
Amieeats | Sewing Machine Coffee

Amiee Cai TheWondermelon 2020-11-09





本周的【Amieeats】想和大家分享的是一家空间小、口味超赞、被无数咖啡师朋友种草的网红咖啡店 —— Sewing Machine Coffee 缝纫机咖啡。

Hey guys, I hope you are doing well. Wondering where to grab some nice coffee and enjoy the sunny spring weather with your friends? Oh well, great news, 【Amieeats】is back!

Chengdu has been waking up to the growth in small independent cafes. I noticed a lot of new cafes opening before and after Chinese New Year, guess now there’s a long list of cafes waiting for me to check them out and cross off.  

As I mentioned in almost every Amieeats posts, I’m a big latte lover, my go-to order at a new café will always be a latte. But there’s a new trendy café in Chengdu that I really like to go lately completely changed my mind, they only serve flat white and I’m loving it! So this week’s 【Amieeats】 is sharing the smallest café in Chengdu that sells the best flat white — Sewing Machine Coffee.   


Amieeats Vol. 13:

Sewing Machine Coffee









口味/Taste 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉

环境/Environment 🍉🍉🍉🍉

服务/Service 🍉🍉🍉🍉

价格/Price 💰💰 



迷你的店铺、省钱但个性的设计、没有特殊含义的店名、高性价比还超好喝的咖啡、有点佛系非常酷话不多的主理人Andy,都是喜欢这家店的理由。头两次去的时候尝试跟Andy聊天愣是把天给聊死了,真是非常的尴尬,几度怀疑自己真的是个话题终结者。尤其是第二次带着从新加坡来成都玩的朋友Alvin去喝,很热情地跟Andy打招呼被直接忽略,这么囧的事情应该也就被我遇上了吧。导致后来再去缝纫机都是以超简短的点单和一句"谢谢“完成整个对话,然后每次在ins上发澳白的照片时,Alvin都会来问我一声"这次老板记住你了没?",我只能隔着屏幕笑笑摇摇头, 估计还是没有吧。


Right next to Five Elephant Coffee and in between two clothing stores, there lies the smallest cafe in Chengdu and you can easily miss the shop if you don’t pay close attention as there’s no clear sign of the store. With less than 7 square meters of space in rustic retro interiors, there’s nothing much inside the store but a second hand lever espresso machine and a record player. With only a few seats available, it still doesn’t stop coffee loves from popping in for a quick coffee or lining up. Strongly recommended by lots of local baristas and influencers after its opening, the line does go out the door during the weekend. 

The name of this cafe is originated from the second hand sewing machine Andy bought from a flea market. There’s no special meaning behind the name, it’s just a random thought popped into Andy’s mind when he was having chuanchuan, and he liked the idea right away. 

As the owner and the only barista of the cafe, Andy is not very talkative, and he always answers your questions briefly. After two failed attempts trying to have a smooth conversation with him, our conversation only limited to ordering purpose now lol. Less talking, more high-quality coffee. He always recommends the best type of beans for your coffee based on your preference and trust me, you will love it and can’t stop drinking. I always end up having 2-3 cups of flat white there, it’s so delicious and addictive!   

噢对了豆子菜单经常更换 | p.s. The menu changes pretty frequently




If there’s anything Sewing Machine is known for, it’s their rich, flavorful, yet not pricy flat white. With only 18 to 30 RMB, you will be able to get your caffeine fix with a good selection of flat whites made of different coffee beans. 

My personal favorite beans are【House Flat White】 and 【Janson Geisha】. You can choose the coffee beans based on the menu or what’s still available that day when you arrive. If you are indecisive like me, or just don’t feel like make a choice, just tell Andy to make a flat white, and the order is done and the taste never fails you! It just feels so amazing! 

Right now, there are new beans for sale. You can either take those ready-made bottled coffee home for only 20 RMB which lasts 7 days, or you can purchase the drip coffees package which contains 5 different type of beans for 40 RMB. 


Sewing Machine Coffee

Add.: 成华区双桥路151号附3号


周一至周日 12 pm —8 pm (Mon - Sun)

151-3 Shuangqiao Road 

Chenghua District

(10 mins walk from Line 4 Shuangqiao Road Station Exit D)




If you are looking for a good flat white in a cool unique coffee place, then Sewing Machine Coffee is the right place for you. In the midst of chaos, keep calm and have a coffee.

Sharing is caring, stay tuned for next Amieeats:)

Photo credit: @elfintanned


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