Does Not Match Software Patch Level (文档 ID 2348013.1)

5、内存大页配置过低 ORA-27106

由于内存大页配置小于 SGA 导致数据库无法启动。可调大HugePages内存大页或者改小 SGA,对于HugePages内存大页设置问题后面单独说明。

推荐阅读 Mos 文档:

最常见的5个导致 RAC 实例崩溃的问题 (文档 ID1549191.1)

诊断 GridInfrastructure 启动问题 (文档 ID1623340.1)

RAC 环境中最常见的 5 个数据库和/或实例性能问题 (文档 ID 1602076.1)

如何诊断 11.2 集群节点驱逐问题 (文档 ID 1674872.1)

Grid Infrastructure 启动的五大问题 (文档 ID 1526147.1)

Crs Components Are NotStarting After Server Reboot (文档 ID1152653.1)

Troubleshooting 10g and 11.1Clusterware Reboots (文档 ID265769.1)

Troubleshooting 11.2 or 12.1Grid Infrastructure root.sh Issues (文档 ID 1053970.1)

11gR2 Clusterware 和 Grid Home – 你需要知道的事 (文档 ID 2225748.1)

VIP, SCAN VIP/Listener FailsOver and Listener Stops After Short Public Network Hiccup (文档 ID 1333165.1)

How to change Hostname / IPfor a Grid Infrastructure Oracle Restart Standalone Configuration (SIHA) (文档 ID 1552810.1)

How to disable Automatic VIPfailback (文档 ID1280218.1)

导致 Scan VIP和 Scan Listener(监听程序)出现故障的最常见的5 个问题 (文档 ID 1602038.1)

How To Configure Server SideTransparent Application Failover (文档 ID 460982.1)

How To Configure Server SideTransparent Application Failover (文档 ID 460982.1)

Rebalance of one diskgroupdismounted another diskgroup as disks were offlined (文档 ID 1525330.1)最常见的5个导致 RAC 实例崩溃的问题 (文档 ID 1549191.1)

诊断 GridInfrastructure 启动问题 (文档 ID1623340.1)

RAC 环境中最常见的 5 个数据库和/或实例性能问题 (文档 ID 1602076.1)

如何诊断 11.2 集群节点驱逐问题 (文档 ID 1674872.1)

Grid Infrastructure 启动的五大问题 (文档 ID 1526147.1)

Crs Components Are NotStarting After Server Reboot (文档 ID1152653.1)

Troubleshooting 10g and 11.1Clusterware Reboots (文档 ID265769.1)

Troubleshooting 11.2 or 12.1Grid Infrastructure root.sh Issues (文档 ID 1053970.1)

11gR2 Clusterware 和 Grid Home – 你需要知道的事 (文档 ID 2225748.1)

VIP, SCAN VIP/Listener FailsOver and Listener Stops After Short Public Network Hiccup (文档 ID 1333165.1)

How to change Hostname / IPfor a Grid Infrastructure Oracle Restart Standalone Configuration (SIHA) (文档 ID 1552810.1)

How to disable Automatic VIPfailback (文档 ID1280218.1)

导致 Scan VIP和 Scan Listener(监听程序)出现故障的最常见的5 个问题 (文档 ID 1602038.1)

How To Configure Server SideTransparent Application Failover (文档 ID 460982.1)

How To Configure Server SideTransparent Application Failover (文档 ID 460982.1)

Rebalance of one diskgroupdismounted another diskgroup as disks were offlined (文档 ID 1525330.1)


❤️ 欢迎关注我的公众号,来一起玩耍吧!!!

公众号:JiekeXu DBA之路
CSDN :https://blog.csdn.net/JiekeXu

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Oracle 19c RAC 遇到的几个问题

JiekeXu JiekeXu DBA之路

