
ZIBSer风采 | 读万卷书,行万里路 — 疫情下的国际友谊(with English)

ZIBS Ambassador 浙大ZIBS 2022-12-22

“The iMF program at ZIBS is more than 

a degree from a top university.”



Leon Nikolai Reichert


Although our international students are still unable to study on campus due to the pandemic, Leon, ZIBS Ambassador, has made an effort to balance online learning with offline activities, especially connecting with international students offline. Let's hear his story at ZIBS!

尽管受疫情影响,国际学生仍不能入境线下学习,但来自ZIBS金融硕士(iMF)项目的2021级德国学生Leon却在线下搭起了同学们的友谊之桥。让我们一起来认识一下这位ZIBS Ambassador吧!

“The ZIBS Master of Finance is not only extremely interesting but also provides the skills and tools needed for a thorough understanding of the global and Chinese financial markets. It finds the perfect balance between knowledge transfer and application with python, excel, stata and more. Moreover, both the entire ZIBS staff as well as my fellow students were always extremely helpful and did their best to make everything work especially with the online courses.” 


The ZIBS-iMF Program

The iMF program at ZIBS is more than a degree from a top university. Thanks to the guest speakers and lecturers from diverse background, we gain a lot of valuable insights that go far beyond general academic knowledge. Learning from successful industry professionals is such a valuable addition to the program, especially in the fast-changing world of fintech.



Faculty & staff

For the past 10 months I have been studying online due to border restrictions. To be honest, students have more difficulties studying online and it is harder to always stay up to date, but you can really feel how committed the ZIBS-staff are to supporting us and I feel like we are all one team! I am very grateful for the help and support from the faculties and staff at ZIBS.



Fellow students

Not only have I met many Chinese students online at ZIBS, but I have also had the opportunity to meet some of the international students from all over the world. There is an old saying in China that says "read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles" and I love to travel while studying. I was lucky enough to meet my fellow students in Nairobi, Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur. Getting to know my fellow students was always great fun and an absolute highlight of the program!



Getting your head free

Following the courses, applying for internships and preparing your master thesis can be quite challenging at times. Therefore, having hobbies like freediving, chess or skiing can be the perfect opportunity to free your mind for a few hours and focus on yourself. 



The future

Just this month I was able to get a great traineeship related to wealth management in Switzerland. During the application process, the ZIBS-iMF program made me stand out among competitors since Zhejiang University is internationally well-respected and the focus of the program is on the newest innovations and research in Fintech and Finance in general. I hope to put my professional knowledge into practice during my internship.



我们持续向所有的ZIBSer开启ZIBS Ambassador招募通道,不限国籍、不限专业;打破距离、跨越地区和国家,与ZIBS共成长!

The ZIBS Ambassador Recruitment Channel is now open to all ZIBSers for selection.

Please join and grow with us!

想获得ZIBS Ambassador的专属工牌




Want to get the exclusive badge

of ZIBS Ambassador?

Want to work in an international environment

Want to get an internship with diverse experience?

Contact us NOW!

Ms. 翟潇 ZHAI Xiao

0573 - 87572603





The Master of Finance program (iMF) is a professional master's program featuring financial technology and open to both Chinese and foreign students. iMF program is dedicated to developing leaders with global vision, holistic thinking and impeccable professionalism. Students will be well equipped with principles of finance and information analysis and the ability to excel in the finance and technology industries, becoming globally competitive practitioners of finance.





• ZIBSer风采 | 除了桑巴足球,这个国家还有多少宝藏?

• ZIBSer风采 | 我在ZIBS收获了知识与成长(with English)

• ZIBSer风采 | 发现一枚ZIBS真爱粉!


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