

拼搏向上的 通大外院voice 2024-03-07

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Yang Chengwu Flying away from Luding Bridge

The Luding Bridge was built in the 44th year of Kangxi reign in the Qing Dynasty. It is a famous iron cable bridge in our country and the only way between Sichuan and Kangding and Tibet area. The bridge is located between cliffs on both sides of the east and west of Dadu River. It is connected by 13 thick iron rings in which 9 rings as bridge decks and 4 as bridge rails. Luding Bridge was covered with sparse wooden planks. It is 200 meters in length, 2.8 meters in width, and more than 30 meters above the water. The turbulent water in the river slapped against the rocks, generating a thunderous bang which is loud enough to wake the dead.

In the early morning of May 28, 1935, Yang Chengwu received orders from Regiment commander Lin Biao and political commissar Nie Rongzhen that they should march at the highest speed day and night and arrive at Luding Bridge before 6 o'clock on the 29th. After setting off, the Fourth Regiment of Red Army almost "raced" across the river with the enemy on the other side. During the march, they climbed over two forbidden mountains and wiped out another battalion of the enemy on the way. When it was more than 100 li (50 KM) away from Luding Bridge, they encountered a heavy rainstorm. Kuomintang troops on the other side of the river rushed to reinforce Luding Bridge with torches. It was so dark that Yang Chengwu ordered the troops to go to villages nearby to purchase bamboo fences to make torches, confusing the enemy on the other side and took risks to go all out towards Luding Bridge.

The wound on Yang Chengwu's leg hadn't healed yet, and it was very inconvenient for him to walk on foot. Everyone advised him to ride a horse, but he still pulled on the reins and insisted on walking with the troop. The Fourth Regiment of Red Army marched 240 li (120 KM) in one single day and night on the 28th, and arrived at the west bank of Luding Bridge at dawn on the 29th. The enemy never expected that the Red Army arrived so quickly just like soldiers in God’s army.

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In order to capture Luding Bridge as soon as possible, Yang Chengwu and Wang Kaixiang first led the cadres of battalions and companies to the riverside to check the terrain. At noon, a cadre meeting was held in a Shaba Catholic Church. During the meeting, a shell fell on the roof of the church and exploded a big hole. At the meeting, all the companies asked for a battle assignment, and it was agreed that 22 Communist party members and activists from the second company set up a commando team.

At 4 PM on May 29, Yang Chengwu stood on the bridge and directed the attack in person. All the weapons fired at the opposite bank. The sound of trumpets, guns, and shouts shocked the valley. Twenty two assault soldiers armed with submachine guns, sabers on their backs, 12 grenades around their waists stepped on suspended iron ropes, and crawled forward in the dense bullets with the help of bridge rails. The third company is the second batch, with each soldier carrying a wooden board, paving the bridge and moving forward. As soon as the assault soldiers rushed to the end of the bridge, the enemy suddenly set fire at the end of the bridge and at the west gate to prevent Red Army from advancing. The bridge was blocked by a skyrocketing fire, and these twenty two soldiers rushed out of the fire and occupied the eastern part of the bridge. After two hours of fierce fighting, most of the enemy were wiped out. All the bullets and grenades of the assault soldiers were used up with only 3 casualties. 

At dusk, the Fourth Regiment of Red Army conquered Luding City, and Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, and the main Red Army troops all crossed Dadu River from Luding Bridge on June 2. The capture of Luding Bridge indicates a decisive victory and also paved the way to the north for the Central Red Army. 



翻译 | 刘道影

审校 |宋建清

诵读 | 刘道影



审核 | 王媛媛  陈习



拼搏向上的 通大外院voice

