ZIBSer风采 | 发现一枚ZIBS真爱粉!
I am a BIG FAN of ZIBS!
Nova 康潾瀯
GCM 2021
上周,GCM项目的韩国学生推广大使ZIBS Ambassador——Nova(康潾瀯)接受了海宁融媒体中心的采访,畅谈了自己为何来中国留学、为何选择浙大ZIBS,以及在海宁的生活体会。(点击这里阅读采访原文)
Nova (KANG INYOUNG), a Korean freshman majoring in Global Communication and Management (GCM) at ZIBS. Last week, Nova was interviewed by Haining Media Center, talking about why she came to study in China, what made her choose ZIBS and sharing her life experience in Haining.
Not the first time Nova has come to China, her love for China stemmed from a study tour in high school. However, her understanding of Haining was limited when she chose ZIBS at Zhejiang University’s International Campus.
So why did she make this important decision? What are the characteristics of the GCM program that made her firmly choose ZIBS among all those top universities in China?
Let's check the video to reveal the answer!
作为ZIBS的真爱粉,Nova最近也成为了ZIBS Ambassador的新晋成员,将协助ZIBS项目团队助力在韩国市场的推广和宣传。
我们持续向所有的ZIBSer开启ZIBS Ambassador招募通道,不限国籍、不限专业;打破距离、跨越地区和国家,与ZIBS共成长!
As a big fan of ZIBS, Nova has recently become a new member of ZIBS Ambassador and will assist the school to promote in the Korean market.
The ZIBS Ambassador Recruitment Channel is now open to all ZIBSers for selection.
Please join and grow with us!
想获得ZIBS Ambassador的专属工牌?
Want to get the exclusive badge
of ZIBS Ambassador?
Want to work in an international environment?
Want to get an internship with diverse experience?
Contact us NOW!
Ms. 翟潇 ZHAI Xiao
0573 - 87572603
BA Global Communications and Management, the most popular English-taught undergraduate program for international students at Zhejiang University. The trailblazing program is the first of its kind to combine management, finance, communication and China studies into an interdisciplinary platform for international students. English is the primary language of instruction, with Chinese being used in applied settings and research. Cross-cultural communication is stressed throughout the program.
编辑|陈槭丽莎 王璐瑶
智启时代,数创未来,ZIBS DigiFin-Global学术论坛圆满落幕
院长之声 | 踵事增华向未来,履践致远谋新篇 The Best Time For ZIBS Is Yet To Come