
在ESCP法国欧洲高等商学院暑期交换是什么体验?(上)Unique Exchange Experience at ESCP

浙大ZIBS 浙大ZIBS 2023-03-30

During this summer holiday, Hiba Tebay and Samuel Ivaska, international students of iMF Program, were the first batch of exchange students to spend a month in Paris at ESCP Europe. The two students reflect on their enriching and exciting exchange experience at ESCP. Let's hear what did Hiba say about this unique experience!

暑假期间,ZIBS 2021级金融硕士国际生Hiba Tebay和Samuel Ivaska作为首批交换生赴巴黎ESCP Europe进行了为期一个月的交换学习。本期让我们一起跟随Hiba Tebay的脚步,听听她在巴黎的交换生活中都有哪些收获和体会吧!

▲Hiba Tebay(左)与Samuel Ivaska(右)

I encourage every ZIBS student to apply this program and enjoy the experience of studying and living in Paris. It is a very unique and amazing experience to have!


Learning Experience

I took part in ZIBS x ESCP exchange program in summer 2022. I had a very positive experience both personally and academically.

I enrolled in two courses which were negotiation bootcamp and art thinking. Negotiation bootcamp was very enriching and thought in a very interactive manner, I learned different negotiation strategies and I had the chance to use my newly acquired knowledge in real life simulations using previous company negotiations. The professor was very accommodating and knowledgeable.  

Art thinking on the other hand was a very new subject to me and opened my eyes to new perspectives. I learned what art is and how it is created, and was able to let my creativity take rain and guide me and my team in creating a unique art piece from scratch. In all transparency, having the opportunity to learn more about art in the city of art is a once in a life time chance.

我在2022年夏季参加了ZIBS x ESCP交换项目,无论是从个人体验还是学业收获来看,都可谓不虚此行。




Campus Life

ESCP republic campus is a historical building with a lot of charm and pure Parisian architecture. Everything was available to us whether it’s a library or games to play with classmates in our free time. The location is also very convenient as it is in the 11th arrondissement of Paris, close to shops and restaurants, which is also very important for international students.

Student life at ESCP was very active, there were new activities at the campus every day and at the end of the day everyone gathers at the courtyard for good music and great networking. International student association was also very welcoming and provided us with everything we needed. They organized a boat ride for international exchange students which was very interesting and allowed us to see Paris from a new lens.




Life in Paris

My experience in Paris was great, I met many new friends to keep for a lifetime and tried so many new things. The most important one for me in Paris was meeting other international students from all around the world. We met at ESCP and since then I learnt and spent some of the best moments of my life with them. This international experience is very enriching and unique. I can say after this exchange I now have a better idea of who I am and who I want to be.



Advice for Future Exchange Students

My advice for the next exchange students going to ESCP Paris would be open, embrace new experiences, connect with as many people as possible, and spend a lot of time exploring the city.

Paris is a very accessible city, metro and bus lines will take you anywhere you want and e-bikes and scooters are available to ride. The city is also very beautiful to discover on foot. Must see places in Paris are the top of the Eiffel tower, Seine River to watch Eiffel tower sparkle at night, Opera Garnier in the evening to dance and watch people dance, Sacré-Coeur to admire Paris from one of the most beautiful hills and walk in Montmartre at the sunset.




Thank you to Hiba for sharing her colourful time in Paris with us. Don't miss Samuel's unique memories of ESCP Europe and Paris next time! 

感谢Hiba同学与我们分享她在巴黎交换的多彩时光,是否还想进一步了解同学们异彩纷呈的交换生活?不要错过下期Samuel同学对于ESCP Europe和巴黎的独特记忆!

Following the successful cooperation between Zhejiang University International Business School (ZIBS) and ECSP Europe (ESCP) and as per the terms of the MOU, ZIBS and ESCP have confirmed to develop collaboration in Student Exchange programme. The purpose is to exchange graduate master students studying at ZIBS Master of Finance (iMF) with an equivalent number of graduate students studying at ESCP Europe Master in Management (MIM). 

2022年3月23日浙江大学国际联合商学院(ZIBS)与ESCP Europe法国欧洲高等商学院线上签署双学位及交换生协议。两院开展管理和金融硕士双学位联合培养项目和交换生项目,共同培养当代发展急需的金融管理国际化人才。



电话:0571 8757 2609


编辑|陈槭丽莎 李诗馨

责编|沈莉 洪真真


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