
Steps to Deleting Multiple WeChat Contacts at Once

Pasha 宝安外语协会 2022-08-17

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WeChat has truly made our lives easier by connecting us with friends and relatives, as well as services that we need to use every day.

But something that many people still think WeChat needs to improve is user management when it comes to cleaning up users that one no longer needs to interract with.

For example, some people suggested that WeChat enables an easier way to see who deleted or blocked them, a feature that users need to send a message first to the other user to confirm that the said user has deleted or blocked them.

Now that is a topic for another day, because today we will only talk about deleting multiple users that you don't wish to maintain contact with anymore.

This method needs a few steps to follow before one is able to delete those contacts, but it saves time and is more convenient than going through each contact and deleting them one by one.


1- Go to the Contacts page and create a new tag for users that you'd like to delete by following the steps below:

Tap on "Tags"

After you tap "Tags", then choose a menu button at the bottom-left, "New Tag" as shown below.

Here, choose "New Tag"

On the "Contact Tags" page, choose "New Tag" at the bottom-left corner of the page and create a new Contact Tag, give it a unique name, for me I will call it "To Be Deleted."


The new tag will not become active unless you add new members, so tap "Add Members" to add contacts that you wish to delete them.

Add contacts that you wish to delete and tap "Done" button at the top-right when you have completed this step.

2- Go back to the first page of WeChat or the Contacts page and follow the steps below

On either the first page of WeChat or Contacts page, input the tag name you gave to contacts to be deleted on a search box, I will input "To Be Deleted", as that is the name I used for the tag.

The search will come up with all contacts tagged on the name you input.

Tap "More contacts" to reveal all contacts which are tagged with the name you input, for me all the contacts tagged "To Be Deleted" will show up. On the following page, choose "Manage".

After you choose "Manage", there will be an option to choose which ones you want to delete, so select each one and tap "Delete" at the bottom.

After selecting "Delete", you will be prompted to confirm deletion and that is it! This way you can delete 100s of contacts at once, saving you time.

This method has a few steps to follow, but it beats choosing each one contact and deleting one by one. Hope it was helpful to you!

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